[Entry 1]:

I haven't been here long, but I've already started calling this planet "Darkover" at least half the time.

It's a bit colder than what I've considered usual, but I'm getting used to it. The red sun reminds me of watching sunsets as a girl back on Terra.

My low rank didn't allow me to bring much; so most of my off-duty clothing had to be left behind. My favourite old herbal reference books were far more precious. In fact, I wouldn't have brought ANY clothing (except two uniforms) if I hadn't used a few of my favourite warm garments to cushion pictures of my family. There was one of Mum and Dad with baby me, another of Mum and Dad now, and three of my favourite past pets (a horse, a dog and a cat). After that, the only remaining space was barely enough to hold a few small things like a jewellery box full of favourite pieces, a small sewing box, and my kniting needles.

Originally, my assigned bachelor quarters in Terran HQ were rather dull looking. But after a few shopping trips to the marketplace, it now looks cozy with potted plants, books and a newly-finished knit blanket spread across the bed.

The marketplace is a great place, but my casta still needs alot of improvement (since I learned it from the data banks on Terra, my accent is apparently rather awful). So I tend to first try speaking Terran Standard (and sometimes I resort to point-and-gesture) and it's worked reasonably fine so far.

On my first shopping trip, I was scared of getting lost. It was a chilly day, and people stared at me. I didn't think I looked too odd in an oversized wool plaid shirt and long knit skirt covering my uniform. After I bought a cloak and wrapped it around me, nobody stared anymore and I felt better. I was even happier when I found a place called Leisha's Sweet Shop". Mmmmmm. There are all sorts of good things that I never tasted back home. I ate so much redberries cake and spicebread that I didn't have any room for dinner that evening.

Ah well ... more later ... my personal alarm's just gone off to remind me that I have to get dressed for duty. Being a records clerk suits my curiousity, but I'm indoors all day.

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