The Dirty Pair

The ChaosMan's Anime Homepage

The NERV Logo

Welcome to my Homepage. I am Christopher Starr and I am glad you chose MY site.

Did you know that my name can be translated into Japanese? It's Kishoku Hoshi. I think Kishoku means Energetic Personality. That's Me in a Nutshell, but, in all actuality, I'd rather think of myself as the character I made based upon myself, Hoshi Yamazaki. He's really something else: a Samurai version of me. I have some piccies I'm in the process of drawing. You'll see them soon.

Finally! The Starr HAS UPDATED the page. And with this update there promises to be new links, new storylines and, yes, ARTWORK. Hehe My very own Anime-style artwork inspired by Adam Warren-sama. Yes yes, I do apologize for my tardiness, like years, to update this page, but I promise you I'll do my best in the upkeep.

As can be obviously seen, I am Still A Dirty Pair Fan, the Original series, and still favor Adam Warren's Dirty Pair USA series, even though the Neko eyes are a radical new change. I'm also a Sailor Moon Fan. Yeah, I dont hide it. I love those girls, and even made an Online RPG of their storyline. Tenchi Muyo. now that's an anime that I loved a lot. I joined the RPG, stayed there for years, and, well, I'm hooked! I Love them all!

If you want the links to anime imagery, these are my best choices.

Choice links:
Kishoku's GalleryHere are the roughs and sketches of all the artwork that I've done
The Anime Picture ArchiveThis is to the Ultamate Animanga community. Lotsa classic manga
and anime there.
Tiger And Tigress Anime GalleryThey have a lot of new anime I havent heard of before. And thanks to them I upgraded my site to look cool. ^_^
The Anime TurnpikeDon't get lost there, It's a huge site

I Have written a Sailor Moon Universe Fanfic as well as opened an online IRC RPG channel called Sailor Warriors! This story makes a new destiny from the place known as the Celestial Kingdom. With this new storyline come new Knights to aid the Senshi in the battle against evil.

To join in the Sailor Warriors RPG, the first thing you need to do is download mIRC and hop onto ANY server. Hopefully one that doesn't lag or split too much. Eheh. Then you /join #SailorWarriorsRPG.

If you think The Sailor Warriors RPG is all I have, please consider the other RPG's I created and ones I'm active in:

These are the ones I created:
#FinalFantasyContinuum:Where I created a storyline that compliments the true Final Fantasy feel.
#MacrossRPG: Like the Phoenix, this channel is reborn. I have a new storyline starting from the movie Macross 2 where it left off. I just hope that my Old friends Might wanna get their part in the story with my new friends.
#GunsmithcatsRPG:I think I need to remake this channel for one good reason: Bounty Hunting is FUN. Feel free to let me know what you think.
#EvangelionRPG:Wow! To think I had to drop this channel to reclaim it, but, like the will of Tokyo 3, it's undying.. unless the Third Impact is upon us.

The RPG Channels I'm in are cool ones, I guarantee.
#TenchiMuyoRPG:It's weird, and Washyuu is insane (but hey, when -is- she not huh?)
#RanmaRPG:As nutty as the storyline, the characters in the channel are, well, as nutty as their players, so it's a perfect fit, ne?
#NervRPG:If you like a lot of angst and drama, Hell, this EvangelionRPG is full of it.
#BubblegumCrisisRPG:Based on the original 2035 storyline. I have created a character from the 2040 story to be the first of a new generation of KS.

Here Are A List of My Good Chat Friends I recomend that are Good to RP and Chat with!
WashyuuMy best friend, like the character Washu, my friend is just...that...damn...insane. He's one of the horemen that Andy made (see below) and when he GMs it's far to.. well you come and see for youself in Tenchi Muyo RPG.
{{Jenna}}This girl, who I would trust with my life, is someone I'd call a friend and a sister. She's someone whom I care about. Alot.
AndyBogardA fellow Gunsmithcats Fanboi, as well as a tough challenge in Fatal Fury RPG. A good friend he decieded that we should be the Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse, but different I hope.
SeikazeMy friend from the dead chat room called Tokyo Chat, who is still the wild Neko boy. Kitty footbal time! ^o^
{{Melissa}}Even though she can be a pain-in-the-neck, this girl is someone who I will support and care for, because we are kind of similar. Even though she makes me upset, I cant help but to care for her anyway. Grr hehe.
Shinji`IkariThe Idle Star. Man one thing's for sure, you'd always see him idle and idle and not RP one bit, heh.
Futaba-Kun(Chan)Heh, I love to torment and RP with this poor soul. He's always there with a smile. I think she should share some of his happy dust with me. =)
Suzuhara_MisakiThe player of Sasami Masaki in Tenchi Muyo, hehe. Great person, I'd love to make 'em my lil guinea pig ^_^
AkaneThe cutest Tomboy I ever seen around here, I dun know why I have to fight for her affections when everyone else is racing to compete, really. This is happening OOC in the channel but what the hell, she's cute ^_^
KooriPlayer of Kitsune Konno in the channel Love Hina RPG. He's my homey and Fellow Horseman, I wonder what his title of the team will be? ^_^
Vessa-SushiEek! This girl is scary, and well, I love her for it.. she is a sister of darkness and woman at arms.. Trust this girl to do a Kamikazee mission and she'll be like.. eh.. *BOOM*.. gawd I hope not.. @_@

My Other RP Friends I'd rather keep under my hat because: one, I'm too lazy to type them up; and two, I need their permission to place their names up. Lastly, it seems like they are more like good fighting friends.. Oi. Gives new meaning to friendly fire, ne, ne. =P

Sorry for the delay of the update, man I'm SOOOOOO lazy!

The number of innocent civilians
that survived viewing my page!
Last updated 20-September-01