Last updated: 15 Feb 2006


  • Age:Fully adult now; at least 3 years

  • Residence:Sometimes the attic of the book shop 'Leaves', and sometimes Kay's room

  • History
    Oberon was a successful result (possibly the only one) of a series of radical genetic experiments by a now-deceased rogue laranzu who had possessed the MacAran Gift. Oberon escaped after his master was killed, and wandered somewhat aimlessly (hunting and sleeping when needed) until he came to Thendara where the hunting was unusually good at night. Soon he took up residence in the attic of Ceroill's bookstore, and before long was keeping the bearded man company. After a few years, they became bonded to each other (like Oberon and his first master) the night that Oberon found a helpful she-human (Kay) who could understand him and his "funny-looking pair of little owlets" (Amadaine and Mairead) and was willing to help him to care for them. Though, when Ceroill (who could now 'hear' him better -- like an adult owl, rather than like a juvenile one) brought home a wet, bedraggled and hurt Kay, along with an equally-soaked Amadine and Mairead, he first found them a nuisance and an intrusion into the quiet and calm life of the shop. It didn't take long, though, for him to become even more strongly- attatched to them, and thoroughly paternal. He STILL thinks Amadaine is a 'funny-looking owlet' (even though she's entirely a different kind of bird of prey), but has now figured out that Mairead is a CAT (and NOT just a deformed-owlet-with-no-wings).

  • Personality: Brave, bold and daring. VERY intensely-loyal. He would gladly kill (or die) for Ceroill, who is the center of his universe. Feels protective of his other 'pets' (Amadaine, Mairead, Kay and Anwyn). Patient. Curious. He can be quite stern with his younger family and friends when he feels they are being foolish. He can't always make himself fully understood, but his disapproval is plain.

  • Strengths: Smarter than your average owl. Can communicate with animals and a few humans (Ceroill and Kay) via a form of Laran. Can travel into the Overworld on occasion (for short periods of time).

  • Weaknesses: No hands, and not as sentient as humans

  • Combat training: I have sharp talons and a sharp beak -- and I know how to use them !

  • Appearance: Adult Barn Owl
    freeware pic of Oberon

  • Friends: My best friends are human-brother-Ceroill, cat-sister-Mairead, bird-sister-Amadaine, sister-human-Kay and Mama's-human-kitten-Anwyn.

  • Hobbies: Sleeping, exploring, hunting, watching his humans acting strange

  • Family Tree: unknown

  • E-mail:blantonrob at


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