  • Felt (two strips 2" x 10" in contrasting colors )
  • Jingle Bells (1" or larger if you can find them)
  • Needle and Thread for each child (I have found that even 4-year-olds can handle a needle if you use large tapestry needles and heavy thread. Thread the needles and knot the ends in advance)
  • Scissors
  • Decorative-edge scissors (optional)
  • A large button for each set of bells.
    1. Precut the felt strips. If you have access to a pair of decorative edge scissors, cut one of each pair slightly smaller than the other with the decorative scissors. Use the two layers of felt together throughout.

    2. Try the felt around the child's wrist or ankle, cutting it smaller if needed. It should overlap about 1" at the ends.

    3. Sew several jingle bells to the two layers of felt, leaving at least 2" at each end without a bell.

    4. Sew the button to one end of the felt strip. Cut a slit length-wise for a buttonhole on the other end of the strip
    The bell strip can be worn around the wrists and/or ankles to do "Native American" dances or can be worn on the wrists or held in the hands to accompany other musical instruments.

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