Title: Tag Author: Lovesfox E-mail: lovesfox@rogers.com Website: www.geocities.com/fanficcorner Rating: NC-17 Category: MSR, Smut, PWP Classification: SR - Story/Romance Spoilers: Anything up to Season 7, and specifically First Person Shooter Summary: Mulder and Scully and a favor for the Gunmen Archive: Please ask first, yes to Gossamer Disclaimer: Mulder, Scully and The Lone Gunmen do not belong to me. That privilege belongs to Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. I am only borrowing them. Thanks: As always, to Nancy and Mortis *~*~* Tag *~*~* Warehouse Complex Alexandria, VA 8:45 PM Scully surveyed the lobby interior of the large warehouse, with its low lighting and rather gloomy appearance, and fought to keep a frown from curving her lips. The spacious area was chilly as well, and she bemoaned the fact that she wore only a thin, long-sleeved Henley, purloined from Mulder, along with a pair of comfortably faded Levis. To think he had dragged them from the promise of her nice warm bed to come play tag. She had said that to him on the car ride over, and gotten one of his warm chuckles in return. "How do I let you talk me into these things?" Scully murmured softly now, half-rhetorically, gaze continuing to scan the place. Mulder replied anyway, nudging her shoulder teasingly before stepping past her. "Because you love me?" he responded over his shoulder. At her sniff and raised eyebrow, he threw her a pout. And when that earned him nothing more than a further arching of that same eyebrow, he tried, "Because the Gunmen are our friends, and they asked us to help out?" "I'm still remembering the last time we 'helped out' the guys," she said sourly. Visions of Maitreya and Jade Blue Afterglow danced mockingly in her head, and the frown had its way after all. The smug bastard flashed her a knowing grin, as if he had read her mind. Wisely though, he did not mention the two women, real or computer-generated. "Aw, come on Scully," she heard, "you can't tell me you didn't enjoy getting your ya-ya's out." She refused to dignify that remark with a response, and changed the subject. "Well, how do we start then?" Jiggling a set of keys, Mulder likewise scanned the room. A moment later he pointed to their left, at an unmarked door roughly thirty feet away. "I think that must be the office. Frohike said there was a control panel in there, along with the gear participants are supposed to wear. Come on." With that, he started off, walking with loose, easy strides that belied the eagerness she knew he was feeling. Scully followed more slowly, although she had to admit a sense of interest and intrigue was beginning to turn her mood. This actually could be fun. She had always enjoyed the courses during FBI training, had excelled at them in fact. Gaze skimming over Mulder's body, she idly wondered how he had fared at them. With his long legs and natural grace and agility, probably with excellence, she decided. Fun might not be the word after all -- her partner also had a competitive streak a mile wide. A tiny smirk lifted her lips then. So did she; it came with having two brothers and a father who had always encouraged doing one's best, and besting one's self. By the time she reached the office, Mulder had already unlocked and opened the door and was attempting to locate a light switch. Once he had, and flicked it on, she entered the room on his heels. Mulder whistled, clearly impressed with the set-up. A large control panel ran full-length along one whole wall, resplendent with gadgets that would make a Gunman drool, resting beneath a one-way window that looked out upon a good portion of the playing area. Two computers were set-up on desks against the adjacent wall, directly across from them, while the area to the left of the doorway had two tall, two-door metal cabinets. "Check out those cabinets, Scully," Mulder threw over his shoulder as he headed to one of the chairs parked in front of the control panel. "See if the gear's in there, wouldja? I'm going to start this baby up." His child-like enthusiasm helped her look past the element of command in his voice. Mulder had assumed correctly; one of the cabinets did indeed contain the necessary gear. The other held the weaponry -- short-stocked, Uzi-like guns electronically connected to a circuit built into their vests. As Mulder had explained to her on the drive over, the game had been designed for marksmanship as well as attack and evasion, so a hit or kill could only be accumulated by the individual targeting the chest or back of his/her opponents -- human or robot. When a participant was 'shot', a transmitter emitted a beep to register the hit. A 'kill' set off a shrill alarm, and deactivated that individual's equipment. It was vaguely reminiscent of a game she had read about, called Laser Tag. "Okay, Scully," Mulder said then. "This is set to start in fifteen