Title: Connected Author: lovesfox E-mail: lovesfox@rogers.com Website: www.geocities.com/fanficcorner Rating: R (language, some violence) Category: X-File, Mulder/Scully friendship/UST Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST, X-File Spoilers: Nothing specific, up to and including S7 Summary: An experiment results in a new ability Archive: Yes to Ephemeral, Gossamer and Spooky's. Others - with permission, please Disclaimer: The characters herein do not belong to me, they belong to Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. Thanks: As always, to my betas Nancy and Mortis *~*~*~*~*~* Connected by Lovesfox *~*~*~*~*~* Part 1 of 12 Unknown Location Unknown Date & Time Cold. It was the first sensation to register. She was so cold. Scully shivered, and tried to concentrate. Her mind was slow to respond, felt stuffed with cotton. Discomfort. Extreme discomfort. The surface she lay upon was hard, and unyielding. Pressing into her cheek, her chest, stomach and legs, her outflung arms. Forcing her eyes open, and meeting only darkness, she attempted to move, managing to roll partially on her side and to draw her arms inward. Pain was the only reward, and she tensed in reaction. Her entire body ached -- a low, deep ache like one experienced during a bad flu. Her head worst of all. It throbbed, unmercifully. Several slow, deep breaths helped, and her muscles gradually relaxed. Only to tense up again as she suddenly thought about her partner. Where was Mulder? A picture flashed in her mind. It was of her and Mulder. They had been meeting with Doctor Vladimir Kushov in his laboratory, hearing about the scientist's fantastical discovery, when...Her head gave another twinge, and she winced, trying to remember. The pain eased, and the memory returned. Black-clad men in gas masks had suddenly burst into the lab. Before either she or Mulder had done more than reach for their weapons, the commandos or whoever they had been, had sprayed something from tiny canisters held in their gloved hands. Something cloudy and heavy that had hung in the air and made her eyes sting and water. She had coughed, feeling like she was choking, her head spinning, trying to reach Mulder. And then nothing. Until now. Obviously the canisters had contained some form of knock-out gas. She shivered again, from the cold, and at the thought that they had been deliberately drugged, and this time drew her knees up towards her chest. A moan slipped past Scully's lips as her head and stomach protested the movement. The sound echoed slightly, and was duplicated. By someone else. Her heart skipped a beat, started thumping, fear and unease roiling through her. "Mulder?" she called out, her voice raspy and hoarse. One hand went to her back, groping for her holster. Her empty holster. No gun, and a check of all her pockets revealed she was minus her ID, her wallet and her cell phone as well. She heard shuffling, like a body rolling over, and low groans. Then a croak that was his voice. "Scu-leee? You...okay?" Relief covered Scully like a warm blanket, and despite everything else, despite the fact she had no idea where they were or how they came to be there, she felt better. Not alone. "It's me, Mulder," she confirmed. "I'm...not sure how I am, though." "Know that feeling," was his wry response. More shuffling, a muttered curse, and then he asked, "Are you hurt?" "Not exactly," she said slowly, experimentally attempting to sit up, and succeeding. "My head is pounding and my body aches all over, but nothing specific. I'm also missing my gun and my phone." A pause, followed by scraping noises. "Shit," faintly reached her ears, and she assumed he had been similarly relieved of those items. His next words confirmed it. "Ditto on all counts." More shuffling sounds and then he called, "I'm not restrained at all...Can you move, Scully?" The thought that she had not been restrained in any manner should have occurred to her, but it hadn't. With a small frown, she stretched her legs out slowly. "Yes, I can." "Keep talking, Scully, and I'll work my way towards you," Mulder said next. "O-kayyyy," she answered semi-absently, blinking quickly and turning her head, trying to make out anything in the inky blackness. Dragging and scuffling sounds came then, and she imagined Mulder crawling cautiously and blindly across the unknown terrain of the floor. "Scully?" he called, sounding both anxious and impatient. She was supposed to be talking, so he could use her voice as a beacon. "Sorry, Mulder," she told the empty space in front of her. "Um, let's see...how about the human skeletal system?" Without waiting for his response, she began, "Anterior view. Skull, mandible, hyoid bone, cervical vertebra, clavicle, sternum--" A heaviness in the air, a presence, had her stopping in mid-recitation. Seconds later something brushed her pant leg, and then Mulder's hand was on her thigh. Dangerously close to another part of her body. He had apparently been somewhere to her right. The weight of his hand disappeared almost as quickly as it had appeared, as