Character profiles
Kagura is a "detachment" of Naraku, similar to a daughter, but she is a grown, full-blooded wind youkai.  She hates Naraku like everyone else, but he has her heart (literally!), and so she must obey him.


A full grown woman with black hair, usually pulled back, and red eyes, Kagura also has the pointed ears and claws of a youkai.  She usually wears a pink kimono with a yellow sash.  She also has feathers in her hair, and beaded earrings.  She carries a fan around with her, but don't be fooled, that's her weapon.


As already stated, the fan is her weapon.  She's a wind youkai, so she uses wind attacks against her enemies, although they're not her enemies by choice.

Up Side:

She hates working for Naraku, and has even asked Sesshoumaru once to kill him.  Her goal is to simply be free of Naraku's clutches, and be herself.  She also tends to let Inuyasha off easy, since his death is Naraku's greatest wish.  After all, she does know when Inuyasha becomes a human...

Down Side:

She has to do what Naraku tells her, or dies.  She kills most of Kouga's tribe, and constantly fights with Inuyasha and the gang.  Now if only her heart was in her "father's" hand 24/7...


Not a really bad person, she's forced to work for Naraku, like Kohaku was.  She runs to Sesshoumaru for help now and then, which you know HAS to be a blow to her pride.  I think that if she were a free youkai, she probably wouldn't be that bad a person...
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