  • Oatmeal Box or other large can
  • 2 pieces Rubber Inner-tube, soft vinyl or large balloons
  • Heavy rubber bands
  • Construction paper
  • Paint, stickers or glitter (optional)
  • 2 unsharpened pencils or 9" pieces of 1/4" dowel
  • 2 corks or large wooden beads
    1. Stick the ends of the pencils or dowel pieces into the corks or large wooden beads. Glue in place for drumsticks. Place aside to allow glue to dry.

    2. Remove the top and bottom from the oatmeal box or can.

    3. Cut the rubber about 2" larger all around than the diameter of the can.

    4. Color and/or decorate the construction paper. Wrap it around the sides of the can, cutting off any excess paper. Glue the paper to the can. Use the rubber bands to hold the paper till the glue dries.

    5. [This step usually takes two people.] Stretch the inner tube or vinyl over one end of the can. Use a heavy rubber band to hold it in place. Repeat for the other end.

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