*~*~*~*~*~* Connected by Lovesfox *~*~*~*~*~* lovesfox@rogers.com Headers in Part 1 *** Part 2 of 12 Unknown Location Unknown Date & Time Scully winced as she heard Mulder grunt again, in what had to be pain. Once it had been discovered that the door they had found was not locked but still would not open, he had insisted on attempting to ram it by himself. His supposition was that it was being blocked by something on the other side, in an effort to stall them further. For an as yet unknown reason. "Mulder, let me help," she tried to reason. For the third or fourth time. Her partner was nothing if not stubborn. "Two of us are a lot stronger than one." He was breathing heavily, clearly winded, and possibly injured from his several attempts. But she knew he hated to admit defeat. Surprisingly, he capitulated, though he had to joke about it first. "What? You don't like my manly display here, Scully?" Shaking her head to herself as Mulder could not see her, she declined to answer, and a moment later he murmured, "Come here, Scully." It didn't occur to her then, but even with the total darkness of the room, she found his outstretched hand easily. Mulder positioned her beside him, so that she would have been staring at his back if she had been able to see, telling her to lean in with her shoulder. "On the count of three," he said, "Rush the door with me." "Got it," she said, and took a few deep breaths to ready herself. Her headache had mostly disappeared, but she still felt off -- like her head was stuffed with cotton. Thick, and fuzzy, with a steady buzzing noise like a low hum. Mulder started counting, and on three, Scully moved forward, sensing her partner doing the same. THUD. Pain was like a starburst in her shoulder, radiating down her arm and through her chest. No wonder Mulder had been grunting. Using one's shoulder to force a door open hurt! She couldn't help stopping and bending, cradling her arm by cupping her elbow with her other hand. Blinking back the tears that had sprung to her eyes. CRACK. Mulder had obviously not stopped. After a few more thuds, she heard splintering sounds and then felt a rush of air as the door finally burst open. Extremely weak, hazy light filled the space beyond the room they had been held in. Slowly letting go of her elbow, she brought her hand up to shade her eyes, once again blinking rapidly. Adjusting to the light, as scant as it was, after utter blackness. A shadowy blur that she knew to be Mulder stepped over the threshold and out of their prison. "Careful, Scully," he said, and held out his hand to her. Taking a step forward, she slipped her fingers into his, gripping his hand tightly, and walked out of the room. Releasing her hold once free of the door frame, she turned around to study the area. Their teamwork had been successful. She was too sore to gloat, and knew it would only make the going rougher with him pouting, or arguing that he had weakened it with all his previous attempts. And who knows, maybe he had. "Let's get the hell out of here, Scully," Mulder said, pulling her from her musings. She wondered where 'here' was. What light there was came from holes in the floor above, and tiny casement windows high up near the ceiling. Looking around, it appeared they were in a warehouse of some sort. There was a feel of disuse about the place, and of abandonment. Not to mention the obvious signs of clutter and debris. Broken wooden pallets were piled in several spots, covered with dust and grime, probably years worth. They found a staircase, dilapidated and rickety, at one end. The lack of significant windows had led them to assume they were in the basement of the building -- again -- and that they had no choice but to risk the stairs. Mulder insisted on going first. He took hold of the railing and shook it, ensuring it was secure, before taking his first step. Scully watched nervously as he climbed, placing his feet carefully, testing each stair by bouncing his weight slightly. She exhaled noisily when his voice floated down to her. "Clear, Scully. Stick to the inside like I did." It was difficult not to hurry up the stairs, both from nerves and eagerness to be out of the basement and the building itself. Though there was still the unknown beyond -- they had no idea where they might have been brought, whether they were in D.C, or elsewhere. Once they had walked several feet it was clear they were now on the ground floor. There were more signs that it was an abandoned building, though less debris lay about. The windows were black and gray with grime, but some sun shone through regardless, letting them know it was still daytime. Scully looked at her watch. Not quite three in the afternoon. But which afternoon? "Mulder, does your watch give the date as well?" Her partner had been poking around a smaller room off the wide hallway they were walking along. He came out saying, "It's still Monday, so we only lost a few hours, as opposed to a day. Or more." Only a few hours. How comforting. "Anything in there?" she asked, nodding her head towards the 'office' he had just checked out. "Busted chair in one corner, lotta dust and some animal droppings that scared me with their size." Scully rolled her eyes, fighting a smile - more at the crooked grin he wore than his words. Knowing that her partner was merely attempting to lighten the situation any way he could. She had been hoping for some hint or clue as to where they were -- the few attempts at looking through broken windows had shown only a rather hilly but barren landscape, with no signs of life beyond the odd stand of trees or bush. It seemed very unlikely they were going to find anything. Mulder's next words eerily echoed her thoughts. "I don't think we're going to learn anything here, Scully. We'll have to use our G-man and G-woman wits." This time she did smile, in agreement and acknowledgement of his repartee, and nodded her head. "After you." "Onward, ho," was his response, before starting off towards what they believed was an exit. *** Once outside, and once they had adjusted to the bright sunlight, Scully asked him to lift his shirt. Mulder couldn't resist a tease. Waggling his eyebrows, he said, "Note to self. Imprisonment makes Scully frisky." Her huff of irritation was only partly real, he knew. Grinning, he pushed his jacket aside and yanked his shirt out of his waistband, on the side where he had been 'pinched'. Scully stood to his left and bent slightly at the waist, tilting her head to the side. This placed her just inches from his groin, which had him biting his tongue on a much cruder comment. He crossed many lines with her all the time, but hadn't yet gone that far. Cool fingers touched his skin then as she tucked them inside, and