Presently NUTS is closed due to financial reasons.
We hope to be operating again starting in August 2012.


This school apologizes to the students who received their diplomas written on napkins.


National University and Technical School was opened in 1996 by the Poly-Technical Partners of Montana. In 1999, after the death of the majority owner, it was sold to Apostles of the New Earth (ANE). In 2000, The ANE sold their students to another college and issued their diplomas on napkins. Students and former graduates rioted and forced the ANE to close the campus. After the bankruptcy, its campus was purchased by the Tagoma Institute and its lab equipment was purchased by the Alabama Pacific University (APU). The Lower Intra Continental Institute purchased the naming rights and history to National from APU in early 2006. The owners of LICI are considering using the National University and Technical School brand to better leverage market share in Poland and Online. Transcripts are available via LICI.


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