minutes, so let's get suited up." *~*~* Ten Minutes Later... She felt ridiculous. The 'combat' gear was naturally bulky and heavy. Her vest fit awkwardly at best as they had conveniently come in only two sizes -- large and extra-large. Mulder's surprise and remorse upon her discovery had been genuine, clearing the slight suspicion Scully had been forming that it might have been deliberate. There had been a time or two when he had stooped so low as to cheat during various board or card games they'd indulged in -- though Mulder referred to it as 'creative playing'. Of course, most of their games usually deviated into something a little more intimate, so neither of them really lost, she mused. "Here, let me try and adjust that, Scully," Mulder said once he had donned his own perfect-fitting outfit with ease. Making a spinning gesture with one hand, he waited until she had presented her back to him and then murmured, "Lift, please," as he tapped both her arms. She did, and he began fiddling with the straps of the lightly plated vest, which did up at the sides. His long fingers danced under her armpits, and she had to fight not to wriggle away. It vaguely reminded her of how Frohike had attempted to assist her into her gear when she had been getting ready to rescue Mulder from Maitreya. Of course, his hands had gotten nowhere near her armpits, or anywhere else for that matter. Her stern look and growled warning had been enough to send the little Gunman skittering away to a far corner. "Ticklish, Scully?" Mulder leaned down to whisper directly into her ear when she twitched, his warm breath causing her to shiver. It also pushed any thoughts other than thoughts of Mulder clear out of her head. He knew full well she was ticklish, extremely so. A few of their tickle fights had led to some very energetic and playful bouts of love-making. This time her squirming had nothing to do with being tickled. "Mulder," she said somewhat throatily. Her feminine wiles could in no way be construed as cheating. "How about you and I forego our fun here, and start some fun of our own back at my place?" "Ohhhh, Scully," was his low and regretful response. His hands flexed on her hips, having snaked under the bottom of the vest as he pressed himself against her backside. "Rarely could I refuse such a tempting offer, and believe me, it's killing me to have to say this, but not right now. The guys only have access to this place for a couple more hours, they need us to run through it now. And I owe them one." Scully sighed gustily; she'd tried. "Okay, let's get this over with then." Patting his hands, she added, "Are you done?" His chuckle was purely masculine, and slightly mournful. "Just getting started, baby," he said, and then gave her hips one last squeeze. His hands became all business as he worked at the straps, and a few seconds later she felt the vest lift slightly and then tighten around her. "Better?" Mulder queried. "Mm-hmmm," she replied, shifting her shoulders experimentally. "Much better, thank-you." She turned to face him once more, and tugged at her elbow pads one last time. "All set." He gave her the once-over, managing to be both concerned and leering simultaneously, and then strode over to the control panel. After entering a code on one of the keypads, Mulder strode over and picked up one of the laser guns they had removed from the second cabinet. Handing it to her, he then picked up his own. "Let's do it." "That's what I was trying to--" she started whimsically. Mulder interrupted her commentary on the merits of 'doing it' by swooping in and pressing a hard, fast kiss on her lips. "Temptress," he murmured, and headed out the door. "Tyrant!" she called after him, and resignedly followed after him, his chuckle trailing in the air. She couldn't help but admire the figure he cut -- standing several strides from her in full battle gear with his back to her and hands on his hips as he surveyed the playing field through the plexi-glass observation window. When she had joined him, he explained the game further. "We're operating as a team here, Scully. A team that has to take out ten animated robot attackers as we navigate the course." Nodding, Scully asked, "Is there a time limit?" He flashed her a grin. "It's optional, but I chose twenty minutes. Think we're up to it?" Her look was disdainful. "Let's kick some robot ass, Mulder." *~*~* Twenty Minutes Later... The maze-like course covered a rather vast area, probably 5000 square feet or so, large enough for teams or groups to play. It was lined with prop trees and artificial rock formations, and interspersed with flat and uneven terrain, and ground cover. Well-placed and well-set out. They breezed through it in sixteen minutes, with Mulder registering six kills and Scully responsible for the other four. Each had taken two hits, and both were sweaty and exhilarated. Or pumped, as