Catagonia's Lore

In the beginning there was nothing but darkness, and she was known as Pantera. She roamed across the Universe in search of another. She knew no fear, yet she ached inside, with a gnawing hunger, to be filled with love. As she traversed the skies, her need filled her with pain until her eyes overflowed with tears. Each tear that fell left its glittering reflection across the dark expanse. Bits and pieces of her inner light reflected across the Universe until a bright eye caught a glimpse of her.

His fiery mane flared. His heat hissed across the darkness as he expanded his light for her recognition. Pantera's ears lay back at the sound. She stood still. Looking, listening. Another hiss, "I am Leo! Hear me roar!". Leo flared his mane once more, and Pantera leaped towards his light. She ran circles around him as he spun about to keep her in his sight. With each tear of joy that fell from Pantera's eyes, Leo's glaring heat singed them into the now patterned skies.

As Dark chases Light, the energy of their love creates life in the Universe. Before long Pantera discovers she is not only filled with love, but also with her first litter. She grew heavy with their life, and she went in search for a place to deliver them safely. Her full belly dragged across the sky, leaving a lactating trail behind her, now known as the Cremora Galaxy. And her children's birthing place was called Catagonia.

The First Felidae

The first life to emerge was Panteras, born in the darkness of night, the image of her mother. As Leo peeked in to catch a glimpse of his daughter, his son Leon was born in his image, and his light. Together Leo & Pantera awaited the arrival of Leopald and Tigress. Leopald had his mother's sleekness, his father's coloring but with patches of his mother's darkness piercing through the light. Tigress had her father's hair and fiery coloring with streaks of her mother's darkness striping along her solid build.

Trouble occurred as Pantera next gave birth to Bobcat and Lynx. Both catlings were smaller in size, yet more difficult to emerge, so Leo assisted in their births by helping them out into life. Unfortunately, not realizing the strength in his jaws, both catlings lost their tails in the process. Cheetah rushed her way into life with Jag right on her tail. Both had Leo's colors, sprinkled with rosettes of midnight. Margay and Ocelot (one striped, the other spotted) were the runts of the litter, but not the last born. Puma and Cougar were, and they were identical twins. Twelve catlings born, crying hungrily, while Pantera rested. As they filled themselves with her nutritious love, Leo proudly glowed with pride.

Lilipussians and Catavarians

Leo was undergoing a transitional phase when the next two litters were born. Altho his light was temporarily waning, his virility was not. While his light was dimming, he and Pantera created a very small litter.This litter was called Lilipussians due to their diminutive size. When compared to this litter, the first litter of catlings were as impressive as the mountains where they were born, and were named Catamounts.

Pantera felt the heat once more during Leo's transformative phase. As the Phoenix rises from the ashes into rebirth, so did Pantera give wing to her third litter. The Catavarian litter ranged in size from Catamount to Lilipussians to even tinier form. Their colorings ranged from every color of the prisms' light. And, they all had wings.

This was the last litter born by Pantera and Leo on Catagonia. That is not saying that they didn't create life elsewhere in this vast Universe. Knowing the feline nature as we do, it is very possible they nested in other places, even Earth. And this is why the Felidae search teh Universe for their brothers and sisters.

Catagonia's Moons

Pantera and Leo were good parents. Every catling was educated daily with paws on experience in survival skills. Three dozen litters were hard to keep up with for one set of parents, so Leo & Pantera devised methods in which to handle their family. An extra pair of eyes were needed, so they created two moons, one on each side of Catagonia. Both moons are large and bright, and could see any cat tricks being pulled in the dark. Leo kept one eye open during the light hours since most of the catlings' shenanigans occurred during the dark hours. Knowing mother's eyes were always watching, kept the mischief at bay. Telepathic communications were a neccessity since Leo & Pantera couldn't be at three dozen places at once with a ready paw. The catlings quickly learned that intonation could inflict as much pain as a swipe of a claw. A more physical discipline was then handled by an elder sibling, if any catling chose to ignore a mental warning.


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