Anwyn frowned, then shrugged and pulled her chair back in. "Ok, whatever", she agreed, as if it didn't matter one way or amother. She hadn't REALLY wanted to leave anyways. Even arguing with Gwenn was more fun than being bored at the Base.

Privately, Gwenn thought that he'd have had a much better time if Anwyn had stayed home. He didn't think he'd ever understand someone like her. But that bit about being ignored.... "I dinna' ken how ye think ye're bein' ignored; it seems impossible t' me! An' as fer picked on, _I_ didna' begin demandin' t' know private things about you and yer family like, like, why yer father or brothers let ye wander the town alone at night, or whether ye'll be married off to Mestru Merrick!"

This was just too funny for Anywn NOT to giggle at. So now MacConnall thought he was a comedian, did he ? "Maybe I could learn to like you afterall", she grinned. then she lifted her juice glass. "Slainte", she toasted the boy (in Gaelic), then switched back in cahuenga "or, as you folks say around here, 'to your good health', MacConnall. I thought that you TOTALLY lacked any sense of humour at all. And now you've just proven me wrong!! You CAN be really funny ...".

Gwenn was now totally confused. Anwyn's sudden change from aggressive to jovial had blown what little comprehension he had of her behaviour. Bemused, he replied, "Shlanteh," and lifted his glass

Gwenn couldn't see what he'd said that had been so funny, until he pictured Mestru Merrick having to deal with Anwyn's constant questions. He nearly snorted out the drink he'd just taken, then dissolved into chuckles....

Anwyn's voice had trailed off into a flurry of giggles, before she could finish what she'd been about to say. "I'm just a CHILD, according to YOUR laws", she finally continued, "and NOBODY has EVER been much interested in ANYTHING I do at ANY time ... except for Kay and Doc here". She giggled again, then turned to the food in front of her. A thought suddenly crossed her mind, *I still don't know WHY they care ... but it's kinda nice that SOMEONE does ...*, but she left it unspoken.

This was an odd sort of place, Anwyn decided, looking thoughtfully at first Gwenn, and then Louis. Sure, Thendara was alot different from any of the places she'd ever lived, and not always better. But the people were certainly alot more interesting.

When the meal was over, she wandered over to the clinic with Louis. Anwyn was still convinced that Gwenn didn't much like her. But, she'd decided that it didn't matter so much. afterall, he didn't behave -THAT_ much differently from her own brothers.


Several hours later, Louis arrived at his apartment exhausted. He resisted the temptation of falling over his soft bed and sat in front of the desk to fill the forms for Kay. He reminded himself to tell Kay how much of a proof of his love that was!

Almost one hour later he left his apartment again, this time to deliver the papers. *Papers! What kind of person still deals with papers?!*, he grumbled to himself.

After that he had an idea that made him go out into Thendara again. It cost him another two hours, but he managed to buy exactly what he wanted. He finally finished the night with a warm bath, a delicious hot chocolate, a soft bed and a good book.

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