Part 9 of 12 ~*~*~ Scully's Apartment Georgetown, D.C. April 27, 2001 10:30 am As they made their way down the hallway to Scully's apartment, Mulder was struck with a sense of dιjΰ vu. Only that time, it had been he who had just been released from the hospital. He remembered that he had been stubborn and determined to be independent, walking alone and unassisted, with Scully hovering nearby. Although she wasn't as stubborn as he, she had not protested when his hand had cupped her right elbow after they had exited the car. It had remained there the entire journey, and he had been, and was, ready to catch her at any sign of weakness or trouble. She walked slowly and carefully, head downward to watch the ground before her, placing her feet with deliberation. If they hadn't just had the scare of their lives approximately 36 hours ago, it would have been cute. At her door, Mulder hustled to open it, keys already in hand. Flipping quickly through the small bunch, he found hers and pushed it into the lock. One quick, sharp twist of his wrist, and he was pushing the door wide open. He reached for her elbow once more, lightly tossing her overnight bag to one side, and assisted her inside. Shutting the door and relocking it, he nudged the bag further out of the way with his foot and tossed the keys onto the little decorative table to the left of the door. He quickly toed his shoes off and helped her remove her coat, his hands gentle. Shrugging out of his, he hung them both on the coat rack and turned back to her. This time he took hold of her hand instead of her elbow, curling his fingers around hers and squeezing gently. He automatically turned in the direction of her bedroom, and met with resistance. Scully was heading towards the couch. "Hey," he said softly. "Bed rest, remember?" "Modified bed rest," she corrected him. "I can put my feet up and lie down on the couch just as well as I can in bed." "Scuhleee –" "Mulder, it's all right," she interrupted, deftly turning their hands so that it was her fingers squeezing his. "You were there when Dr. Newall explained about the bed rest – it's not complete bed rest, I can get up for small periods of time and to stretch my legs. As long as I am not exerting myself and am able to recline comfortably, it's fine." That was almost word for word what the doctor had said, but still, to him, bed rest was done in a bed. With him as her ever-faithful, attentive servant. In shifts shared with her mother, of course. Once Maggie Scully had learned what had happened, she had been bound and determined to take care of the two of them. Scully had tactfully told her mother that it was not necessary for her to stay with them 24 hours a day, while also gracefully conveying her gratitude for the offer. Negotiations had begun, and a schedule of sorts had been agreed upon. He had the afternoon and night shifts, and Mrs. Scully had the day shift. Since he had called her after Scully had been discharged this morning, he knew she would be arriving soon. "Okay," he said at last, and moved to guide her over to the couch and help her sit. "But promise me if you're not comfortable you'll go lie down on the bed?" With his hands supporting her calves, they lifted her legs up onto the cushions. "Oh, believe me, I'll let you know, don't you worry!" she said, as she laboriously wiggled into a better position. "I'll start by asking for some pillows, please." He could not help the mental comparison that popped to mind as he watched her distended belly while she shifted about – visions of a Nature program he once saw where environmentalists struggled to aid beached whales back to sea. Oh, she would kill him for that, cheerfully and without regret. "Coming right up," he told her, his voice slightly strangled, and saw that she was regarding him suspiciously, obviously having noted his bemused...or was that amused...regard of her stomach. He swooped down to plant a kiss on her cheek in apology for his thoughts before heading to her bedroom. He detoured briefly to retrieve her overnight bag, and carted it with him, dropping it on the floor by her closet. He raided her pillow nest, grabbing three, and trekked back to the living room. Scully had kicked off her white canvas Keds and peeled off her white cotton socks and was lying partially on her side with her spine pressed against the back of the couch. Mulder came to a stop in front of the couch, sliding down onto his knees, both of them going off like firecrackers. They winced in unison, and then grinned as one because of their identical reactions. "Lift your head up," he said then, and slid his hand under her neck, cradling her skull as she did so. He tucked one of the pillows beneath before lowering her head back down to the downy, Scully-scented softness. "Where else?" "Behind my back," she replied, gesturing vaguely with one hand at her lower back, "and one under my knee." Mulder straightened, still on his knees, and eased another pillow in between her body and the couch. Next, he gently lifted her bent right leg to slide the last pillow lengthwise so that it supported her knee and calf. "Okay?" he asked, sinking