Mulder liked to call it. After quenching their thirst with the bottled waters he had wisely brought along, Mulder eyed her contemplatively, mischief and something else shining in his eyes. "So, Scully," he started, voice oh so casual. As time had progressed in first their professional partnership, and later their personal one, she had learned to read him like a book. Albeit an always challenging and lengthy tome. And now it was clear he was up to something. Deciding to make him work for whatever that might be, she merely responded with a bland, "So, Mulder." With a slight saunter, he walked away to toss his empty water bottle in a nearby garbage can. On his return, he came up beside her, slinging his arm around her shoulders. "How about a little one-on-one, Scully?" he crooned, giving her an exuberant squeeze that rocked her off-balance. And he wasn't euphemistically referring to sex, unfortunately. She knew that. Apparently the frenzy of testosterone had awakened his competitive spirit, brought it racing to the forefront. Glancing at him, something awoke in her as well -- an overwhelming urge to wipe the cocky grin off his face. Her voice was low, and filled with determination and a hint of challenge when she responded. "You're on." If at all possible, his smile grew cockier. "I'll go set the system," he said, and this time when he walked away his saunter was more pronounced. Scully completed a few stretching exercises while she waited, mentally reviewing the layout of the course and her possible avenues of victory. On their run-through working as partners, she had noted that Mulder played with flair and unpredictability, and a bit of rashness, which would make it difficult for her to operate in a defensive mode. Thus she turned her attention to formulating a plan of attack, recalling several potential and prime ambush sites. She harbored no illusions that Mulder would not be playing to win, and knew her strategy had to be the same. Mulder's voice pulled her from her thoughts then, his tone anticipatory and exuberant. "All right, G-woman, are you ready?" He reminded her of a thoroughbred at the gate -- all coiled energy and biting at the bit. Feigning a casualness she did not feel, tamping down a fresh rush of desire and arousal, she replied, "As I'll ever be. Lead on, G-man." He nodded and loped ahead, opening the door to the short hallway that led to the playing field for her with gentlemanly courtesy and that same cocky smile. "The object of this particular game," he began once she had walked through and he had followed, "is to be the first one to complete the course, while avoiding or eliminating both the animated robots and your opponent." His smile widened. "Me." "I think I got that part, Mulder," Scully said dryly, fighting the strong temptation to roll her eyes. "Do we start the same way?" "Actually, no," he replied. "We both enter from a different door, so there is an element of surprise." Stopping, he pointed at the door in front of him. "You start from the same place we did before and I'll take the other entrance." He waited until she was in position, and then moved roughly forty feet away to stand in front of another door, his hand on the lever. Studying his watch, he said, "Buzzer should go off in..." he counted down aloud, "Five, four, three, two and GO!" With that the buzzer sounded. They both shoved through their respective doors, eager for that possible split-second advantage. This part was familiar to Scully, easily remembered. She ducked into a crouching walk almost instantly, and found cover behind a tree just ten feet from the door. Every sense aware and adrenaline pumping, her gaze scanned the immediate area around her, her weapon at the ready. The way clear for now, Scully darted ahead in a zig-zagging motion, turning at the last second as she came to a stop so that her back smashed up against the boulder that stood guard at this stage of the path. One quick breath and then she peered quickly around the corner. Another inhalation and she was lunging forward and out into the open, her gun held at waist-height. *BLAM* Her aim was sure. One shot was all it took to dispatch the first robot attacker -- it stuttered to a stop with a shrill sound, its lights extinguished. Smiling slightly, Scully ducked into a crouch once more and surveyed the terrain ahead. If she recalled correctly, and she was fairly certain she did, there were several intersecting paths coming up soon, after two bends in the path. And if she knew Mulder, which she did, that was where he could be lying in wait for her. Several slow and deep, fortifying breaths later, and she was ready to go. Rising enough to maneuver in that same zig-zag pattern, she made her way onward with caution, gaze constantly moving. Checking every shadow, every tree and potential hiding spot. Occasionally backtracking in case her partner had