It wasn't until she reached to palm open a door that Kay realized she was still clutching the hilt of her skean-dhu where it lay against her forearm. *Stop that, you silly goose -- you're a grown woman, not a little girl anymore*, she told herself firmly, forcing the stubborn hand to uncurl. Idly, she wished that she'd asked Gwenn to stay with her. But it wouldn't have been RIGHT to get him into trouble (or maybe even expelled).

Now what ? She didn't want to go back to her quarters, but she was far too spooked to simply wander the halls. It was almost local midnight, when the base was most quiet -- too quiet. Then an idea occurred to her. That nice chap she'd met earlier. He'd been kind earlier, perhaps he would be willing to do so again.

As soon as she was through the door, Kay headed for the nearest public terminal and made a quick personnel-location query. After studying the map it gave her, she set off down the hall. A few minutes of walking brought her to a door that was not her own. Perhaps she'd be welcome here, at least for a few minutes. And if not, then she'd try the all-night cafeteria. Raising one shaking hand, Kay tapped the plate that would signal her presence, and dimly heard the door-chime sound ...

Louis took a few seconds to realize what the sound was. He got up quickly, being used to being called in the middle of the night, put on a robe and opened the door to find the woman he'd met earlier standing in front of him, in very beautiful clothes, with a scared face and trembling. "You seem to need assistance," he smiled. "An emergency? You came to the right place, then."

A huge look of relief spread across Kay's face. She gave him a small, shy smile, saying "May all the gods and goddesses bless you ... it's not REALLY an emergency ... but I had hoped ... "

He opened the door wider, so that she could get inside, and lit the lights. He blinked because of the sudden bright light for an instant. "What about a drink? I think you could use one. Or just water? A coffee, perhaps?"

Stepping gladly into the room, Kay slumped into the nearest available seat. "After an evening like THIS, I need a strong drink -- - preferably some Terran scotch (or other whisky) or some of the local firi". Then there was a pause as she flipped back the hood of her cloak, to reveal a tear-streaked pale face.

Shaking her head in amazement, Kay continued. "It was suppossed to be a festive ocassion full of friendly fun and feasting. Gwenn said so, and Dolo and Melissa. But perhaps they didn't know ...". She sighed, then buried her face in her hands. "None of those things should have happenned --- Goddess have mercy, it HURT !! ".

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