Venerable Pora Tulku Rinpoche lit up the Lamp signifying the grand opening of the Medicine Buddha Puja Event at The Karma Kagyu Dharma Society in Melaka on 11th June, 2000. Imaculable sentient beings will benefit from these puja event, and the blessing by celestial beings and deities is shared throughout the realms of samsara.
Devas praised and offered their protection and eliminate obstacles to those participating in the event.
The new Medicine Buddha sits gracefully on the grand throne in KKDS Melaka. Continous stream of blessings from Medicine Buddha to all devotees who came to pray and pay respect with true devotion. Statues are common representation of the Buddhas or Bodhisattvas in the Nirmanakaya Form that is preceivable through the human eyes. This relative aspect of our preception is important so that we could devote and turn our minds towards the Dharma until we acheive the ultimate liberation like all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the past, present and future.
In the Sang Dewa Ceremony. Rinpoche is seen blessing animals before releasing back to their natural habitat. Total count of ten thousand fish, snails, birds and tortoises bought from the market and pet shops were released on this auspicious day (16th June, 2000) and the teaching told that the chances of these beings reborn into a higher realm in their next lives is greater but still dependant on their own reduced Karma.
20 devotees took refuge from Ven. Pora Tulku Rinpoche, this is the first step all Vajrayana practitioners have to take and vow to take similar refuge until the day they attain enlightenment. They were given a Dharma name by Rinpoche ceremonially and and recite refuge prayers and vows in the presence of Rinpoche. It is also said that when one breaks any vow (samaya) one has to renew it within 3 hours in the presence of a Bodhisattva, if not one will bear the consequences of the negative Karma that will follow one like one's own shadow.
Preparing the "Demons Palace" for the Dispatching of Serak ritual. Demon here means Mara and his followers, another definition of this is our very own inner demons (klesha) or confused mind that is easily provoked by materialistic things. The Buddha says that all things are impermanent, it is called impermanence as all things are made our from other particles and does not last. It will one day collpase or dissolve back into the atmosphere. Likewise our body which is dependant upon food for survival, but then food comes from other sources like meat, vegetable and others that can be easily be detailed out and the components it is made out from. Therefore when one dies, their body is reabsorbed back into the atmosphere or to other source. Only the mind or conciousness will travel based on our very one's Karma that leads to rebirth again and again in this samsara.
This is indeed a very profound ritual when comes to Tibetan Buddhism traditions for reasons to cultivate the Ultimate Bodhicitta or Compassion Mind. Many a person when attending Dharma Teaching or Initiation with the hope of achieving liberation in present or planting the positive Dharmic seed for the next lives. But not all sentient beings have the good Karma to be reborn into realm where Dharma is flourishing. On top of that not all beings has the capability to cultivate the Ultimate Wisdom. There are non-wisdom beings (visible or invincible) who creates obstacles in our practices very similar to a bad friend we have in this present life who tries to leads us away from practicing the precious Dharma. Dispatching of Serak with the main intention to turn negative to positive in thoughts and action. It is so very important in this degenerate age where the  Dharma is heading a different direction and the present society tends to follow suit the opposite direction that leads to more intense suffering in this samsara. 
Rinpoche and Lamas performing the Green Tara Puja before Dispatching of Serak. The compassion mind and activity of Arya Tara is closely related to activities of Chenrezig that had vowed to liberate all sentient beings from the relams of samsara before they themselves attain Buddhahood. This Bodhisattva vow is of utmost importance in the practice of Vajrayana Tradition as we treat all beings like our very own parents. Together we lead them across the ocean of samsara to nirvana.
Ardent and devoted in their practice is a clear sign of true blessings from the event. Approximate 150 devotees turn up for the Green Tara Puja and Dispatching of Serak Event.
The Demon's Palace is burned signifying the actual offering.

Reason for Dispatching of Serak is to share our wealth, merit and compassionate thoughts with these beings with the intention they too will one day have the opportunity to practice the Dharma like us. This is important practice of the Smaller Vehicle, Great Vehicle and Tantric paths of Buddha-Dharma.

One may also practice wrathful Yidam Deity to eliminate certain obstacles along the path, but then not many know about these practices and are difficult to encounter nowadays.  Results of a successful Dispatching of Serak will pave obstacle free path for many practitioners and thier chances of liberation are increased tenfold. Indeed a very positive and meritorious practice one ought to seriously look into.

Rinpoche having dinner with the comittees in the potluck dinner as as informal way of saying thank you and farewell. The tiredless activities of Rinpoche is an unmistakenable sign of an accomplished Bodhisattva in action.
Together we pray for the long life of Rinpoche so that more sentient beings will benefit from the teachings and blessings of Rinpoche. It is very important to frequently recite long life prayer dedicated to Rinpoche because whenever we break our samaya, Rinpoche's life will be shorten. Thats is why we called ourselves the authentic Vajrayana Brothers & Sisters who took similar path like many other Rinpoches and Lamas.

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