Character Profiles
Kirara is the cat that travels with Sango.  She has 2 forms, that of a cute kitten, and one of a huge fire-cat... cool, huh??


Kirara is a yellow cat with black stripes and red eyes.  She has a black diamond on her forehead, both in her kitten form and in her large form.  This demon kitty seems to like fire, as it's what surrounds her when she transforms, and stays on her feet when she flies.  She also has two tales, something else that's not very common...


Kirara IS a weapon.  In her large form, she has long saber-teeth, and is pretty much like a giant tiger...

Up Side:

Very loyal and very protective friend and pet to Sango, and later becomes friends with everyone, even Inuyasha!! He even thanks her!! WOW!!

Down Side:

She probably knows a WHOLE lot, but she's unable to speak... 

Over all:

A mix between a pet, a friend, and an ally, this kitty is a lot more than she seems at first.  It's even hinted in one episode that perhaps Kirara once helped the priestess Midoriko, who first expelled the jewel from her body.
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