managed to get behind her. But Mulder was not where she had predicted he might be. She took a moment to rest, warily keeping her guard up. Proceeding forward, sweeping her weapon back and forth slowly, her finger on the trigger, she came to the first of the two bends, where she once again came to a halt with her back to a rock. She performed the same quick check of the path ahead, and finding the way clear, continued on. She did the same at the next bend, only this time she rested against a thick tree. And there was another robot coming into sight right at the moment she stepped out from behind the tree. It took three shots to finish this one off, as her aim was slightly off from the surprise of the robot's appearance. Shaking her head at the close call, Scully moved on, slowing as she neared a high rock formation. The hairs at the back of her neck rising, peripheral sense screaming high alert, she started to spin around, gaze lifting. In time to see Mulder leaping from the rocks, just milliseconds too late to prevent him from tackling her to the ground. "Mul--" her instinctive cry of his name was cut off abruptly when she landed heavily on her back, and became a groan as his weight bore down atop hers. "Tag, Scully," Mulder whispered gleefully in her ear, throwing her earlier name for their game back at her. Lifting his upper body, he then maneuvered until he was straddling her waist. Grinning down at her, he finished with the familiar end line, "You're it." She growled at him, huffing a breath out to blow her bangs from her eyes. "You cheated, Mulder!" was her indignant accusation. When he only arched an eyebrow at her in response, his grin still wide, she demanded, "Get off me, you oaf." "I did not cheat," he replied smugly. "I merely played the game with creativity." "What?!" she exclaimed, with less force than she would have liked due to her supine position and Mulder's weight. "Jumping off a rock onto me? If I hadn't turned around when I did, you would have jumped me from behind!" Shoving at his legs with her hands, she began to squirm, trying to dislodge him. "Oooh, do that again, Scully," Mulder crooned, not budging an inch. "I like it." When she gritted out 'bastard', he laughed and said, "And I love when you talk dirty to me, baby." Despite his teasing, her squirming had had an effect. His eyes were darker and his breathing quicker -- two of the early signs of arousal in her lover. Patience was a virtue, she told herself, and playing to that arousal, continued her squirming. "So, Scully," Mulder said crowingly then, his voice huskier than normal. "What do I get for being the winner?" Screw patience. With a mighty heave of her pelvis and a twist of her body, she at last dislodged him. Scrambling to her feet, Scully panted down at her sprawled and very surprised partner, "I'm not that easy, Mulder." He looked impressed, intrigued and very, very turned on. *~*~* Ten Minutes Later... "No holds barred?" Mulder queried for the third time, his hand once again on the lever of the door that would lead him to the playing field. "Anything goes," Scully affirmed with a brisk nod, her own hand ready at her door. Body humming with anticipation and excitement, she was eager to get started. Or more precisely, eager to kick her partner's ass. The buzzer went and she charged through the portal, one last comment from Mulder, perhaps a warning, echoing in her ears. He had said, "I'll remember that." Shrewdly intuiting this to mean Mulder planned an all-out and nearly- immediate attack on her, Scully was in complete defense mode. With a touch of aggressiveness and recklessness thrown in, of course. She felt a little like a gunslinger in a spaghetti Western -- weapon blazing as she took out two robot attackers just feet from the door and then another one just seconds later. Or perhaps she was more of a futuristic space warrior like Princess Leia. An image of the Star Wars character popped into her head, only to be replaced by First Person Shooter's own darling, Maitreya. Which led to an image of herself blasting the crap out of the digitally enhanced woman, to use the term very loosely. She chuckled under her breath. Mulder had been right. She *had* enjoyed getting her ya-yas out. Particularly on Maitreya. Because her attention had wandered, she didn't see the next robot until a shot zinged past her, fortunately a few millimeters off- target. But she recovered, and dispatched it with two chest shots, noting to herself it had snuck up on her quite stealthily. By the caliber of the robots' play, she concluded that Mulder had upped the ante by changing the game, ratcheting the intensity up a level, and she smiled grimly as her gaze swept the area. Including up into the rocks, from where Mulder had previously staged his nefarious attack. Swiping one hand along her sweat-beaded forehead and taking a deep breath, Scully continued