My Cats

Me and a few of my babies 2002.


I moved to Australia 5 years ago. Pipe allowed me to have one dog and one cat. I found a black shih tzu, and named her Tzuzette. Then I found my black cat, Merlin. He has one little white spot on his chest, and it is heartshaped.

My baby!

Tzuzette allowed Merlin to suckle her. Later she allowed the other kittens to do the same!!

Loving was not the only thing they enjoyed. Mock fighting is still a favorite past time, even tho Merlin now towers over Tzuzette.

Then on our first anniversary Patches was born.

Her name was derived from her patches of many colors. Then when she was 4 months old, she went in heat early, and I had to go to Guam because my parents had been in an automobile accident. I warned Pipe not to let her out since the vet refused to have her 'fixed' so early. I returned from my trip to find that she was pregnant. At six months old, she gave birth to four kittens. I found a home for Ozzy, but not the others, hence....Taz, Joey, and Matilda. It is Pipe's fault she got pregnant!!!

Joey & Taz

Joey & Matilda, our Yin and Yang.

Joey & Taz, loving brothers!

Joey is a big sook and a wannabe white hunter. His prey usually ends up being silly items like pipecleaners, yet he very proudly lets you know he has 'caught' something, and wishes acknowledgement. Taz is our athlete and enjoys playing soccer with his little ball. He asks you to play catch, and even brings it back to you so he can catch some more. Matilda is my little princess, and always sleeps nearby.

Christmas 2002 Tabitha showed up in our backyard, a walking skeleton. Tried to find her a home, but no luck. Needless to say she has joined our family. Daboy recently added two black dwarf lop eared rabbits to our ZOO! Since the scanner is back in operation, I will add more pics soon.

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