Catagonia is located in the Cremora Galaxy and is the fourth planet of twelve. It is similar to Earth in atmosphere and geography, but with a difference. The Felidae was the dominating species of evolution. Humans are kept as pets. Catagonia has 3 large land masses. Catamountain is the land that touches the sky and where the larger Feline species roam. Catavaria is the land of winged cats. Lilipussia is the land of the small cats. Some of the Felidae evolved standing upright, while others remained on all fours. Most felines that can stand, generally end up in administrative and artistic careers. Large felines that walk on all fours usually apply for security positions. Catavarians, the winged cats, are equipped for transportation of materials, messages, or other Felidae, depending on their size. Some even opt to join the security positions. Lillipussias give their skills in areas requiring stealth, and make great reporters.

Catagonians perceive differences as being unique and worthy of respect. Differences gives us more learning experiences with which to grow, expanding our hearts and minds. The Felidae tend to focus on the Here and Now, and not fret over what has been (hoping that we have learned our lessons properly) or what is to come. Worry changes nothing. It is what you do, and how you respond, here and now that makes a difference.


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