if Mulder had realized where he had grabbed her and was embarrassed. "Found you," he said, his breathing somewhat labored. Her own embarrassment was forgotten, to be replaced with concern. "Mulder, are you all right?" Struggling up onto her knees, she reached out carefully with both hands, making contact with his cheek and his shoulder. She patted both locations, soothed. "What's wrong?" Panicked, she added, "Were you hurt in the...the attack?" "I'm just...winded," he replied, one of his hands coming up to cover hers on his cheek briefly before removing her hand and squeezing it. "Felt really weak and light-headed for a moment." She thought back to that moment in the lab, saw their positions again, and realized that Mulder had been closest to the commandos. "I think you got a heavier dose of whatever was in those canisters," she opined. "Are you experiencing any other symptoms?" Mulder squeezed her hand again, bringing it to rest on his knee, still in his clasp. "I think we've covered everything." He cleared his throat, coughed a little, and then remarked, "Nice place we've got here. Cozy. Cheap on electricity." Scully smiled and shook her head. He was all right. Despite her fears, she attempted to follow his light vein, knowing it was his way of trying to reassure her, and himself. "I don't know, Mulder. I think I like my own place much better." He chuckled before mock-cheerfully saying, "Well let's blow this popsicle stand then, huh, partner?" She tried not to think of how hollow his laugh and his words had sounded, and nodded, forgetting for a moment that he couldn't see her. Her voice was husky when she replied, "Definitely." *** Mulder grimaced as he knee-walked along the floor, his joints aching from the steady contact with the hard, cold concrete. Sweeping his hands lightly over the cement surface of the wall he and Scully were now investigating -- each moving in opposite directions -- and finding nothing, he inched forward again. Sweep wall, find nothing, move on. And repeat. After discussing the very limited options regarding their current situation, they had decided that exploring their 'prison', and hopefully locating a means of escape, was essential. Hence his current activity. The faint sounds to his left told him Scully was carrying out a similar search. "Anything?" he called to her, despite the fact he knew she would tell him if she were to find something. Her sigh telegraphed her frustration and exhaustion, which matched his. "Not yet," she replied a moment later, her voice faint. Dismal. Pausing for a much needed rest, he lowered his arms, hands coming to rest on his thighs, and sank down butt-to-heels. Sitting thusly, Mulder took stock. The nausea was now gone, and while the throbbing in his head had subsided, he was aware of an odd buzzing. One he would almost describe as being in his mind. He decided it must be an unusual side effect of whatever gas they had been exposed to, and hoped it would clear soon. It was distracting him from the task at hand, as well as throwing his concentration to hell. In an effort to banish the feeling, Mulder forced himself to recall and chronicle the events of the morning -- the events that had led them to this unknown location. This predicament. The call through the X-Files office line from a Dr. Vladimir Kushov early that morning, while slightly unusual, had not raised any flags or sounded an alarm. Immediately intrigued at the scientist's revelation -- that the doctor had been working on an experimental drug involving mind control -- he had corralled Scully the moment she had walked into the office, hustling her out to his Bureau car. With a promise to fill her in on the way to the lab, of course. Despite her skepticism, Scully's curiosity had been piqued. The address supplied by Dr. Kushov had led them to a rather unremarkable building on the outskirts of Washington. Said building had turned out to be a busy medical center. He and Scully had been met in the lobby by the very nervous scientist. A Russian whom neither of them had met previously, Kushov was in his early-fifties. Short and swarthy, he was possessed of a facial twitch and fluttering hands that had made Mulder feel jumpy himself. Oddly enough, the doctor's lab had been down in the basement. The gleam in Scully's eye as she flicked him a glance had told him she wanted to say he should feel right at home. He had answered her unspoken comment with a little smirk. Kushov had led them past the dual, gleaming metal elevators in the lobby and around one corner to a door with a keycard entry. Glancing over his shoulder in both directions, the doctor had pulled a white plastic card from his lab coat pocket and shot it through the slot. Yanking the door open, Kushov had gestured them through with a marked edginess. Descending concrete stairs one floor, they had followed the quick-footed doctor through an almost-labyrinth of hallways before he had stopped in front of a white-faced, unmarked door. A series of buttons to the numerical keypad lock, and then the scientist was herding them