Last updated: 21 April 2006 (note: I'm just 'babysitting' this character until Lise gets back, which will hopefully be soon. In the meantime, I'm trying to stay consistent with what she wrote before her absence.)

Louis Couvillon

  • a.k.a. Doc (Anwyn and many of his younger patients)

  • Citizenship: Terran Empire citizen

  • Age: 32 (in Terranan years)

  • Marital Status: Single (been a bachelor all his life)

  • Occupation: Doctor (gynecologist, obstetrician, pediatrician) at the Terran Base on Cottman IV (Darkover)

  • Residence:A small one-bedroom bachelor-apartment in the middle-ranking area of the Residential Complex at the Terran Base in Thendara, on Cottman IV (Darkover).

  • Laran gift and laran training:
    Alton gift. Has "trained" himself to very strongly repress his gift, in order to preserve his sanity. His barriers are remarkably strong and are almost-constantly up (both awake and asleep), with only two exceptions.
    [Exception #1] When severely frustrated enough by not knowing enough to diagnose someone, he will subsconsciously lower his barriers enough to call upon a small fraction of his talent while examining that person. He sees this is simply a 'flash of insight', and doesn't see anything unusual about it.
    [Exception #2] Occassionally, there are brief episodes where he suddenly (and unintentionally) perceives small bits and pieces of someone else's surface thoughts. He tends to find this VERY disturning and tries to dismiss these 'un-explainable' occurances as being simply hallucinations caused by the stress/over-work/lack-of-sleep, or as the product of his own over-active imagination.

  • Politics: Very liberal-minded. Believes that goverments should not try to control the private lives of their citizens or invade their personal privacy. Considers 'political power-games' to be an utter waste of time.

  • Personality: He's an extremely intelligent and self-disciplined man, who firmly believes that there is a rational explanation for everything. His dry sense of humour often makes people laugh, and he's very soft-hearted (young children especially tend to adore him). He is a pacifist by nature, and loves to read ANY books he can get his hands on (not just medical journals). All his life, he's had a reputation for NEVER appearing to be anything but totally even-tempered (no matter how he really feels). Although he is very casually-friendly in public, he finds it difficult to get any closer to anyone than THAT. Throws himself into his work to help fill up the deep loneliness he often feels inside. Louis prizes the virtue of respect for other peoples' privacy, yet has a very wide streak of curiousity. Upon discovering something new, he wants to understand the 'how' and 'why' of it (and he studies people just as intently as things).

  • Strengths: He loves to talk to people (even complete strangers), and is a wealth of information on a huge range of varied topics

  • Weaknesses: He doesn't know how to get close to ANYONE on more than a casually-friendly level, so he often feels lonely. His worst fear is of going mad.

  • Combat training: Good. He studies basic millitary un-armed combat, mainly as a means of staying fit and as a stress-release. Due to his pacifistic nature, he will fight in self-defense (or to defend someone else), but will otherwise try to talk his way out of a fight.

  • Horseback riding: Nonexistent. Has never even MET a real horse

  • Languages: French (he grew up speaking it at home), Terran Standard, Casta (can speak it reasonably well, but not perfectly), Cahuenga (still learning it, so speaks it like barely-adolescent child)
  • Appearance: A very tall and thin man. He has curly shoulder-length dark-red hair (often worn in a short pony-tail) and warm chocolate-brown eyes. He wears only a single piece of jewellery -- a delicate gold chain with a small gold pendant in the shape of a sun (it was a gift from Kay).

  • Romantic relationships: None yet (though NOT for lack of trying)

  • Friends: He's a popular person with many casual friends of all ages (who are mostly women --- his co-workers at the Base, his patients, and various people who work at his favourite shops/eating-places). But he wouldn't call any of them CLOSE friends. He's not even sure HOW to define his ever-changing friendship with Kay.

    Some of the most interesting local folks he's met, include:
    -- Gwenn MacConnell -- one of the local Guardsmen and Kay's oath-brother
    -- Melissa Ridenow -- Kay's oath-sister
    -- Ceroill Merrick -- who runs a bookshop called 'Leaves'
    -- Katie Ridenow (they met once, at Leaves)
    -- Danette Lanart-Aldaran
    -- Kyra, a commoner who works days as a waitess in his favourite restaurant, and who dances for the restaurant's guests a few evenings per week.
    -- Connor-Rakhal Ardais (met once when Dani brought him to dinner at Kay's)

  • Animal Companions: None

  • Hobbies: Mostly he reads alot.

  • Other Information:
    -- He has a teenage student (Anwyn) who spends half of each weekday afternoon furthering her education by being Louis' personal administrative-assistant
    -- He needs to look for 'a rational explanation' for 'anything odd' -- He's interested in different cultures, but mainly for the purposes of STUDYING them (and he's wise enough to deliberately try to blend in with the locals just enough to study them with giving offense), rather than to 'play tourist'.

  • Family Tree: Louis was an only child, and doesn't talk much about his family.

  • E-mail: kit_no_spam at (until the rpg list sees the return of Lise -- leonie at, or shaya_n_margali at


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