Anwyn was BORED, BORED, BORED. She'd had a meat-roll and some juice from one of the food-stalls. And then she'd gone for a walk. But, for some reason, the town wasn't nearly as interesting as it had previously been.

Her mind kept wandering back to all the weird stuff that had happenned earlier that day. There were way too many unanswered questions running around her head, and nobody around to answer them.

Now that she'd been kicked out of Mestru Merrick's place for being too noisy, she could ask either of them. But then again, they DID need their rest. Idly she wondered what it would be like if animals could talk to her in understandable words. But, as cool as it sounded, what if your couldn't get the animals to shut up ? Why then it would be like being around HER own family at a party !

Next she thought of seeking out the foreign ladies, but quickly rejected THAT idea. The healer lady had said that she lived in the Tower. And the other two were noble ladies -- THAT much was obvious from looking at them. So they probably lived in the Castle. Without the proper sort of pass, both places were off-limits to people like Anwyn. Afterall, SHE didn't have one of those odd-looking marks that she'd noticed on the underside of Domna Lanart-Aldaran's wrist. Kay had told her those were caste-marks.

Then she spotted a familiar pair up ahead. Way cool ! That boy was so much fun to tease. THAT could be entertainment enough to last her until evening curfew. And then she could return to the Base in a much happier state of mind. It was so unfair that students had to be in before full dark).

But then another thought ocurred to her. What if they didn't WANT her company ? And what if she got into trouble for bothering them ? With Kay still sick, that meant that Louis was her boss. If she made HIM mad at her, that would likely get her into more trouble than she could handle.

So instead of charging up to them, Anwyn decided that she would just follow them instead. Even if they didn't go anywhere interesting, the game still promised to make her less bored than she was now.

When they entered the restaurant, she took a seat that was out of their line of sight, but still close enough that she'd hopefuly be able to her what they were saying. A cup of jaco gave her an excuse to sit there for awhile. So she sipped at it very slowly, trying to make it last as long as possible.

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