back down so that his butt rested on his sock-clad heels. "Perfect," she returned with a smile, reaching out one hand to cup his face. She stroked his cheekbone with her thumb for a moment, and then slid her hand behind his head, applying gentle pressure. Pulling him towards her, her head lifting from the pillow. He leaned forward, following the unvoiced command, and their lips met in a sweet, lazy kiss. Mulder realized suddenly that this was the closest they had been since Scully had collapsed just a few feet from where they were right then. He was not counting the bedside handholding and pecks on the cheek, or his vigil by the bed, those were a given. This kiss was heaven. It was reassurance and reaffirmation. It was longing and love and lust. It was togetherness and understanding and need. It was them. There was even a bit of tongue. But all too soon it was over. Scully pulled away with a regretful sigh, and let her head sink back down onto her pillow, her eyes dreamy, her smile wide. Meanwhile his protesting thighs and knees gave up the ghost, and he ended up on his butt, also smiling. Goofily, he knew, but he didn't care. A precise knock at the door came then, so he struggled to his feet, brushing another kiss on Scully's cheek just because, and went to answer the door. Out of habit, he peered through the peephole. The day shift had arrived. And she was bearing food. Mulder opened the door happily, his stomach rumbling and his smile wide. *** 11:50 am It was so wonderful to watch and hear her mother and Mulder interact together, Scully thought sleepily, still comfortably arranged on the couch. The gentle and very reassuring movements of the baby had awoken her moments ago, and she had lifted her head from her pillow to see that the room was empty. But Mulder and her mother's voices had caught her attention, as had their kitchen sounds. Their affection for each other was obvious – Mulder no longer finding it necessary to hide his feelings. He was like another son to Maggie Scully, and doubly important for his relationship with her baby daughter. And as the father of her next grandchild. They had always gotten along, but when her health, and now that of the baby's, was in question, they were two peas in a pod. Concern, and caring, that she appreciated and loved, except when it bordered on hovering. Right now they were in the kitchen, and it sounded like they were making lunch. Their conversation was muted - for they most likely believed she was still asleep - with occasional bursts of shared laughter punctuating the air. Laughter that was then shushed by the other, which in turn brought about more. Scully felt slightly guilty for having dozed off so soon after her mother's arrival, but she knew Mulder and her mother would understand. Nor would they begrudge her the rest time. In fact, they encouraged it. If she wasn't so tired and still somewhat worried about the baby, it might have irritated her to be told to have a nap like a child. Mulder's head peeked around the corner then, and his eyes lit up when he saw her. He smiled and then ducked back into the kitchen. Scully heard him say, "Sleeping Beauty's awake." The nickname made her smile. She came up on her elbow and called out, "But where's my kiss, Prince Charming?" His snort was very audible, even from several feet away. "You're sh... Um, you're out of luck there, Scully," he called out. This time the rest of his body followed his head as he left the kitchen to come over and drop to his knees again before her. "It's just me," he said very softly. "Well, 'Just you', lay it on me," she told him, bringing her free hand up to cup his cheek, just inches from her face. "With pleasure," he whispered, and slowly closed the tiny distance. Scully held her eyes open as long as possible, watching his drift shut, admiring his long, thick lashes – lashes many a woman would kill for, or spend a fortune trying to achieve – and the blissful expression on his face, before she let them flutter closed. His lips were soft, and warm, and he kept the pressure light yet firm at the same time. He was an incredible kisser. She was sure she could spend hours in this very pursuit. "Honey, are you ready to eat...Oh! Um, I'll just go back..." That had been her mother's very embarrassed-sounding voice, diminishing in volume as she apparently retreated back into the safety of the kitchen. She and Mulder broke apart with identical silly smiles and reddened cheeks. A long-ago memory resurfaced in her mind – of catching Melissa and her latest in a long line of boyfriends in a lip lock on the front porch – and her smile deepened. She herself had been caught by her mother once, and was so ashamed, and yet thrilled at the same time. And extremely thankful it had not been Ahab or brother Bill who had been the one to find her and...she couldn't remember the boy's name. That would have been an unbearable humiliation. Her mother had coughed loudly to interrupt the kiss and then gone back inside. Later, she had given Scully the birds and the bees' lecture. Again. She felt that same little nearly illicit thrill now, although these days she