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     Final Fantasy IX is an entirely different game.
Picture a man going on a journey beyond the reaches of his imagination, now picture he has a prehensile tail. This is the main character of the series, Zidane Tribal. You play as this puckish thief as he encounters danger, creepy monsters, and the occasional girl. Yes, this skirt chaser is going to attempt to save the world. With him is a motley cast of magic users, children, a run away princess, her faithful knight, a rat-faced female warrior, and a a Qu with a big tongue. This may strike you as odd, but so does the entire game. Time after time again you will find an endearing and hilarious sense of humour in everything from character interaction to attacks.



As Zidane you have been hired to kidnap the Princess Garnet til Alexandros. Baku and his band of thieves/actors set up an elaborate scheme to accomplish this. But things go unexpectedly wrong and before you know it the characters have been thrown into a twisted plot of deceit, greed, humanity, death, and love. You must help the nine year old Vivi understand his black magic. You must earn the respect of the princess. You must help Quina to catch her frogs. And you must guide your characters down the path to discover their own secret heritage.


    Meet Kuja, the real villian of the story, Garland, the maker of Zidane and Kuja. Why are they more special in the way they were made than the others of their same race, why do they exist? Is there more to why Queen Brahne buys her weapons from Kuja? What about Vivi? Has he got any slight connections and similarity between him and Zidane?

It is clear that while certain things from the series remain and will always be present, such as chocobos and the ever-adorable moogles, Squaresoft's Final Fantasy is subject to changes. With Squaresoft, however, few changes turn out to be bad. Time and time again it has proved that it knows how to make a good RPG. Is FFIX an example of this? Try it, and find out. The worth of the game is truly amazing living up to the true name of Final Fantasy!



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