Valentine Hearts By Lovesfox J. Edgar Hoover Building February 14, 2001 Scully exited AD Skinner's outer office after a last, faint good-bye to his assistant, and headed down the hallway towards the elevator. The heels of her pumps clicked noisily along the tiled floor, and as she walked, she mostly kept her gaze focused on them. This way she would not have to meet the eyes of the other agents and employees of the Hoover Building, would not have to see their looks of pity and curiosity. Nor would she have to look at the woman wearing red sweaters or blouses, or the men with red ties, in honor of Valentine's Day. If it had been at all possible, and the mid-morning meeting with Skinner had definitely made it impossible, she would have taken the day off to stay at home and hide until it was over. She had reached the elevator at this point, and just as she was about to press the call button, another hand, large and darker-skinned, with blunt fingertips, reached passed her and beat her to it. A man's hand. For just a split second she thought it was Mulder, and her heart started to race. Then she remembered that there was no way it could be him, for he was still missing, and willed herself to calm down. She shot a glance to the side, through lowered lids, but could only make out that the person standing beside her wore a navy blue suit and black wing-tipped shoes. She could also see that he was rocking slightly on his feet as they waited for the elevator to arrive. It did then, and once the people exiting had done so, the navy-clad arm moved to hold the doors open for her, skimming past her shoulder with the lightest of touches. Scully started a little, and then briefly lifted her head, scanning his features. She noted that she did not recognize him at all, and politely said, "Thank-you," before lowering her head once more to study her toes. Her scan, while brief, had not missed much. He was tall, with dark chestnut hair and an oversized slightly crooked nose. Like Mulder. At the thought, her breath hitched, and she almost gasped aloud. Fortunately the man chose that moment to speak, and his voice drowned out the sound of her gasp. "You're welcome," he said, and even his voice reminded her of Mulder. Dear God, what was the matter with her? She brought her hands together intending to clutch them tightly until the elevator ride was over, and heard a crumpling sound. Lifting her eyes from her shoes, she saw that she was still holding the candy package Kimberley had smilingly pressed upon her after her meeting with Skinner. She could still hear the woman chirping with sickening happiness, "Happy Valentine's Day, Agent Scully." While behind her on the credenza had sat a vase filled with a dozen red roses. Scully shuddered and banished the image, blinking back the tears that had formed in her eyes. Stupid hormones. She was angry one minute and crying the very next. The mood swings were difficult on her, not to mention the never- ending nausea and the sleepless nights thinking and worrying about Mulder. Stop, she told herself fiercely. Stop thinking about him. Taking a deep breath, she slowly turned the package over to see ex- actly what it was Kimberley had given her, for she hadn't yet looked at them. The plastic wrapper was red, and she could just make out the words 'Valentine Hearts Candy' written on one side. Her first instinct was to toss the candy into the nearest garbage can, but a sudden memory, of giggling with Melissa as they looked for ones that said 'hug me' and 'love you' to give to Ahab, had her hand closing tightly and protectively over them. She was barely aware of the elevator stopping at the main floor, or of the navy blue-suited man exiting. No one else came on, and her trip to the basement was made alone, as it had been for so many months now. The door dinged as it opened into the basement, and she walked out, once again listening to the clicking of her heels, slightly muted on the cement of the floor, heading towards the basement office she tem- porarily shared with Agent John Doggett. She hesitated for just a moment before entering the partially opened door, and barely managed to contain a sigh of relief when she saw that it was empty. Crossing the floor, she sat down on the leather chair at her desk. The desk she was only borrowing from Mulder until he returned. She did not lean back into the chair, but sat ramrod-straight, her hands, one still holding the candy, resting on the blotter. She stared at the candy for the longest time before finally carefully tearing the package open. She poured the candy out, watching as the pastel colored, heart- shaped candies fell onto the desk. It was not a large bag, merely a treat-sized one, and only contained eight of little sugar confec- tions. All but one had landed with the words right side up. Scully stared at the lone candy, noting how it was slightly apart from all the others, as if it did not belong, before moving one shaking hand to turn the little heart over. She brought it slowly up to her face, and the words written on it struck a pang in her heart. Miss you. She released the breath she had not been aware she was holding in a shuddering sigh, and then leaning over, slowly opened one of the desk drawers. She stayed that way for a bit, now staring at the only item in the drawer. Mulder's desk plate. With one last sigh she gently placed the little pastel heart in the drawer next to the desk plate, and whispered, "Happy Valentine's Day, Mulder." The drawer slid silently shut. The end