Klonoa: Empire of Dreams
Poor Klonoa! He can't catch a break. Klonoa wakes up in a strange world as complete strangers barge through the door and arrest him. The emperor Jillius has sentenced him to death for a most treacherous crime: dreaming. Jillius is just jealous, due to the fact that he has insomnia, because he, himself, can't dream. What a jerk. Anyhoo, Klonoa can only gain his freedom by defeating the four monsters that are running amok in the world. So off he and his pal Huepow go to defend the world once more!
Isn't Klonoa great? This game seems to be the Moonlight Museum we never got, a puzzle game with lots of adventure! It seems to have taken a few ideas from Lunatea's Veil, as you get to ride Klonoa's board on certain stages. That theif! I can't believe he stole that right out of Lunatea!!! In each level, you collect Dream Stones, 30 in each, but the main object is to collect 3 stars. You have to collect them to beat the stage.
The characters in this game are interesting... Aside from the fellows at the castle, Klonoa first meets up with a bunch of brawlers. And when I say brawlers, I mean it. Klonoa politely asks for help, and the guy smacks him! Poor Klonoa! And then someone from behind comes up.. and smacks Klonoa again! Oh dear. The object of the actual game, though, has Klonoa running to 4 different villages/cities trying to find the locations of the 4 monsters. When he finds them, he fights them, and when he defeats them, he is rewarded with a hint that leads to the reason why monsters have been appearing. After all this has been done, he has to go back to the castle for a little mystery solving.
Note: Beating the end boss will open up a new level for you to play. That's about all the special features this game packs.
Hint: If you get stuck, are running short on extra lives and are at 1 HP... go to your START menu and hit Retry. Might as well do it over again without wasting a life.

Sometimes you get an opportunity to skip a level or so on the way. Don't skip it. In doing so, you get the extra level. Even if you beat the end boss, if you didn't beat all the levels, you won't get the extra vision.
Klonoa saves all the people from the monsterous forms they had become, then stops Bagoo. Emperor Jillius appears to be hurt after the final battle, so Klonoa hurries over to check on him. Jillius tells Klonoa that he was wrong, and that he should be helping his people carry out their dreams, not trying to prevent them. After this noble talk, Klonoa offers his hand to help Jillius, who reaches out to take it, but then he passes out. Klonoa and Huepow are frantic. And then Jillius wakes up. Klonoa and Huepow are gone, and he realizes it was all a dream. He addresses his people then, telling them he would help carry out their dreams, and that they should all have a dream to strive for. He mentions how Klonoa defeated the monsters in his own dream, and all the people are happy because they can dream again. Jillius thanks Klonoa, who appears in the sky with Huepow. How original.
The End!
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