Character Profiles
Kouga is the leader of the wolf-demon tribe, and at first wants Kagome just to find the shards in his enemy's possession so that he can defeat them, but later ends up caring for Kagome, and insists that she's "his woman".


Kouga is a young demon who appears to be around Inuyasha's age.  He wears dark blue armor and brown fur on his shoulders, and brown fur cuffs on his arms and legs.  He also wears a brown fur um... skirt, it looks like... And it's a question as to whether or not Kouga's tail is real or not.  I'm thinking it is, since both Shippou and Sesshoumaru have one.  And he also wears a brown fur headband, plus he has long black hair, usually worn in a ponytail, and bright blue eyes. 


Kouga's main weapon seems to be his body.  He's a fist-fighter, and a kicker.  He wears a sword, but he never uses it.  I don't know if he has any special attacks or abilities other than the blinding speed he can run at, at running up the sides of cliffs, but if you know of one, please tell me!

Up side:

Protects Kagome.  He's certain she's gonna be his mate, so he protects her from just about everything, including Inuyasha, who tends to get jealous and possessive as well. 

Down Side:

Thick skull.  He's loyal, and brave, and a good fighter, and loves Kagome, BUT...  He can't seem to understand that she doesn't like him like that.  Sometimes, he tends to do things without thinking, but his heart's in the right place... right?


Poor guy can't get a break.  He cares for Kagome, who cares for Inuyasha, who cares for Kikyou, who cares for herself.  Forget love triangles, right?  But Kouga gets a shock when a girl shows up one day, claiming to be Kouga's destined mate.  Maybe there's happiness for him, after all...
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