he startled. She pulled the waistband of his pants down further and took his boxers along for the ride. "Ticklish?" she queried semi-absently, now much closer to him. So close that her breath rose a rash of goosebumps over his skin. "Uh...yeah," he answered, fighting a shiver. Let her think that was the reason, it was safer that way. "Damn it!" she exclaimed suddenly. One finger lightly traced a spot just above his hip, and he sucked in his next breath in reaction. "That's definitely an injection site." Straightening, she matter-of-factly untucked her shirt on her right side and pulled the band of her pants down. Baring her shapely hip and the spaghetti-thin strap of her panties. Thong, if he was not mistaken. Swallowing noisily, he managed to quip, "Frohike's gonna be soooo jealous." "No, he isn't," she stated in a warning tone of voice, eyebrow arched high. "Just kidding, Scully." He stepped closer and bent as she had, peering at her smooth, soft-looking skin. With the afternoon shadows, it was hard to make out any imperfections, and he had to lean in even closer. A faint redness caught his eye, and he brought his hand up, index finger touching lightly. And there it was -- a small white dot in the midst of a slightly larger reddened circle of flesh. Mulder let his thumb rub the spot briefly, before straightening and moving back, meeting her gaze. "Why aren't I surprised, Scully?" There was no need for her to reply. After she had righted her clothes, he suggested that they check the perimeter of the building. Doing so confirmed that the structure, almost certainly a warehouse, was indeed abandoned, and actually falling down in some places. They had also discovered that there was no sign of any other buildings for as far as their eyes could see. It looked like they had quite the hike in front of them. And a good portion of it downhill, as the warehouse was located atop a significant rise in the landscape. Amidst other hills. "Hope you wore your hikin' shoes, partner," he remarked with mock-enthusiasm. Standing a few feet from the torn-up blacktop they were about to follow, Mulder frowned as he scanned the area. Rough terrain, neither of them were in top form, and the sun would be setting in a few short hours. Not to mention the fact that his partner was wearing two-inch heels. "We'd better start out, Scully." He turned and watched Scully heave herself off of the wood pile she had sat down on for a brief rest. After brushing her pants off, she met his gaze, her face calm, but her eyes showed her disquiet. "We can do it, Scully," he said quietly, and wrangled a very small smile from her. Her chin lifted as she moved to stand beside him, shoulders squared. "Piece of cake," she replied staunchly, attempting to match his confidence. Those were two of the many traits he had always admired about Scully -- her stoicism and her determination. He depended on those traits, had been bolstered by them on countless occasions. Rubbing his belly, he playfully groaned, "Why did you have to go and mention food?" Now that the effects of the gas seemed to have worn off, he was feeling rather hungry. Though his head had yet to clear. Her smile widened, seemed more natural. "Come on, Mulder, let's move." With that, she started off. Smiling himself, he followed her. They hiked roughly a mile or so in silence, until Scully nearly turned an ankle when she stepped on a loose piece of road. Cursing, his partner hobbled to the side, sitting down on a convenient boulder. Mulder hustled to her side and crouched in front of her, watching her rub her ankle. "You okay, Scully?" he asked anxiously. "It's not broken, is it?" In his mind he was running through their options if her ankle was broken -- her staying behind while he continued on to get help or him carrying her the whole way. Neither was appealing, but there was no chance he would leave her alone. "No," she sighed, looking at him woefully. "It's not broken. I just turned it on a chunk of pavement." Stretching her leg out in front of her, she rotated her foot, wincing a little. "Give me a couple minutes." "Sure, Scully," Mulder said, and got to his feet. Turning, he surveyed the brush to their left, hoping to spot a suitable-sized branch she might be able to use as a walking stick. Nothing. He crossed the road, looking down into the small gully on the right side, and spied a couple of likely candidates. "Be right back, Scully," he called, and made his way down into the depression. Picking up the first branch, he found looks could definitely be deceiving. After testing it by leaning his weight on it and having it snap, he discarded it and moved on. A few minutes later he found one that was a good four inches thick, and cautiously leaned into it. When it held firm, he quickly stripped the tiny off-shoots from the branch and brushed away the dirt and leaves that had been clinging to it. He used it to climb the small hill back to the road. Glancing at Scully he saw she was putting her shoe back on, a grimace on her face. Nearly slipping on a patch of loose gravel, he looked down as he caught his balance. <> At the top, and on reasonably solid terra firma in the shape of pavement, he glanced at Scully again. He hadn't caught all of her last statement. "What did you say, Scully?" he asked as he walked across the road to her boulder. "Hmmm?" she murmured, looking up at him, a puzzled look on her face. "I didn't say anything." Mulder frowned. "You said something about blisters," he stated semi-confidently. She blinked and her mouth opened, but no sound emerged. After a few seconds she spoke. "I didn't say anything, Mulder," she repeated. "I had been thinking to myself that I wished I hadn't worn my new shoes this morning because they're giving me blisters." He would swear she had said it out loud and that he just hadn't been paying attention. Scully had that obstinate look on her face, the one that said there was no way in hell she was changing her mind. Rather than start an argument -- as it would be a very long walk in silence if he did -- he acquiesced, shrugging his shoulders. Still, he couldn't resist mumbling, "Maybe you didn't realize you said it out loud." "Mulder-" "Never mind," he said quickly, thrusting the improvised walking stick at her. "Here. You can use this branch to help you navigate." The perturbed look faded away, to be replaced by one of gratitude. "Thank-you, Mulder," she said softly. "No sweat," he told her, and held out his hand to help her up. He didn't let go until he was sure she was steady on her feet, wincing at her frown when she first put weight on her injured foot. "Set?" he asked. "Set," she confirmed, and they resumed their hike, Scully using her walking stick. *** End Part 2 of 12