Grand Amitabha Puja & Grand Drolma Yuldok Puja  
Grand Amitabha Puja & Grand Drolma Yuldok Puja

The Karma Kagyu Dharma Society Melaka held a 3 day Grand Amitabha Puja commencing on 19th August, 2001 and followed by another 3 days of Grand Drolma Yuldok Puja. We concluded the 6 day Pujas with the release of lives and a farewell dinner for the Vajra Master, The Ven. Bayoe Rinpoche, his 2 Lamas and his excellent translator.

The response from the public was overwhelming and it was very encouraging to note that there were many new participants. The Pujas were certainly a success and we attribute the success to the compassionate Rinpoche who tirelessly conducted a series of pujas and tshog offerings and gave empowerments and blessings to the devotees, the 2 hard working Lamas, members of the Working Committee for the Pujas, the countless volunteers, the generous sponsors, the participants and the friendly Chinese press to whom we say " Thuk Je Che ", " Thank You " and " Shey- Shey " for all your effort and support.

We had taken some photographs during the Pujas which we would like to share with you all .

KKDS Melaka

A tent was specially erected to set up the tablets for the Chang Chog Pujas. 
Many people came for the Amitabha Empowerment which was held on the first night of the Grand Amitabha Puja and received the blessings of the Rinpoche. 
The Rinpoche and the Lamas were doing the Green Tara Puja before the dispatching of the "Serak ". Many participants joined the Rinpoche in reciting " Homage to 21 Taras " during the Puja. 
The " Demon Palace ". Each participant was given a small amount of dough which was made from a mixture of flour, oats, water and oil. The participants would rub the dough on their body, symbolising the removal of their defilements accumulated from the beginless of time and the dough would then be placed at the foot of the " Palace " as an offering to the Demon King. Besides the dough, the participants also offered a bit of their hair, nail , clothes, money , biscuits, sweets, vegetables, rice and various types of beans to appease the Demon King. 
The participants with concentration and devotion following thepuja which demonstrated their good practice and discipline. 

The Rinpoche and the Lamas were performing the final puja before the burning of the "Serak". 

Auspicious lamp offering by the devotees throughout the Pujas.
Burning the " Demon Palace " symbolised the actual offering to the " Demon King ". 

The Rinpoche and the Lamas reciting the prayer before the release of frogs and over 10,000 fishes in a lake in Ayer Keroh and over 100 crickets in the open field. 
The Rinpoche sprinkled some dharma pills into each plastic bags containing the frogs, fish and the crickets before they were released to their natural habitat. 
The farewell dinner for the Rinpoche was held in a vegetarian restaurant. Over 70 people attended the dinner. There were 10 prizes for the lucky draw and the Rinpoche was asked to pick the numbers and thereafter to give away the hampers. It was fun and everyone enjoyed themselves. 



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