was equipped and secure with the knowledge that her mother was pleased, not scandalized. "Caught in the act again," he quipped, waggling his eyebrows up and down at her comically. "Hmmmm," she agreed. Then flashed him a grin and said, "Well, I guess we should be thankful it's only my mom. If it were Bill, he'd be getting the shotgun." "Ouch!" he exclaimed, pantomiming receiving a grievous body shot and falling to the floor, narrowly missing cracking his skull on the corner of the coffee table in the process. He made quite a bit of noise, which brought her mother out once more, the expression on her face quite comical. Scully interpreted it to mean she had expected to find them in some clinch on the floor. She watched as the expression changed to tenderness and amusement. "Oh, Fox," her mom exclaimed. "You're such a clown." Mulder looked sheepish as he lifted himself from the floor. He then patted his stomach. "Is lunch ready, Mrs. Scully? I'm starved." "All set," she replied. "Dana's tray is ready, if you'd carry it out, please." "Yes, ma'am," he remarked, throwing her a smart salute and heading off to the kitchen. "He's a handful, that one," her mother told Scully, her eyes twinkling, and a faint blush on her cheeks. She then returned to the kitchen. Scully's own cheeks were a tad red. Handful was very apt. In more than one way. She pushed the thought about Mulder's generous attributes aside with a rather gusty sigh. Her stomach let out a little grumble then, which was followed by a kick from the baby, and she realized she was actually very hungry herself. She sat up further, waiting in anticipation to see what they had cooked up. *** Three Weeks, One Day Later Scully's Apartment Georgetown, D.C. May 12, 2001 6:40 am D-Day plus 3. That was the first thought that popped into Mulder's head when he awoke and rolled over to peer blurrily past Scully's slumbering form at her alarm clock. D-Day as in Delivery Day or Due-Date. Plus 3 as in she was three days past her due date. And Scully was not handling being overdue well. To be perfectly honest, none of them were really, Mulder admitted to himself as he slowly stretched his body beneath the covers, careful not to jostle the bed and wake her. He felt useless – unable to ease her discomfort or provide a suitable distraction, although he tried his best. He had spent the last two days walking on eggshells and exchanging commiserating looks with Mrs. Scully as she did the same, as well as conducting whispered telephone conversations with Skinner, Doggett, and various and sundry Gunmen to keep them all up to speed on the development of things. Or the lack thereof. Scully was extremely moody, more so than usual, although for the most part those moods were silent, incommunicative ones, and she had been experiencing mild contractions sporadically over the last few days. She was always tired and very restless. The nights seemed to be the worse, and he often woke up to discover he was alone in the bed. Whereupon he too would rise, to find her either wandering aimlessly around the dark apartment, or going through the baby clothes and items that had been gifts from friends and family – folding and refolding the tiny sleepers and undershirts, the receiving blankets and quilts. At Scully's last appointment with Dr. Newall, on her actual due date, the doctor had reiterated the long-uttered statement about babies taking their own sweet time, and told he and Scully that she was not concerned. After performing an internal exam, to check whether Scully's cervix had softened or dilated, and a nonstress test to monitor the baby's heart rate, she had stated all was well and that she would not induce labor until two weeks past the due date, unless necessary. She did however want to see Scully in one week, and advised them to call immediately if Scully had any unusual symptoms or if they had any concerns. Thankfully there had been no further scares such as the cramping and spotting, or the partial abruption. Mulder moved the corner of the covers back a bit and eased out of the bed, sending glances towards Scully as his feet found the chilled hardwood floor. She did not stir, and he was grateful. She'd had a particularly rough night, up for most of it, and needed her rest. He was still a little tired himself, but knew it was unlikely he would fall back asleep again. Rising, he stretched again, scratching at his belly, before shuffling across the floor. Mulder fished a fresh tee shirt and pair of boxers out of the appropriate dresser drawers, and grabbed his jeans from the chair in the corner. One last look at Scully to see if she had awoke and might need anything, confirming she still slumbered on, and then he padded out of the bedroom, shutting the door gently behind him. In minutes he was stripped and in the shower, groaning under his breath as the hot needles of water massaged his tense neck and shoulder muscles. He luxuriated with the feeling for long moments, rolling his head from side to side to capitalize the relief that came, before turning and sticking his face directly in the spray. Tilted his head, he wet his hair completely, and