Title: Through The Looking Glass Author: Lovesfox E-mail: lovesfox@rogers.com Rating: R Category: X-File, UST Spoilers: Up to and including Chimera. With specific references to Squeeze, Darkness Falls, How the Ghosts Stole Christmas, Arcadia. Summary: Mulder and Scully go to Nantucket Island, MA to investigate unsolved disappearances. Disclaimer: I'll say it again, unfortunately Mulder and Scully are not mine. Chris Carter and 1013 Productions have that privilege. Author's Note: I have never been to Nantucket Island, but did do much research on-line. I hope no one is offended at my use of actual locations there, and can forgive any discrepancies. Starbuck House is a figment of my imagination, any similarities to an actual inn are a coincidence. Liza MacGregor is a character I created, and her curse is mine as well. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Through The Looking Glass by Lovesfox XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX For Beauty's grace And thine own face For this unfairness done unto me I place this curse over thee Upon this form of wood and glass So shall this come to pass Into the mirror souls to feed Forever and eternity will it need Thee and any child of thy line To do so for all of time Heed it not and thou wilst learn Consequences of thy turn Illness and death shall then result And bring about mine own exult By my tongue do I curse thee So mote it be - Liza MacGregor September 2, 1872 *** Prologue Nantucket Island, MA April 29, 1997 11:45 PM The driving sheets of rain made it difficult to see. Difficult to traverse the rocky, muddy terrain –- the little-used path through the woods. Exhaling harshly, the man continued to struggle onward, his head ducked down, both to aid in placing each booted foot and to minimize the rain that struck his face with chilling precision. His companion followed behind him. His burden was heavy, awkward. Wrapped securely in tarp and slung over both shoulders in a fireman's carry, it was unwieldy, making for backbreaking work. But very necessary work. They'd had to stop three times already to rest, his muscles tight and straining with his exertion, and now stopped yet again. This time he shifted his load to lie over one shoulder, instead of both. Taking a few deep breaths, and tilting his head slightly to one side, he started onward once more. Plodding forward, one step at a time, his mind carefully blank, all his energy concentrated on the task at hand. The man grunted as the tarp started to slide downward. Stopping to shift and readjust the load, he dropped the flashlight he had been carrying in his free hand in the process. "I've got it!" he heard faintly after he had stopped, cursing lowly, and turned his head slightly to the right to see his companion yelling at him to be heard over the sound of the rain. She had been marching behind him the whole way, her strength not quite enough to carry the weight of the load to spell him, despite her determination. Picking it up, she returned it to him, ensuring he had it firmly in his grasp. "Keep going," she said next, her mouth forming the words exaggeratedly as she yelled again, and waved him on. He nodded, pausing just briefly to watch as her rain-blurred, slicker-covered figure bent down and picked up the shovels she had dropped in order to retrieve his flashlight. She carried two, along with her own flashlight -- their weak beams able to cut through only a little of the gloom, illuminating perhaps a foot or so of the path before them. This new positioning made carrying the tarp-wrapped weight somewhat easier, as he was now able to hold it more securely in place -- keeping it from sliding or shifting again. It seemed like they had been walking for hours, though their destination was only about forty-five minutes from their home. The rain and mud had made the journey much more difficult, necessitating more stops than usual. They were finally there, however. The hidden place deep in the woods, as familiar to them both as the backs of their hands. A place of death and secrecy. Allowing his burden to slip from his hold and fall to the ground with a muffled thud, he positioned his flashlight on a nearby waist-high rock to illuminate the area he wanted, and held out his hand. A shovel was immediately placed into his grasp. A second later his companion's flashlight added further illumination as she placed it atop another rock. They began to dig. *** End Prologue...See Part 1