on. She moved more quickly than she had during their previous one-on-one game, an odd confidence that she would triumph over her partner filling her and giving her a renewed sense of strength. At the next bend in the path, she paused for a breather with her back resting against a thick tree, scanning the terrain in her vicinity. She was tempted to copy Mulder and climb the nearest rock formation and perhaps locate his position, but those closest to her would leave her exposed for precious minutes. It was while Scully was reviewing the course in her mind, trying to pinpoint a location where an attempt to scale the rocks would be more likely to result in success, that she heard a tell-tale sound. The scrape of a boot heel. Silently dropping to a crouch, she first looked up to quickly and carefully scan the cliff line around her. Finding it clear, she took a deep breath and held it as she slowly edged her head forward to peer around the back side of the tree, the one furthest from the path. And caught sight of Mulder. Creeping stealthily along -- or so he thought, Scully smirked to herself. She watched as her partner darted forward a few steps to duck behind a scraggly bush, his head moving as he scouted the route ahead, the route leading to her current position. It appeared Mulder was attempting to sneak up on her by doubling back, having managed to get ahead of her somehow. Not gonna happen, partner, was her internal comment as she shifted to her other foot in preparation of moving. Not this time. With a slow, deep breath, Scully cautiously eased further along the comforting security of the far side of her tree. There were bushes similar to those Mulder had sought cover behind on this side. Bushes that were quite thick, and made for an excellent vantage point. And a prime ambush site. Her heart was thudding loudly in her ears and her palms were damp with sweat, threatening the grip she had on her gun. But she was determined to take Mulder down. He moved then, exiting from behind his scant hiding place to dash ahead to another clump of bushes, bringing him almost directly across from her current position. He did not linger long, merely rested a few seconds, his gaze scanning the area, before he rose again in a half-crouch and started forward once more, moving in a zig-zag pattern. She let him pass her, so close that she could have reached out and touched him, before she made her move. Springing from the bushes, her weapon at the ready, Scully intoned somewhat gruffly, and with no small amount of gleeful victory, "Tag, Mulder!" "Auuuugggghhhh!" Mulder screamed, and it was definitely a girlie scream. This brought a smirk to her lips. He spun around to face her, his chest heaving and his face red, and attempted to splutter denials and weak excuses. "Save it, G-man," Scully returned, swaggering forward, her gun still pointing at his mid-section. Her lips curved in a wide smile. "I nailed you fair and square." Never one to pass up an opening, Mulder leered through his obvious embarrassment, "Oh, G-woman. You can nail me any time." Before she could muster up a fitting comeback, Scully's attention was diverted by the sight of a robot coming from around the bend, his weapon aimed at Mulder's back. Adrenaline surging to the forefront once more, her warning, "Mulder, behind you!" was nearly overshadowed by his similar alert. "Scully, at your back!" A momentary shared glance and then they raised their Uzis with smooth and simultaneous grace, took a step to each other's left, and fired. *BLAM* *BLAM* Both robots let out discordant beeps and slowly came to complete halts as their life-forces were extinguished by Mulder's and Scully's deadly accurate shots. Scully lowered her Uzi slowly, the adrenaline rush beginning to ebb, peripherally aware of Mulder also dropping his weapon down to his side. She shifted slightly on her feet, facing him once more, both of them breathing heavily. Their gazes met again, and held. Mulder's eyes were dark, glittery. Full of heat. Heat that leapt to her, and began to sizzle through her body. For a moment she wondered what had hit her, before she recognized the feelings and reveled in them, thrilled to them. She wanted Mulder. Now. The scientific part of her mind pondered about endorphins and the adrenaline rush, and the release of sex hormones, even while she was deciding to act upon them. Mouth suddenly dry, Scully licked her lips. And watched those dark eyes follow the motion with rapt fascination, watched his tongue mirror it and dart out to swipe over his own lips. Heat became flame, and she sucked in a quivering breath, her suddenly nerveless fingers releasing the Uzi. It fell to the ground with a clatter, causing both of them jump in reaction. "Scully." That was all he said, and then he was *there*, his body pressing against hers, his hands cupping her face, his Uzi just gone. Apparently