then turned again to pick up the bottle of shampoo. After pouring a dime-sized amount into the palm of his hand, he inhaled deeply with an unsurprising surge of lust – for Scully's scent now filled the shower stall. He was tempted to indulge the lust, to slide his hand down his bare, water-slicked belly and stroke and tug and find his way towards release and gratification, but instead gritted his teeth and ignored the flesh below his waist. It was while he was rinsing the suds from his hair with his eyes scrunched tightly shut that he sensed Scully was in the bathroom. Couldn't explain it if asked, but he just knew she was there, despite the fact that her entry had been soundless, nor had she announced herself. He hurriedly scrubbed a hand over his eyes and opened them, blinking from the sting of residual soap, and saw her hazy, motionless figure standing there through the fogged glass of the shower door. "Scully?" he called out. "Is everything okay?" He began to rush through the rest of his shower, quickly soaping his hands and running them over his body. When she did not answer, he called her name again, his worry tinting the sound and raising his voice slightly. "Scully?" "Mulder," was her only reply. He could not identify the tone of her voice. It was just... different. Bewildered, maybe. Sluicing water over his body and giving his head one last rinse, he shut the taps off and opened the shower door. Grabbing his towel from the rack to the right, he hurriedly swiped it over his face and head before wrapping it around his waist and stepping out of the stall onto the mat. His eyes immediately sought out and found Scully. She was a mere foot away, wearing her terry-cloth robe, her feet bare, and both hands were cupping her belly. The expression on her face could only be described as shell-shocked. He said her name again, one hand clutching his towel closed at his hip, the free one going up to her shoulder to grasp it gently. The action dislodged her loosely tied robe, and it gaped open, revealing that she was nude beneath it. "Scully, you're scaring me," he said. "Is something wrong?" "Wrong?" she repeated, almost stupidly. She gave a small shake of her head. "Um, no. No, nothing's wrong," she finally replied, and lifted her head to meet his eyes. Her next words stunned him completely and he lost his grip on the towel, feeling it fall to the floor. His mouth hung open slackly as he stared at her in shock. "My water broke." *** 6:45 am The shifting of the mattress, followed by the semi-quiet sounds of Mulder rising, awoke Scully. But in a vague, distant sort of way that she planned to ignore. And she actually did ignore it for an all-too brief moment, the one eye that had opened closing again as her head burrowed further into her pillow. It was when the pipes in her bathroom started their music for Mulder's shower that she felt the most unusual, indescribable sensation. One that urged her to rise. She did so slowly, reluctantly, gaining her feet with awkward, pregnancy-challenged motions, to stand waveringly beside the bed. Her left hand came up to smooth through her sleep-mussed hair, the right hand going to her belly in her long-habitual gesture to stroke over the tight, hard swell. Another odd feeling overcame her – a clinging, nearly choking feelg of restraint. A feeling of being weighted down, or that her skin was being smothered. It took her a moment to recognize it was due to her nightie. That was easily rectified. Lifting both hands, she quickly unbuttoned the row of tiny, pearl-like buttons on the bodice of the sleeveless gown, before pulling it over her head and tossing it onto the bed. Cool morning air caressed her nearly nude body, raising a rash of goosebumps that sent a tiny shiver throughout her. It was better without her nightgown, but not good enough. Hooking her thumbs into the waistband of her bikini panties, she shimmied them down her legs as far as she could without over-exerting herself, and then placed one palm on the mattress for balance to remove them completely. A flash of color- glistening, pale pink – on the white crotch of her panties caught her eye, and she looked down at the scrap of material on the floor. It was as she was staring stupidly at the evidence that her cervix had thinned and begun to dilate that her belly tightened suddenly. She lifted her hands to clutch at the unbelievable force, and an enormous gush from within stunned her. Warm, wet rivulets of amniotic fluid ran down her legs to puddle about her feet, and that little voice in the back of her mind absently noted that her bag of waters had ruptured. Blinking slowly, she realized she couldn't just stand there, she needed to...needed do what? Get Mulder, the voice supplied. Oh. Mulder. She needed to tell Mulder. Scully opened her mouth to call him, and remembered he was in the shower. She'd have to go get him out of there. But she was naked, and all wet. That wasn't good. Her eyes scanned the room, not spying any towels. Of course there weren't any, she thought with a frown, she kept them in her tiny linen closet in the hall. Her eyes lit next upon the messed