The kitten seemed reasonably well enough, with no major damage. There were a few scabbed-over spots under Mairead's fur, and she was dreadfully thin and dirty. But he wasn't so sure about the smaller bird though.

Amadaine allowed him to stroke her feathers. But when he touched the wing that wasn't pressed against Kay, she awakened abruptly and pecked at him hard enough to draw a sigle drop of blood. Oberon louldly scolded her, but she paid no notice. With a deep sigh of frustation, Ceroill temporarily gave up and turned his attention to Kay.

He could see that she was not wholly conscious, but he felt the need to alert her. "Kay? Kay, I know it is you, I know you are hurt. You are at my home, in bed. I need to check you over for obvious wounds and such. I do not mean to violate or embarrass you, and I will be as gentle as I can."

The words reached her ears. but they seemed to be coming from so faw away that she could barely make them out. "..hurt ... aye ... and cold ... all of us" came her almost inaudible reply. Ceroill waited to see if she would say more. But there was only silence. Finally, he decided that (as long as she didn't make any protest) he would continue. Sometimes practicality had to come before propriety.

He then proceeded to cautiously feel and flex her arms and legs, and feel her head, torso and hips, seeking possible broken bones. He also looked for any stabs, cuts, bruises, or burns. Not finding any obvious sources of bloodloss, nor any broken bones (except for a sore spot on one of her ribs that prompted a sharp cry when he brushed a soft finger against it), he pulled the covers up and tucked her in gently, greatly relieved.

"Kay", he said,"I don't find anything major, but I am hardly a trained healer or doctor. You may well have a cracked rib or two, though. I could go get a healer, but you may prefer a physician from the Terran Zone. Is there anyone I should call?"

She stirred slightly, her eyes remaining half-closed. "... tell Louis ..", she mumbled sleepily. Her next words were partially obscured by several yawns. All that was intelligible were the fragments "he could fix this ... should nae seek me ... danger ... sorcery contagious ... stay AWAY from Hali'imyn ...".

Curling up into a small ball around her two smallest companions, Kay continued to shiver "... cold ... so cold ... Gwenn, Melissa .. I should hae listened to ye ... bigger freak than ever ...", she added. her voice trailing off.

He thought frantically for a moment. Louis..Louis...The name was almost familiar. Had she mentioned it before? He would obviously be a doctor, but only that much of the name would make things difficult. He would have to do something to tide her and the bird over though, or things might be irreparable by the time help arrived.

From his perch atop the head of the bed, Oberon fixed his eyes upon Ceroill, demanding that he _DO_ something to remedy this problem. The owl's distress beat at the man with the force of a strong wind, and would NOT be ignored.

Ceroill gazed back at Oberon with his own distress, showing the owl that they were both concerned. He set about building up the fire in the hearth, and heating some water. "Kay", he said, "I am going to do my best to help out, but I need to step over to my kitchen, down the hall. I shall be back momentarily."

He then bustled out and around into the kitchen, sorting out herbs and cloths and a couple of Terran made hot water 'bottles', while racking his brain for Nevarsin learned poultices and tonics. In a short time he returned, and began by filling the two rubber containers with hot water; one he placed on Kay's chest, where the kitten and bird could snuggle up to it, and the other he placed at her feet. He draped a warm compress on her brow, and began mixing herbs meant to fight off deep chill. These he made into a poultice, which he placed on her belly, topped by another warm compress. He also brought extra blankets out of storage, and carefully draped those over the chilled trio.

Finally, he came to the debate of whether to try to find this "Louis", or to go to Gwenn. This was indeed a pickle, but eventually he determined to try to locate the Terran doctor. He thought that perhaps he could find what the Terrans calle a "Directory", and that a family name might leap out at him as the appropriate one.

Ceroill went back to the bed. "Kay", he said urgently, "I need to go get you some help. I will leave Oberon here to watch over you. I will be back as soon as I can. Can you tell me Louis's last name?" He hoped dearly that she would be able to hear and respond.

At first there was no reply. But at a sharp nudge from Oberon's beak, Kay shifted slightly to get more comfortable. "... not problem ... only one on list", she told him, slightly shifting around so as to get more comfortable. "be good bird", she added to Oberon, "sleep now ..".

The owl nodded his head and settled down in what was very obviously a guard position. *Hope* *Reassurance* *Eagerness for return* he projected to the man, hoping that Ceroill would be both quick and successful in his hunting.

He almost placed a small kiss on the girl's forehead, but thought better of it. It seemed a bit presumptious. Instead, he went to Oberon, and gently stroking the feathers at the nape of the bird's neck, he echoed the feelings sent to him, and the *sleep* thought from Kay.

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