Mulder was experiencing similar feelings. His head slanted, descended, and her eyes fluttered shut as their mouths met in a hot, wet kiss. Every thought other than pleasure, deliriously pure pleasure, fled from her mind. She clutched at his biceps, his shoulders, then slid the fingers of one hand up to twine in his hair while his hands continued to hold her head steady, his thumbs caressing her cheekbones. Her breasts felt full, achy, trapped beneath the padded vest. With a frustrated groan she dropped her hands to his shoulders again and pushed. Releasing her mouth, Mulder made a questioning sound, and Scully plucked at her vest, gasping, "Off." They both scrabbled to undo the Velcro straps, their fingers twisting and tangling, and getting nowhere, and finally Scully took one step back. "Yours," she told him as she started to undo her own vest. Despite her arousal and urgency, she had the presence of mind to note how quickly she had been reduced to mono-syllabic sentences. Mulder nodded, flashing her a saucy grin, and ripped his vest off with one mighty yank, sending it flying off into the artificial bushes. His elbow pads followed seconds later while she struggled with the straps of her vest for another moment before finally succeeding in pulling it off. Tossing the bulky garment aside as Mulder had done with his, she tugged one elbow pad free and discarded it, and was working on the second when Mulder swooped in. She abandoned that task and then they were plastered together from lips to knees, Mulder's back bowing and Scully up on her toes to maintain their connection, her arms now wrapped around his neck. His eager hands jerked her borrowed Henley out of the waistband of her jeans and delved beneath the soft cotton to stroke up and down her back while hers fisted in his hair once again. A moment later he was palming her ass and lifting her even higher against him. Eventually she lost her balance and staggered back a step, their mouths separating with an audible smack. She was seconds away from dropping to the ground and pulling Mulder down on top of her, uncaring of their surroundings, when he grasped her by the hips and boldly pushed her backside against a convenient tree. The little jolt of pain when her head connected with the bark was ignored, and her surprised 'ooph' was muffled by his lips, once again hotly laying claim to hers. His weight pressed her upper body into the tree, while his hands cupping her ass supported her more fully. Hers were once again clutching at his biceps. The fingers of his right hand slid beneath her left thigh then to hike her leg up on his hip, aligning their lower bodies in a perfect union. They both moaned, and Mulder released her mouth so they could gasp for air, letting his forehead drop to rest on hers. The feel of his warm breath wafting over her face made her shiver, and with a small chuckle, he turned his head slightly and trailed his lips along her temple and down to one ear, where he blew gently. Her body jerked as if touched by a live wire, and Scully tightened her leg around him in reaction. This resulted in the hard ridge of his denim-covered erection now positioned where she wanted it most, which accelerated the fire within her. Using her heel on the back of his thigh for leverage, she began a slow, circular grind. Groaning into her neck, Mulder lifted his head to meet her gaze and assisted in this activity by kneading her ass with a similar rhythm, and swiveling his hips. Fire became raging inferno. "Mulder," she panted, further inflamed by the expression of barely contained lust that graced his face and the feral look in his eyes. Her nails dug reflexively into his upper arms and her breathing became ragged. Intense need was crashing through her in huge waves. She had to fulfill that need. "Now." "Now," Mulder agreed, his hips continuing their erotic dance. Yet he did not step back or release her so that she could start working on divesting him of certain items of clothing. Namely the faded jeans covering his fine ass. With that thought driving her on, she slid her hands down his chest to hook her fingers in his waistband and tug. "Off," she ordered this time. If anything, his gaze turned more feral, and he actually growled. A low rumble from deep in his chest that sent further shivers through her, and had her exhaling shakily in response. Releasing the hold on her leg, he stepped back just enough to begin working on his belt. Tearing her gaze away and straightening up, Scully hurriedly mirrored him, managing to open her belt at the same time Mulder yanked his free. She then worked on toeing off her hiking boots before unbuttoning her jeans. Seeing this, Mulder did the same with his boots after he had popped the metal discs of his button-fly Levis, giving her a tantalizing glimpse of a cotton-covered bulge that had her tongue darting out to moisten her