surface of her bed. But there was no way she was using the comforter, God knew if amniotic fluid stained or not. Grabbing her discarded nightie, uncaring as to whether it got stained or not, she took two steps back from the puddle of her water, and used the cloth to swipe at her legs and feet, huffing as she had to bend over to do so. She couldn't just leave the mess there like that, so she dropped the gown onto the floor and used one foot to move it around to soak the water up as best it could. That done, she started across the room to go to Mulder, and the breeze she felt then reminded her that she was naked, and a little chilled now. Her robe was at the foot of the bed, so she scooped it up and slid her arms into the sleeves. The belt was strangling her belly after she tied it, so she loosened it until it only barely held the robe closed, and left her room. The bathroom door was slightly ajar, and it moved silently when she pushed it open all the way. She entered into a warm, fragrant, steamy atmosphere, and the sight of Mulder's nude body behind the faceted glass of the shower door. The combination stopped her in her tracks. "Scully?" came Mulder's voice then, and it startled her. "Is everything okay?" Scully blinked. Without word or sound, he had known she was there. She forgot to reply as she mused about their undeniable bond, this incredible connection between them, and watched his hands move quickly over his body through the shower door. Her hands lifted of their own accord, moving to cup her belly once more. He called her name again, and the worry it contained knocked her mind free from whatever hold was upon it. Mostly. "Mulder," she said finally, and drew a blank, unable to find the words to tell him that her labor had begun. In moments Mulder had the water off and was stepping out of the shower, his towel around his waist. "Scully?" he asked again, and came to her, his hand coming up to squeeze her shoulder. Her hands fell away, and her robe, which had been on tenaciously at best, slipped free of its loose tethers and parted. "Scully, you're scaring me," he said then. "Is something wrong?" Scully knew she was frightening him, but her mind felt full of cotton. The tiny droplets of water that beaded his chest fascinated her, and she could only stare at them, and repeat his last word. "Wrong?" Her brain sluggishly tried to kick into gear, and she shook her head slightly to help clear the residual fog, and managed to say, "Um, no. No, nothing's wrong." She lifted her head to look into his eyes at last. The concern and caring – the fear – in the hazel orbs freed the last of her mind. "My water broke," she told him. Mulder gaped at her, his jaw slack with his obvious shock, and his towel fell to the floor with a soft plop. Scully's eyes followed it down, then traveled slowly back up along his damp, nude body. A silly giggle slipped from her mouth at the picture the two of them had to be presenting. Mulder's hair wetly spiked in every direction, naked as a jaybird, and her in a ratty robe that gaped open to reveal her own nude body with its distended belly. Which suddenly tightened and made her gasp. "Oh!" she exclaimed, and clutched at the swell again, fighting the urge to groan. Loudly. Gritting her teeth very tightly seemed to help. Sort of. "Was...was that a contraction?" Mulder asked, his face blanched white. "You're in labor?" he asked next, before she could reply to his first question. His hand came up, wavering slightly, and hovered in the air just above her belly. "Uhhhhh...huh," she got out between her teeth, bending slightly at the waist to try and ease the pressure within her womb. "Shit!" he exclaimed and she felt his hand come to rest lightly on the curve of her spine. "Do you need...can I help?" he asked, and as he bent over, his head knocked into hers. "Ouch!" "Ow!" she cried and took one hand off her belly to rub at her head instead. The contraction released her from its grip then, so she straightened. Unfortunately Mulder had not pulled away when their heads bumped, and they bumped again. Their cries of pain mingled together, and then his hands were all over her, touching her head, her face, her back, flitting over her belly. "Sorry, Scully, sorry, sorry," he was muttering. She couldn't help it; she had the urge to giggle again. She did, and saw his head come up to stare at her in baffled shock, his eyes wide, barely blinking. "Mulder, it's okay," she told him. "Just a bump. Besides, I think we have more important things to worry about." Her hand gestured towards her belly with that last sentence,and got another comical reaction from him. Mulder's gulp was very audible, and she swore he paled even further. His Adam's apple bobbed as he attempted to speak, managing to sputter out, "Shit!" He straightened, his hands going up to rake through his hair, and looked rather wildly around the bathroom. For what, she did not know. She was pretty sure he'd also forgotten he was naked. Remembering she was too, she shook her head and gathered the sides of her robe together, holding them closed with one hand. The other went to support her back, which