When the little one stopped to get its bearings, he crouched, wriggled and aimed, and then leapt spectacularly into the air, landing on top of the bundle of fur, with a low growl.

Mairead squeeked with alarm as someone large and heavy landed on her and knocked most of the breath out of her small lungs. It smelled like a well-fed cat, so at least she wasn't in any danger of getting eaten. But she'd never met a MALE cat before. What if male cats didn't like strangers in their territory ?

"I'm sorry sir", she apologized anxiously, hoping that she wasn't in too much trouble, "I just wanted to cross your land and go home ... I didn't steal any of your prey .. or any food from your humans ... really ... I'm just a BABY ...". Her little black ears twitched nervously as she tried to twist around to get a better look at this other cat.

Gilgamesh pinned the wee one to the ground with his big front paws, enjoying the way it squeaked and mewed as it squirmed. What was that odd thing attached to its neck?

He bit it a couple of times experimentally, and succeeded in punching a few holes through the paper, but nothing more.

The kitten was terrified - nothing at all like the little fiery princeling he had met a few times in the past. Perhaps this one was not of the House of Brrowth? It was unlikely, but not impossible...

Suspicious now, he tightened his grip with the extra toes on his front paws. Peering into the small one's face, he sniffed thoroughly, opening his mouth slightly in order to get a better grasp of the subtleties of its - no, her... a female then - scent.

"Brrowth?" He asked in a low growl. If she was of his blood, then she would know the proper answer. All of the House of Brrowth did.

"Please, sir ... excuse my ignorance", Mairead replied in a most puzzled tone, "I don't understand what you're asking me". This adventure had been fun at first. But now she wished that she was back home. This other cat was NOT being very nice at all -- and he was heavy too!

The little one's response was odd - it was as if she was somehow more human than a cat should be.

Mairead was now even more confused than ever. Was she SUPPOSSED to know what a Brrowth was ? Mama wasn't able to tell her what it was either; nor could Uncle-Brother, Bird-Brother or Bird-Sister. But after seeing the expression on the other cat's face, Mairead decided that she didn't quite dare to ask HIM.

Gilgamesh was puzzled, which made him more wary. He sat up, but kept her pinned between his paws. Studying her, he experimented. He let go, and watched as the kitten shook herself and began to back away... When it appeared as though she might get out of reach, Gilgamesh would pounce again, batting her about a little, and scratching at the funny thing attached to her that was getting soggier by the minute.

"You're a big bully !", protested the little kitten, finally curling up into a little ball, "If all adult cats are like YOU, then I wanna grow up into something ELSE !!"

After playing for a while, Gilgamesh grew bored, and made up his mind. Amazingly, she seemed not to be of the House of Brrowth. That left two options - one would not be to her liking at all, and quite frankly, Gilgamesh was himself not in the mood for aggression or bloodlust tonight. He wanted to sleep and digest!

The second option... he stepped back again, and this time let her go Once the larger cat backed off, Mairead uncurled herself, making small unhappy-kitten sounds. He was staring at her in a way she definitely didn't like. "Us little people ALWAYS get picked on. It's not fair !", she complained as she scampered away.

Gilgamesh followed at a long distance, to see where she lived. When she was older, he would return. It was always good to refresh the breeding pool with new blood every now and then...

Hearing footsteps behind her, Mairead shivered and tried to run even faster. Right now, all she wanted was to be HOME with her family -- safe, warm and well-fed. *MAMA ! MAMA !* she called when she finally saw the front door of Uncle-Brother's den-building. And when Kay rushed to open the door, she zoomed in like a small bolt of black lightning.

Kay cuddled the shaking little kitten close to her chest, trying to soothe her. At such close range, the waves of feline distress were starting to make her feel smothered. But what had Mairead been running from ?

A shadow caught her eye outside, and she realized that it was another cat; one that was full-grown and with all the arrogance common to most of the highest-ranking Comyn lordlings she'd ever seen. Frowning, Kay sent *dissaproval* *dissapointment* *anger* at it before closing the door.

Softly singing a Gaelic lullaby to Mairead, Kay carefully undid the note and read it. It bothered her somewhat that Dani wanted to bring her freemate. It was ONE thing for her to expose her freak talent to her oath-kin and her sister-in-worship. But the presence of a stranger would make for awkwardness in the speaking (or showing) of such things. Back home, one did NOT share private business with strangers.

She sighed sadly, guessing that the mate of someone fey-Gifted wasn't likely to be mundane. In some ways, that might make things more difficult. What if he turned out to be some arrogant little Comyn lordling ? Or worse, what if he had more Power, and chose to turn it against her ?

But then again, it was neccessary to make allies in order to protect oneself. "You're right, little one", Kay whispered softly to the little kitten, "sometimes life ISN'T fair ... but we must do what we can to improve it for ourselves". Then the two of them headed back upstairs to where Oberon was busy feeding bits of fresh-caught meat to Amadaine.

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