lips in anticipation and brought her disrobing to a halt. He was far quicker with discarding his footwear, and stripped off his futuristic-looking black Teflon knee pads next, tossing them somewhere behind him. A moment later her heart skipped a beat as he dropped to his knees in front of her. He efficiently removed her knee pads and threw them off to join his before nudging her now motionless, useless fingers out of his way. Knuckles grazing her abdomen with lethal confidence, he slowly worked the metal tab of her zipper down. The denim parted, revealing her pale flesh and the white silk of her low-cut panties. Mulder sighed, and she watched as he leaned in close, his nose poking lightly just below her navel. She felt a ticklish sensation followed by a stream of soft air that had her stomach muscles twitching, and realized he must have pursed his lips and blown on her skin. Husking out his name, she brought her hands up to clench in his hair. "Now," she said again, and this time the word was less of a demand and more of a plea. She was sure she could not bear to wait any longer. Ignoring her, Mulder parted the denim further and nuzzled his face against her panties, inhaling deeply. "I can smell you, Scully," he whispered. "You smell like heaven." Looking up at her once more, his fingers rose to hook in her waistband and he tugged downward, none too gently. "Now," he echoed, his voice more of a growl. Together they worked her jeans down, Mulder still on his knees, his face just inches from the apex of her thighs. As her left foot cleared the denim, he was forced forward by her awkward balancing act. His nose grazed her mound, and she bucked into the contact, a choked gasp escaping. Mulder's fingers moved to her hips, sliding beneath the elastic hem of her panties, tugging downward. Her inner thigh brushed his cheek as she lifted her first foot free, and with a groan, he lurched upright, leaving her panties bunched around her other ankle, along with her jeans. Jamming his thumbs under the waistband of his Levis, he shoved them and his boxers down with more haste than finesse, his fully erect cock springing free. Kicking his clothes off one leg at a time, he shoved the denim and cotton aside with one foot. Scully felt the heat and hardness of his cock pressing into her belly as Mulder stepped into her space, pushing her back against the tree, his left palm planted there by her right ear. Bending his head, he licked at the pulse beating wildly at the base of her throat before his free hand came up to grab her chin, tilting her head up. A second later his lips were on hers, demanding and devouring. Maneuvering her hand between their bodies, she reached down to grab his cock, stroking him once, twice, with almost-rough movements. Movements that had him groaning into her mouth and thrusting into her grasp. Pulling back just enough to ease the pressure on her mouth but still allow their lips to remain in contact, he slid his hand downward along her body -- heavily. Touching her throat, her breastbone, her stomach, until he was covering her fingers which were wrapped around his cock. Squeezing slightly, he assisted her in stroking him for several long seconds, while slowly pumping his hips. Until finally he stopped her with a hiss, throwing his head back to gulp in air. Meeting her gaze after several such lungfuls, he gutturally intoned, "I want to fuck you, Scully." "God, yes," she responded, desire pooling at his words, thrilling to the crudely raw delivery of his plea. Her skin felt hot, fevered, and her sex wet and waiting. She eagerly helped him lift her leg onto his hip once more, coming up on tiptoe as her hands again clutched at his biceps. Mulder took his cock in hand and teased them both by rubbing it along her slick folds with several slow, torturous strokes before giving an experimental thrust. Meeting only willing and ready flesh, he was immediately buried deep within her, which wrought a satisfied groan from him. "Ohhhhh," Scully sighed, her eyes fluttering shut and her head falling back against the tree. She felt so wonderfully, incredibly full. Despite the urgency, despite that need still crashing through her body, she held herself motionless, wanting to savor the feeling. But her body betrayed her, would not wait. Her inner walls spasmed around his cock, and her hips bucked. It was apparently all the invitation Mulder needed. With another groan, he began to move. Pulling his hips back, withdrawing partially, and driving forward again, slamming into her. And slamming her into the tree. They both grunted, Mulder gritting out a fractured apology, his breathing choppy and short. Scully shook her head, it was a different sort of pain -- a pleasurable pain. "S'okay," she managed. "Don't...stop." "Won't," he panted, thrusting slow and deep again. "Can't." Their pace picked up. Sweat gathered between their