*~*~*~*~*~* Connected by Lovesfox *~*~*~*~*~* lovesfox@rogers.com Headers in Part 1 *** Part 4 of 12 Unknown Location Monday 5:45 PM Still reeling from the knowledge that Mulder could indeed read her mind, Scully walked several feet forward in a semi-daze. When Mulder called out from behind her, telling her to be careful, she realized she was close to the drop-off into the small gully at the side of the road. With a shake of her head, she moved herself over to the center of the tarmac. <> She had stepped forward on her bad ankle just as she heard Mulder's thought in her head, like a voice speaking into a headset. In her shock, she pressed quite heavily on that foot instead of carefully as she had been, sending an arrow of pain up her calf. An expletive slipped past her lips. "Shit!" "Scully?" Mulder queried worriedly, loping to her side. One of his hands came down on her shoulder as he leaned slightly to look into her face. "You okay?" Shifting her weight onto her good leg, she lifted the injured foot and slowly rotated her ankle. She nodded. "Yeah, just stepped wrong on the bad foot." Taking a deep and somewhat shaky breath, she met his gaze evenly and stated her next words matter-of-factly. "Mulder, I heard you." He nodded slowly, as if he had been waiting for such an admittance. Still, he murmured a need for clarification, "In your head?" "In my head," she confirmed. "I heard you say 'shell- shocked'. I assume you were talk...thinking about me?" His hand was rubbing up and down her upper arm, and she wasn't sure if he was even aware of the action. Smiling a bit ruefully, he replied, "The way you were walking like you weren't even aware of your surroundings, I thought to myself that you were acting shell-shocked." Her lips curved a little in response. "I guess I am a little shell-shocked, Mulder." "Understandable, Scully," he returned in a gentle voice. One last squeeze of her arm, and then his hand slid away, dropping to his side for a moment before he lifted it to gesture down the road. "You okay to go on, or do I have to carry you the rest of the way?" She laughed, appreciating once again Mulder's attempt to lift their moods. "As if you could!" Lightening fast, he sobered. "I'd do my best, Scully." So did she, sad that she had been the one to put a downer on their newfound lightheartedness after a somewhat tense time. "I know, Mulder." His hand came up and palmed her back briefly as they started forward yet again. This time they walked side-by-side, in a companionable silence, their pace slightly quicker than before. Her ankle gave the occasional protest, but she ignored it. They had delayed too often already. Sometime later, she read Mulder again. <> Her stomach rumbled and she swung her head to the side to shoot a look at him. "Mulder, were you just thinking about pizza?" His eyes met hers briefly. "I'm hungry," he said plaintively, his hand lifting to rub his belly briefly, before patting the front pocket of his pants. Next he tried his inner jacket pocket, fingers coming out empty. "You sure you don't have anything in your pockets, Scully?" Sighing wistfully, she responded glumly, "No, nothing. Not even a breath mint or a stick of gum." Stepping carefully to the side to avoid a large pothole in her path, she paused before continuing. "Thinking and talking about it will only make you hungrier. Not to mention me." "I know," he replied, dodging his own pothole. "I can't help it though. I didn't even really have breakfast this morning and that was..." he lifted his arm to consult his watch, "...about 11 hours ago, Scully. The tree bark's starting to look good." She had to agree with him -- she'd started imagining a salad of twigs and grass. Her own breakfast many hours ago had been insubstantial as well. "Try and think of something else, Mulder. Please." Another ten or fifteen minutes passed, with still no change in scenery, or glimpse of a town. She found herself walking a bit faster, pulling ahead of Mulder as they followed a long, slow curve in the road. Hoping there would be some sort of evidence of civilization once they passed the latest thick stand of trees. Mulder had been fairly quiet since she had asked him not to think about food, sometimes whistling softly, sometimes mumbling snatches of songs. She had not read any stray thoughts from him at all, and it was as she was musing the whys and why nots that the clearest thought yet filled her mind. His choice of topic startled her and embarrassed her. She refused to admit that it also sent a little thrill through her as well. <> Was he wondering if she was wearing a thong, or was he replaying some favorite porn movie? She wasn't sure if she should be angry or flattered that he wondered about her underwear, if that were indeed the case. Right now she was leaning towards angry. "Mulder?" she called out with a slight snap to her voice, stopping and turning to face her slowly approaching partner. Who was currently staring at her mid-section. Perfect viewing she supposed, for carrying out a debate on whether one's partner wore a thong or not, if said partner were facing the other way. "Huh?" he responded, sounding preoccupied. His eyes finally meandered up to her face. Blinking, he added, "Is something wrong, Scully?" "Yes, it's a thong." At another startled blink from him, she modified her statement, hands going to her hips, stance shifting to lean more on her uninjured foot. "You were wondering if I was wearing a thong. Well, I am." His ears turned red, normally something she found to be rather endearing. "I...Scully...I, uh." He stopped, clearing his throat, and tried again, throwing her a cheesy grin. "Scully, I'm a guy. We think those kinds of thoughts all the time. It's harmless." "Harmless?" She hated the fact that her voice came out as a squeak, fought not to sputter. "Mulder, you were staring at my ass!" <> She scowled at him. "Mulder!" Though his ears darkened further, he fought back, his eyes narrowing a little. "Scully, if you're going to get angry at me for every stray thought that floats through my mind, we might as well call it quits right now. I can't control my thoughts all the time, and neither can you. Can anyone?" Sighing deeply, he relaxed the tense pose he had taken, and continued. "Scully, you are a beautiful, desirable woman. I am a healthy, heterosexual man, and I am only human. Of course I notice, and it is natural that I might think about your attributes. Maybe you don't want to hear these thoughts, but until we know more about whatever Kushov injected us with, there is nothing I can do about it." Scully's own thoughts were whirling. He thought she was