Catagonia's Society

Dream Walkers

The Felidae are often seen in meditative state. What other species may perceive as lazy and constantly catnapping, rest assured we are not! We are Dream Walkers. In this meditative state we accomplish many deeds that are difficult to achieve in the physical world. Dream Walkers have the ability to touch the hearts and souls of others. They can allow a troubled mind to borrow their feline form to quickly escape a present fear, to climb above that fear in order to view it from another perspective. Dream Walkers can allow the dreamer to see clearly through the darkest of nights and lead them towards their own inner light.

Shadow Walkers

Shadow Walkers are shape shifters; an ability that lends itself to the most common vocations of the order: Intelligence gathering, Politics, and military. Whilst their efforts are not generally known, they are the first line in the overall safety of Catagonia as a whole.

The Felinic Society

Motto: Curiosity did not kill the cat, lack of Guidance did!

The Felidae are very curious and adventurous by nature. They are lifelong students of the Universe. The Felinic Society was created in order to guide this curious nature towards intellectual pursuits of various paths, with the goal of keeping a peaceful balance for all living creatures.

P.A.W.S. is another organization created by the Felinic Society. Psychological Awareness With Self is dedicated to helping others discover self awareness.

C.A.T.S. is the Catlings and Teens Society. It helps maintain the guidance established by the Felinic Society for the younger generation.

The Scratching Post

The Scratching Post is a publication put out by the Felinic Society. It contains various columns written to tantalize the most curious of minds. Pantheon Columns presents the many basics of all religions, and theological ponderings. The Litterary Box reviews misconceptions. Catnipped contains current chit chat and hearsay. Cat-o'-9 Tales keeps up with current events.


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