two bodies where pelvis met pelvis, and beaded on Mulder's forehead and between her breasts under the Henley. Lungs worked triple-time and hearts raced. Mulder slid his hand from her waist down to cup her thigh once again, holding her leg in place on his hip as their speed threatened her precarious position. His fingers flexed in her flesh in time with his ever-quickening thrusts, as her hands similarly squeezed his arms, and his chin glanced along her skull, just above her ear. The rhythm, the pressure right where she needed it, the speed and the intensity, all combined to push her over the edge. She came with a hoarse cry, her body stretched taut against Mulder's for an infinitely perfect moment before she bucked wildly, her legs twitching and her sex contracting. He groaned as she clenched his cock tightly, and she could feel him holding himself still as her orgasm stretched on and on, until at last she slumped into him with a weak utterance of his name. Pumping madly, Mulder followed her into oblivion a scant minute after, moaning a long-drawn out version of 'Scully'. A few last erratic thrusts, and then he too was slumping, his forehead dropping to her shoulder. Scully stroked her hands soothingly down his back, lips pressing briefly into his hair. "Wow," she murmured. "And how," was his gusty response. He didn't seem inclined to move, though, but now that her heart rate had returned to normal and her pulse wasn't pounding through her veins, little discomforts were making themselves known. The bark was sharp and uncomfortable against her back, her leg trembling from being hooked over his hip, and her lower half was getting chilled. She was also worried that the Gunmen's time at the warehouse was nearly up. "Mulder, we should clean up and get out of here," she said, poking him in the side. Mulder squirmed, chuffing out a raspy laugh at the ticklish sensation, but listened to her. Lifting his head, he released her leg slowly, helping her lower it to the ground, and then took a shaky step backwards. His eyebrow quirked, and his lips twisted in a smile. "What?" Scully asked, rubbing at her thigh. "Look at us," he replied, gesturing at them both. He wore only a long-sleeved tee shirt and a pair of socks, while she had on the borrowed Henley, one elbow pad, and had her jeans and panties hooked around one ankle. While she had been taking in their appearances with a bemused smile, Mulder had scooped up his jeans. Digging in a front pocket, he dragged out a handkerchief, which he passed to her before tugging on his boxers and jeans. A few minutes later they were reasonably presentable, and began gathering up all their equipment. With items in hand they walked together along the path to the exit. *~*~* Epilogue Scully's Apartment 11:00 PM Lying propped on several pillows, an opened magazine lying on her blanket-covered lap, Scully watched her bedroom doorway expectantly, awaiting Mulder. He had gone to answer his cell phone, which he had left lying on the table by her answering machine. A moment later she heard his voice as he neared. "Later, Frohike." Entering her room with a jaunty stride, his pajama pants hanging dangerously and sexily low on his lean hips, Mulder deposited the cell phone on her dresser. "That was the guys," he announced rather unnecessarily, a quirky grin twisting his lips. "Frohike was bitching because we didn't put the equipment away properly." He paused, and then waggling his eyebrows, added, "Said they found an elbow pad up in a tree, and wanted to know how the hell it got there." Scully blushed furiously, remembering them flinging pieces of equipment everywhere in their haste to disrobe. She also remembered how they hadn't been able to locate one of her elbow pads after -- the other one had somehow managed to stay on her during their frenetic and frenzied tryst. Mulder's grin widened, and it was clear to Scully that he was smugly pleased with her reaction. Pandering to his amusingly overblown masculine pride, she lowered her eyelids to peer up at him seductively, and purred, "I was overwhelmed by you, Mulder." He actually swaggered. She had to fight off the urge to giggle as he neared the bed -- her lover was so predictable. When he stripped off his tee shirt and preened, she stroked his ego again by whistling and fanning herself with one hand. The leer on his face slipped slightly. "You're mocking me, aren't you, Scully?" he asked. "Maybe a little," she said, and a chuckle did escape. His tee shirt muffled the sound -- he had thrown it at her with accuracy. While she was freeing herself from the soft and Mulder-scented cotton, he leaped on the bed, bouncing her and sending her magazine flying. Moving lithely, he rolled himself on top of her, his hands caging her head, their noses a breath's width apart. "Wanna play tag, Scully?" *~*~* THE END Feedback appreciated at lovesfox@rogers.com