Through the Looking Glass by Lovesfox Headers in Prologue Part 4 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Diary of Liza MacGregor December 20, 1872 Rose is with child. She glows with happiness, as does John. It sickens me, though I hide it well. I play the good friend to them, so that I may one day watch their downfall. I am so clever. I woefully confessed to her that so pain-stricken by the broken engagement was I that I placed a curse on her. Rose laughed, and declared that she believes not in curses and witchcraft. She forgave me for voicing such a thing. She is a fool. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Nantucket Town 12:15 AM The slight, sweet burn of well-worked muscles, the sweat drenching his back and forehead –- to Mulder, those were the signs of a good run. The pounding of his feet was rhythmic and even on the paved surface of the road, a familiar, soothing music to his ears. His breath steamed in the cool night air, and a low wind ruffled his hair, but he was far from cold. He was on the return leg of a decent-sized run, heading back to the Inn, his mind quickly and easily noting the landmarks already fixed in place. Roughly two blocks from his destination, he slowed to a jog, and then to a brisk walk, for his cool down. At the same section of fence where he had begun his run, he stopped and did a few leg stretches before resuming his walk, much slower now. Passing the front gate, he turned instead up the long, crushed gravel driveway, recalling that Mr. Carrington had instructed him to park the rental car there as the man had been showing him his room. He hadn't brought the keys with him; he'd have to move the car in the morning. Aside from the two vehicles he assumed belonged to the Inn, or to the Carrington's, there were no other cars in the rather large parking area. Now walking along the stone-stepped path that ran parallel to the side of the house, the woods at the edge of the property once again beckoned. But he resisted that temptation. Quietly letting himself in through the side entrance, Mulder automatically glanced around the darkened room before shutting the door behind him, hearing its low snick. He moved easily through the lower floor of the house, and kept his footsteps light as he took the winding stairs two at a time. At the top, he hesitated, one hand on the ornate newel post, and stared to his right at the door marked 'Private'. He had caught Mr. Carrington's slight hesitation when the man had pointed out the family quarters, and it had piqued Mulder's curiosity. Maybe it was nothing at all -- perhaps Mr. Carrington was just very concerned with privacy and ensuring guests did not wander, it was hard to say. He'd feel things out in the morning, see if there was any chance to question either or both of the Carrington's. And if he turned on the charm and used his cover, he would most likely be able to wrangle an invitation to explore the entire house. A sudden thought occurred to Mulder. There was a third floor, and it was possible the house had a small attic as well. He turned his head to look down the hallway in the direction of the guest rooms. There were three doors on the right-hand side, which were those belonging to Scully and himself, and the one to the right of Scully's room at the end of the hallway was a linen closet, as Mr. Carrington had pointed out. On the left side, there were three doors as well. The Innkeeper had said they were all guest rooms, empty at the moment. All the doors were accounted for, and if that were so, there seemed be no access to either the third floor or an attic. Such an entrance had to be on the other side of the door marked 'Private'. A definite reason, or excuse as it were, to attempt to gain access to their quarters. And if the Carrington's were hesitant when broached, there was always stealth. Also known as funky poaching. Of course, Scully would look a damn sight better in something black and sexy than the Gunmen. Realizing that nothing could be done then, Mulder moved down the hallway, noting that Scully's door was closed, with no light shining at the bottom. He glanced at his watch –- 12:15 am. She had been tired, dozing on the plane and in the rental car from the airport to the inn, so he decided not to disturb her. He had left his own room unlocked –- the key was in fact sitting on the bureau where he had placed it earlier before changing for his run. Entering, he flicked the light on, shut and locked the door behind him, and proceeded to strip. His sweaty tee shirt and socks were discarded in a heap on the floor, which he nudged aside with one foot as he moved over to his as yet unpacked suitcase on the bed. Digging through the hastily filled items, he found a pair of boxers to sleep in, and pulled them out. Grabbing his shaving kit bag as well, he headed into the bathroom he shared with Scully. Already there were signs of her presence. The room smelled faintly of her soap and moisturizer, as familiar to him as the scent of his own soap, and her make-up bag sat tidily on the shelf beside the sink. His eyes moved to the claw foot tub, and he wondered if Scully had wanted to take a bath in it. A shiver ran through him then, and he pushed the thought of Scully lazing amid mounds of bubbles out of his head. He relieved himself, washed his hands, and then brushed his teeth, using the closest hand towel to dry off. Lifting it up to pat his cheeks dry, he swore he smelled Scully on the terrycloth. Mulder took one last deep breath, and then re-hung the towel. Retrieving his bar of soap from his kit bag, he moved over to the shower stall in the corner nearest his room. Slowly sliding the door open, hoping it would not disturb Scully, he leaned in and turned on the taps. Heavy on the hot water. While waiting for the temperature to adjust, he stripped off his track pants and boxers together, letting them drop to the floor, before stepping inside the already steam-filled stall. Ducking his head under the water briefly, he quickly worked the soap into a good lather and scrubbed his body clean, obliterating the sweat of his run. He'd need a shower in the morning anyway, so he did not bother with actually washing his hair. After shutting the water off, Mulder slid the door open again and stepped out onto the bath mat, one hand reaching out and snagging one of the conveniently placed body-sized towels to the right of the stall. He rubbed his hair quickly, and then wiped his body down before re-hanging the towel with slightly less finesse than the original job. Returning to the sink for his clean boxers, which were lying on the counter, he donned them quickly. Scooping up his discarded clothes, he flicked off the bathroom light and entered his room. Dropping the clothes on the floor to join the previously shed items, he dug through his suitcase for his leather portfolio, which contained the new X-File on the missing women, and some articles he had printed at the office, plus a notepad and pen. He tossed the portfolio onto his pillow, and then flipping the suitcase closed, hefted it off the bed to lay it on the floor near the bureau. Stretching out on his left side on the comfortable softness of the bed, he reached for the portfolio and unzipped it, removing the notepad and pen, and then the files. Within minutes, he was completely engrossed with his reading, pen held loosely and absently in his hand. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Diary of Liza MacGregor August 5, 1873 Rose had a girl, a beautiful baby girl. She is named Marie Rose. I looked upon the babe's innocent face, and thought only that she should have been mine. My resentment grows, though I do yet suppress it. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Starbuck House Scully's Room Saturday, May 21, 2000 7:30 AM A persistent, loud knocking penetrated the haze of her sleep, and Scully rolled over reluctantly, forcing her eyes open. "Wha?" she mumbled, scrubbing both hands over her face. "Whozit?" "Scully, it's me," she heard through the bathroom door. Mulder. Struggling to push the weighted mound of blankets off her body, she husked out, "Yeah, jus' a second, Mulder." Finally succeeding in removing the covers, she swung her legs over the side, and stood, her body feeling sleep-shaky and weak. Finding a robe did not even occur to her, she just shuffled over to the door and pulled it open. Blinking slowly, she met his gaze. His somewhat stunned gaze. "Whatzamatter, Mulder?" she mumbled, her tongue feeling strangely thick. Why the hell was she slurring everything? "Um...Scully, you're not...uh, well Scully, you're not dressed yet." Her partner seemed to be almost stuttering; maybe it was something in the air, affecting them both. Still surprised at the fact that it had taken almost a solid minute of knocking to wake Scully, Mulder couldn't believe his eyes. His normally reserved, impeccably dressed partner was still sleep-disheveled, despite the hour of the morning. She had an adorably bad case of bed-head, and her eyes were only half-open, her cheeks pale. The unconcealed beauty mark on her upper lip drew attention to her full, pink lips. And then there was her bed...attire. In all his experiences of witnessing a pajama-clad Scully, and sadly there were really not that many, she had worn tailored two-piece pajamas, and for the majority of them, a robe as well. The simple, white, sleeveless gown was quite...lovely. And revealing. Suddenly realizing he was peering down at her cleavage, Mulder jerked his eyes back up to her face, to witness her hand coming up to cover an enormous yawn. Thankfully she did not seem to have noticed his interest in the front of her nightgown, and what was contained within. "Sorry," Scully mumbled, feeling her cheeks go pink. That yawn had snuck up out of nowhere, and she had barely managed to cover her mouth in time. But it had served its purpose –- she was a bit more alert now. Clearing her throat, her eyes skimming over his tall form, she added, "What time is it?" She had a feeling it was later than she thought it might be. Mulder had obviously already showered and shaved, and was dressed in a form-fitting turtleneck in an olive green that accentuated his skin and eyes, and khaki pants. Casual clothes that befitted a writer, she supposed. He wore them well. Though to be honest, Mulder looked good in any attire. Then she became aware that she herself was less than adequately covered, her nightgown rather skimpy. She crossed her arms self-consciously over her breasts, hoping the move looked nonchalant. "Just past 7:30," Mulder informed her. He kept his eyes on her face, having noticed her move to cover her breasts, and sensing she was a little embarrassed. "Breakfast is served until nine, but I wanted to get to the Police Station early this morning, so we can take a look around after." He'd been up for almost two hours now, and had been waiting not quite patiently for Scully to get her sexy little assistant's butt out of bed. Reviewing the scant details of the missing women again, moving the rental car into the parking area and drinking nearly a pot of coffee had only filled up a portion of the time. Finally he had decided he'd better wake her before the morning was gone. "I'm sorry, Mulder," Scully said apologetically. "I don’t know why I'm so tired this morning." So fuzzy-headed. She could not recall waking once throughout the night, and was fairly certain her sleep had been deep and dreamless. Was this the difference between their usual overnight fare, the cheap motel –- she had actually slept, and slept well? It was a nice change, except for the fact that she had actually overslept, and felt like she could climb back in her bed and sleep longer still. Shaking her head then, grimacing a little, she said, "I'll meet you downstairs in the dining area in half an hour, okay?" Mulder couldn't resist lifting a hand to tap her cheek gently with his forefinger. "Hey," he said softly. "No problem, partner. I did spring this trip on you on short notice, and we had a late flight." He made his voice teasing for his last remark, hoping to wring a smile out of her. "I know how cranky you can get if you're not in bed by ten o'clock." She swatted at his hand, an actual grin, albeit a small one, crossing her lips, and Mulder grinned back at her. "Get out of here before I really show you cranky!" she teased back, and both hands came to land lightly on his chest, giving him a tiny shove. "Ooooh," he husked out. "Promises, promises!" With a waggle of his eyebrows, he turned and walked through the bathroom and out the other door, into his room. "Half an hour," he called back, and pulled the door shut behind him. Giving his room a critical glance, he decided some tidying up was in order. Opening up the top drawer of the five-drawer bureau, he bent down and grabbed an armful of clean clothing from his suitcase and deposited it into the drawer. The remainder of garments went into the second and third drawers. His Goretex jacket and sport coat, he hung in the tiny closet in one corner, along with a slightly creased pair of dress pants and a button-down shirt. Next he put the dirty clothes from the floor into his suitcase for the time being, and used his foot to shove it out of sight under the bed. After sliding his gun into the holster at his hip, he retrieved his leather jacket from the end of his bed and donned it, ensuring the gun was adequately covered. He closed and locked his door, pocketing his key, and then headed down to the dining room to await Scully, whistling under his breath. *** End Part 4