inside. Once again checking over his shoulders, nervously scanning the empty hallway. Kushov's theatrics had only served to intrigue Mulder further. The room they had entered was a typical laboratory -- long, waist-high counters covered with assorted equipment, various microscopes and test tubes. Just to the left of the door, there was a work station with an elaborate computer set-up and several monitors. All of which displayed what Mulder vaguely recognized to be scientific calculations of some sort. Dr. Kushov had urged them over to the computer and sat down before it. Pointing at one of the screens, he had babbled jargon Mulder had not followed one iota. Glancing at his partner, he had seen her nodding her understanding, an excited interest animating her features. Then things had gotten hairy. Scully had been bending over the doctor's shoulder, leaning towards the monitor, index finger pointing. He had been looking about the lab and not at his partner and the scientist when Scully had made an odd sound. As he turned back in concern, she had straightened up and stepped back, hand going to her waist, a confused look on her face. His own hands had come up in reaction, reaching for Scully, a question on his lips, when Dr. Kushov had risen from the chair and brushed past him, mumbling what had sounded like, "It's not too late." He had felt a sharp pinch near his hip, but before he could react other than to clutch at his waist as Scully had done just seconds ago, there was a thunderous crash. As his eyes had taken in the team of men in black uniforms and gas masks swarming into the lab, he had been reaching for his gun. Uselessly as it had turned out, for several of the commandos had sprayed some sort of gas at him and Scully, rendering them incapable of much movement. A last look at his partner, seeing her stumble and fall, and then he was falling as well. Still, his eyes managed to find Dr. Kushov in the back corner of the room before apparently succumbing to unconsciousness. That was all he could remember until hearing a moan that he had just known had come from Scully. Squatting now in their dark prison, he could recall the look on the scientist's face. It had not been one of surprise, but rather...resignation. As if Dr. Kushov had expected the attack. Rising back up on his knees, Mulder moved a few inches to his left and started a wall sweep again, his brain working furiously. "Scully, I think we were set up." Several beats of heavy silence, and then she replied with skeptical curiosity, "By whom?" "That's the question, isn't it?" Mulder shifted yet again and began musing out loud. "On the telephone Dr. Kushov said he had heard about me, about our investigations into the paranormal." "Not unusual in and of itself," was her response. "We've been contacted before by people who've read articles about the X-Files, or heard of some of your exploits." "True," he murmured, chuckling inwardly at her usage of the words 'your exploits', and moved another couple inches over. "His story seemed to check out though. Even the Gunmen had heard of him." His mind supplied a picture of how Scully would normally have been regarding him if they had been in the office or on a case. Arms crossed, eyebrow slightly raised, the skepticism clear on her face. She had always made him work for her support and assistance, and he was grateful for that fact. It was never a given; she didn't agree with every word he spoke simply because he was the senior agent. A partnership at its best. Mulder continued on despite the lack of a response, starting with what he considered to be the most compelling evidence. "Scully, Dr. Kushov was not surprised when those commandos burst in. I think he knew the attack was coming." Her voice when it came sounded puzzled. "And he wanted us there for it? Why?" That was something he hadn't yet figured out. "I don't know," he answered slowly, the gears in his brain turning. Scully was silent again for several moments -- the only sounds in the room were their hands sweeping the wall and the shuffling as they moved along it. "Mulder," she said at last, her voice both speculative and disturbed. "Just before the attack, I felt a sharp pinch in my side." She paused, and then clarified, "Like a needle." Mulder remembered that moment when she had seemed to falter. And he also remembered that right after, as Kushov had passed him, he had felt a pinch near his hip. "So did I, Scully," he told her. "Right after." He heard her sharp inhalation. "Mulder, I think Dr. Kushov injected us with something!" "The plot thickens," he murmured. They needed to get the hell out of this place and back to Kushov's lab. Scully made no further comment, and he was just about to call out when she said rather excitedly, "Mulder, I think I've found something!" Dropping to all fours, he crawled as rapidly as he could along the wall in Scully's direction. Bumping into her leg, he realized she was standing and rose to his feet as well. He lifted his hands up to the wall, fingers searching. She had found a door. *** End Part 1 of 12