Indoors Game--Star Tag


  • Large (about 1') tagboard stars taped in a random pattern to the floor in an open play area. You will need one star for each child, except for the "Star Catcher".

  • One star-shaped beanbag.
    1. Start the game by having the children sit in a circle on the floor.

    2. One child is "the Star Catcher". This child holds the beanbag and says "Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle...STAR!" At the word star the children should run to a star and stand on it.

    3. There can be only one child to a star. If the Star Catcher reaches a star before another child does, that child takes the beanbag and becomes the Star Catcher.

    4. Play continues until everyone has had a chance to be the Star Catcher. Children must move to another star when the Star Catcher says "Star"--they can't just stand on the same star.

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