As a way of trying to distract people from starting to argue again, Anwyn picked up Mairead again and started to stroke the kitten's soft fur. "So what happened next, Kay ?", she asked. Now that Gwenn had put Kay back down in her chair, this seemed to be a good time to prompt her to go on with what she'd been saying.

In one way, it felt good to get the weight of her foolish idea off her conscience. But it also made Kay feel uncomfortably-exposed now that other people had heard about it. "What I drank had the opposite effect of what I wanted ... I wonder if that man knew what he was doing, when he gave it to me ...", she continued, switching back to cahuenga from Standard.

Kay looked down at the little hawk, and softly stroked Amadaine's feathers. "After I left the tavern, I .. ummm ... kinda wandered around ... never been so intoxicated before ... then I hit something and I fell ... and I found Oberon .. or maybe HE found me ... then Kiyu Ceroill turned up ... ". Her voice trailed off uncertainly, as she tried to decide what else to say.

Having waited for a large enough pause, Careoill decided it was his turn. "Vai Domii et Domnii, I bid you a belated welcome to my home. Vai Leronis, I see how tired you are, and wish you safe and speedy journey home. Gwenn, Kay is welcome to rest upstairs once she and I are done with this tale. Kay, they give good advice- you need training, this fine lady and her collegues know what to do."

"My family and I thank'ee, Mestru Merrick." The words were a mountain-ritual among folk who were not kin. However, Gwenn didn't add the second part, since he really wasn't at liberty to assist Cerioll in anything the word-smith needed, since his first duty was to the guards. He hoped that Ceroill didn't know the whole ritual, and so wouldn't know what Gwenn was omitting.

Ceroill crossed to the stove. Taking down a large mug, he prepared a cup of tea for himself, with an inquiring look around the room. Then he leaned against the inner door to the shop, and began again.

"I should probably preface my own part of this with a couple of brief notes about myself in days past", he said, "As a boy I was trained and taught at Nevarsin, and went through a bit of a rough time when I manifested a rather rudimentary and low grade laran. It was unreliable, and faint when it did work. It gave me a slight talent at healing procedures and a vague edge in diplomatic matters, but nothing dramatic or obvious. I did have myself tested when I left the monastery, and confirmed what I had thought. Possibly very very weak Ridenow gift, with rudiments of general laran. Not enough to be truly useful, not even as a monitor or matrix mechanic. Perhaps that influenced my talent with language, but who knows?"

"Now. I had been out for a walk in the early hours, being unable to sleep. As I neared the area bordering the Terran Zone, I felt a subtle tingle, or 'tug'. At first I ignored it, thinking it was another nascent headache." He smiles slightly. "Turns out I was right. But to continue, I found myself hearing the oddest mix of moans, mews, squawks and hoots from the depths of an alley. Looking about, I knew that several taverns were in the area, and that dark alleys thereabouts tended to be a tad unsafe at that hour.

"However, there did not seem to be any ruffians in immediate evidence, unless the alley was a trap. Well, if it was, my stick would hopefully stand me in good stead. Investigating, I found what seemed at first a youth who had indeed met an ambush. He was laying in a heap, semiconscious and delirious. There were also three other pairs of eyes that were more wide awake, and one of those struck me so deeply that I was staggered a brief moment. This was no tickling, tugging, tingle. I heard that definite, clear, call for help.

"As I helped the young lad up, I realized that it was a lass instead, and looking closer, I knew it for Kay. Your turn again, lass."

There was a small pause, then Kay added " ... Oberon wanted _HIM_ instead of me ... and he was willing but he didn't know how ... they needed _MY_ help to bring them together ... and we couldn't leave the other two behind ... Amadaine and Mairead needed a human to mother them ... I've missed being needed like that ... it just _felt_ right, what I did ... but it was always just _ONE_ before ... and then we all ended up HERE ... I didn't know where else to hide ... I didn't know what to do .. so that's why I sent for you, Melissa, my breda ... I didn't know what to do ... and I couldn't go to a stranger ... not after having hidden my Gift for so long ... they'd think I was a some sort of dangerous rogue wild talent -- for having used it for years, and without having a proper teacher and all".

Katie sat quietly, letting the whole story unfold, and allowing the others to express their concerns. It wasn't for her to interfere, but the silly girl needed a thump, as far as she was concerned. Kay was obviously very ill, and a danger to herself more than anything else at this point. Her superstitions were bordering on the absurd for this day and age. Katie held her tongue however, and kept quiet. This likely wasn't the best time for scolding; that could wait until another time.

"And THEN what happenned ?", Anwyn piped up. Onviously there was more to it than that. For one thing, Kay hadn't explained what that other girl (some sort of priestess ?) was doing here.

Before Kay could reply, Katie stood and smiled at everyone. "I'm sorry, but I really must be getting back to the Tower - unless you need me for anything else?"

Katie looked from Melissa to Kay, questioning. She was unbelievably tired, and not feeling very well - all she wanted was to get back to the tower and take a nap! The discussion seemed to be slipping into things which were really none of her business, and it was clear that too many cooks were going to spoil the soup soon...

"You look very tired indeed, vai domna leronis", Kay replied, "so I'll not keep you from your bed. Thank you again for all your help ... you're not what I expected of folks from THAT place ... and I would wish to speak to you again some day soon ... but for now, remember that NOBODY outside this room is to know of ANY of this from you. I'm not asking you to keep my secrets forever --- just until I've assimilated more of what you've told me and shown me. Melissa trusted you enough to bring you here, and I trusted in HER word that you would respect my wishes for privacy".

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