beautiful and desirable? She felt flushed, her cheeks stained pink, and tried to think clinically, brushing personal thoughts aside. Mulder was right -- a person could not be held responsible for the random thoughts that their brain might produce. If not for this drug of Kushov's, she'd never be witness to any of Mulder's, nor he to any of hers. He piped up again, an irascible grin on his face now. "Besides Scully, you did tell me to think about something else." "Touche, Mulder," she remarked, smiling slightly. Giving his arm a light pat, she added, "I'm sorry for over- reacting." "No sweat, Scully." *** It was cooler than it had been, and the sun was steadily dropping in the sky, leaving them walking in shadows for long stretches of time. Another hour had passed since the 'thong incident' as he had decided to call it. Since then, Mulder had kept his eyes front and center at all times, ensuring that his gaze never entered thong territory. He had also kept his mind from straying into other equally danger-filled territories -- not an easy task -- by resorting to singing songs in his head. Therefore things had been quiet - both verbally and mentally. By mutual silent agreement, he and Scully had decided to expend all their energy towards locating help. Though as of yet, they had not spotted any signs of life or habitation. Had to be an X-File, he thought, and snickered. "Mulder?" Scully asked. "You okay?" She probably wouldn't see the humor, so he simply replied, "Just dandy, Scully." Deciding it was time to sing again, Mulder ran through his repertoire. Though it was blasphemy, he had to admit he was a little tired of the King, and thus started a rousing round of 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall. Hitting the 77th bottle, he was rudely startled by Scully crying out his name. Stumbling to a halt he looked around frantically, certain she had seen something. When he spied nothing, he turned to her and barked, "What was that for?" "You're driving me insane!" she barked back, nose wrinkled and brows drawn down. "Me?" he blustered. "What did I do now?" "Seventy-seven bottles of beer on the wall," she spit out in reply. Realizing with sudden clarity that his partner's anger masked her discomfort and unease with their newfound ability, he let go of his own anger. "Classic song, Scully," he told her. Surprisingly she chuffed out a laugh, her frown lines smoothing away, shoulders relaxing. "If we were at a frat party, sure." "Scully!" he teased, dragging out both syllables, glad to see her more at ease again. "A frat party, huh?" "Yes, Mulder," she replied dryly, eyebrow arching just slightly. "I did do more than just study in college, you know." His mind instantly supplied a picture of a college-aged Scully, perky and bright, with longish hair back in a pony-tail. He remembered himself as a young man at Oxford, and imagined the sharks that had circled the young Scully as if she were prey. Would she have caught his eye back then? Her words clicked in then, and he pursed his lips, saying, "Oooooh...do tell, Scully." As if she had just realized the double-entendre in her statement, her cheeks flushed pink. Still, she rallied, giving him a droll look and throwing back, "Read my mind now, Mulder." He laughed, then tilted his head in the direction they had been headed. "Daylight's a'wastin', partner." Waiting until they were in step with each other, he asked, "So, any requests?" Sending him a look under her lashes, Scully replied, "Anything but '99 Bottles'." A fond memory of Scully singing to him in a Florida forest came to mind, and flicking her a look of his own, he teased, "How about 'Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog?'" She groaned, reaching out to give him a little punch on his upper arm. "May I remind you that was under duress." He'd been working on a theory regarding their mind-reading, and decided to test it out. Instead of replying with his voice, he used his mind to send the message. <> Scully jolted beside him, it was the only way to describe her reaction. He could feel her gaze on him, intense and heavy. She drew in a somewhat shaky breath, then released it noisily. A moment later he read her response, a tease for his tease. <> Sucking in his own gulp of air, he held it for long seconds before slowly releasing it. Noting their footsteps had unconsciously slowed, he picked up the pace, his partner naturally following suit. Time for test number two. <> Again that little jolt from her, followed by her mind reply. <> "Holy shit." Her sudden snort of laughter made him realize he had spoken those last words out loud. He flashed her a grin, unrepentant. They continued on for a stretch of thirty or forty feet before Scully asked, "Mulder, I don't understand why I couldn't...*hear* you at first, when you could hear me." Now to explain his theory. "Well, Scully," he began. "I've been pondering that myself for the last little while and I came to the conclusion that because you were," he paused and changed the words he had started to say, "closed to extreme possibilities that you blocked everything out." Scully sniffed, shooting him a haughty look, and then said in a mock-offended tone, "Mulder, are you implying that I'm uptight?" His voice said, "Who me?" while his mind supplied another response. <> She actually giggled, if somewhat mournfully, before saying, "Unfortunately, these shoes don't fit. Hence my damn blisters!" Having lifted one foot to look at the shoe being discussed while still walking on, she stumbled a little, knocking into him. Mulder grabbed her, swinging his arm up around her shoulders and hugging her to his body, slowing them both. "Easy there, partner." Giving her a little squeeze and then releasing her, he asked, "You okay?" Nodding her head and shrugging her shoulders at the same time, she mumbled her reply. Sounding suddenly so weary. "I feel punch-drunk, Mulder." Concern flowed through him, though he tried to hide it. "I think that's normal, Scully. You haven't eaten or had anything to drink in several hours. Coupled with whatever knock-out gas we were given and all this walking..." "You too, Mulder," she put in. "But you don't seem as affected as me. At his shrug, she added, "I suppose you have a theory as to why?" "I'm a big manly man, Scully." "Mulder!" Her eyes rolled in reaction. "I just calls them likes I sees them, partner," Mulder returned. About to throw her a teasing grin, his attention was caught by a glimmer of light through the next stand of trees. "And I think the manly man might have just seen our salvation. Come on, move those little legs, Scully." *** End Part 4 of 12