[OOC: They're all in the parlour ... and Melissa is chatting to Dolo's two guests -- the Terranan girl (Kay) and the boy from the Guard (Gwenn). In the first pause, Dolo introduces herself to Kay (thinking that Gwenn is perhaps too distracted to recall that HE should be introducing them) ]

Leading them all into the parlour, where the evening light coming in through the windows was augmented by the fire in the large fireplace, Melissa sat down on one of the sofas, and smiled merrily at them. "Are you ready for a big party tonight? An Elhalyn ball is never dull, especially one of Auster's!"

"Aye!" Gwenn replied with enthusiasm, "although I canna' imagine it bein' wilder than some o' the mountain kaylies. Melissa smiled, delighted by the lad's thick accent. It had been years since she heard someone speak like this! "Oh, you must tell me about them sometime. I've always wanted to go into the mountains, and see what it's like for myself!" This was not _exactly_ true - Morgana had often talked about trying to run off to the hills, disguised as a mountain girl, and would try to imitate the thick brogue... which would always end up with the two girls in stitches. The idea had caught on to Melissa though, and she realized that a part of her actually did want to go, if not just for Morgana's sake. But without the disguise.

"Aye, damisela. Perhaps when I have my next free day....", an astonished Gwenn answered. He had arrived here alone, with no kin, and had had lots of free time the past two ten-days. Now he had two, maybe three, sisters and he was certain that the next ten-day or two would be busy.

Kay smiled shyly ... unsure whether to say anything or not. She'd heard quite about about the impulsive unpredictability of the Elhalyns in general, and about Dom Auster in particular. As well, she'd heard that they historically tended to cause the Hastur King almost as many headaches as the Aldarans -- which could be a GOOD thing from Kay's own viewpoint. But they were all still Comyn, so she should mind her parents' warnings more than ever tonite. Afterall, she was going to this Ball to please Gwenn and to satisfy her curiousity over whether she'd be able to spot anyone who resembled her own parents (or grandparents).

To spare the poor lad having to stutter out introductions, Dolo turned to Kay, saying "And you must be Kay,". She smiled at the girl, impulsively taking her hand. "I'm Dolorosa Leynier, Dolo to friends and family". Kay shook the offerred hand gently, surprise written large across her face. Shaking hands was a Terran custom, and not something that had been expected HERE among those who worked with sorcery. What if Dolo was one of them ? Idly, Kay wished that she'd thought to put on her thin silk gloves already. They had been Gram Callie's and it comforted Kay to wear them when she felt stressed. Since they matched her dress, wearing them could be justified for entirely-mundane reasons -- but they had looked far too dressy with her simple green tunic and skirt.

"I am honored to meet my brother's sister, vai domna ...", Kay began, concentrating on appearing totally-ordinary. This new sister of hers didn't set off any danger signals, but there was nothing wrong with being a little bit cautious anyways. "If you wish for me to call you Dolo in private, then I will gladly do so ... but is it an appropriate mode of address for me to do so in public as well ? Afterall, you ARE of the nobility ... and I'm just a common Terranan", she continued.

Dolo smiled at the girl, hiding her own surprise at what her thinned barriers had let through during the brief handclasp. If she didn't want it known, it was fine with Dolo. She had her own laran secrets to hide. "Dear Kay, you're not common at all. "Dressed right, nobody will think you're Terran at all, and if you're attending the ball, you have as much right to be there as any of us. If you didn't, you wouldn't be there," she said, eyes twinkling. "As to what to call me, the only time you need call me anything but Dolo is when you're introducing me to somebody."

"But I'm just a Terran clerk from the isle of Skye, of no politicial (or social) importance on either Terra or Darkover.", Kay protested, "however, I will call you whatever what you wish."

Then Dolo did something daring, which she probably shouldn't have done. But Dolo never did what should be done...

*Or in some situation where you're trying to hide the fact that you know me, and must be formal.* Not something she would have revealed to Gwenn or Melissa, obviously. It was accompanied by a mental impression of a smile and reassurance, and a firm caution against reacting, although of course response was allowed.

A sudden fiercely-tingling itch travelled from Kay's palm up her arm and into her head, where it errupted like the start of a migraine. By the Goddess, 'twas the touch of the Fey ! It took all Kay's self- control to repress the urge to snatch her hand away as if she'd just touched a live coal, and instead force herself to pretend that there was nothing wrong. Silently she cussed herself out fluently. How COULD she have been so careless ? This was like when she slipped in front of Master Painter -- only worse. This time, she could read unmistakable certainty from Dolo, but at least it was balanced by reasssurance and caution.

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