was starting to ache, and she turned to leave the bathroom. Seeing him so scrambled and uncertain had been just what her brain had needed to finally get into gear. "Scully!" Mulder cried. "What...where are you going?" He moved – to help her through the door, she thought – and ended up squeezing her into the doorjamb as he pushed past her. He then planted himself firmly in front of her, blocking her way to the bedroom, his body almost vibrating with his tension. "To get my things for my shower," she answered calmly. "I don't know about you, but I'm not going to the hospital like this." Although it certainly was a nice view, she added silently, quickly eyeing the expanse of bare flesh he was flashing her. "Huh?" he said, and then looked down at himself. The tips of his ears turned adorably red, and he made a strangled noise, "Garghhhh," and then he was bolting into her bedroom, once again treating her eyes to another fine view – that of the flexing muscles of his beautiful ass. Scully waddled along behind him and entered her room to see him hopping about on one foot, struggling to pull a sock on. With each hop he took, a certain part of his anatomy bobbed in an entirely amusing way. She hid her smile and moved over to the dresser to get clean underwear and a comfortable, loose, stretched tee shirt to take back to the bathroom. She hoped the heat and the water would help with her backache. She also hoped her labor was going to be a quick one, but was realistic enough to know it could be a very long day. *** 7:30 am Mulder could not understand how Scully could be so damn calm. She was actually in the bathroom blow-drying her hair, for Frohike's sake! After dropping her little bombshell about being in labor, she had proceeded to take a shower – a long shower, he might add – and then take her sweet time getting dressed. The debate over which pair of maternity tights would be most comfortable had confounded him, as had her announcement that she had to do her hair and make-up. What the hell did she need make-up for? He had asked her precisely that, and received one of her patented 'Mulder don't be an ass' looks she excelled at, and said, "Mulder, just because I'm in labor does not mean I have to look like I just rolled out of bed." He still wasn't sure if her reply had been a dig at his own appearance, freshly showered or not. But he had gone back to the bathroom anyway, to tame his hair and retrieve his jeans. After pausing to watch Scully, musing that she had appropriated one of his tee shirts and stretched it all to hell, as she smoothed cream on her face and neck, he returned to her bedroom. The track pants he was wearing, complete with obligatory hole in the knee, were exchanged for the jeans and then returned to the pile of his dirty laundry in the corner. Which was where he had grabbed them from in his haste to get dressed and get Scully to the hospital. Remembering that haste, Mulder lifted his left arm to glance at his watch, and found it missing. Not surprisingly, considering the state of his mind since said bombshell had been dropped, he found it strapped on his right wrist instead. He didn't bother to switch it to the correct arm, merely resumed the pacing he had started when the sound of the blow dryer had reached his ears, his feet quickly navigating the small stretch of hardwood floor in Scully's bedroom. Shouldn't they get going? What if the baby decided to come now? There was no way he could deliver it by himself, not even with the fact that Scully had gone over emergency procedures with him, just in case she had said with complete faith that it would not be so, and that he would be able to handle it, several times over the last week. Just as he was about to go check on her again, Scully walked into the room. Her hair was neatly arranged in its usual style, and as far as he could tell, her face was still unadorned. In particular, the beauty mark above her lip – long a favored spot of his – was uncovered, and he was glad. He had never understood why she felt it necessary to disguise it, though he had never asked her the reason. Scully caught his gaze and smiled slightly, easily discerning his thoughts. "You were expecting war paint, Mulder?" she asked. Before he could reply with a question of his own – what had she meant by make-up, for it seemed she wore none – her smile turned to a frown, her eyebrows knitting in concentration. Or pain. He swallowed the sudden lump in his throat and watched as she bent at the waist and brought her hands up to clutch at her belly. "Ooooh," she moaned out. His entire body went cold. He moved to her side, unsure of what to do, or whether his touch would be welcomed or repelled. Hesitantly he settled his hand on her lower back, and he interpreted the sound she made then to be one of relief. Feeling bold, and now not quite as useless as a green Quantico graduate sent on his first case, he tentatively began to rub her back in the tiny circles he had learned soothed her best, hearing her faintly huffing, "Hee, hee, hoo," as she breathed through her contraction. The sound reminded him of their brief attempt at attending Pre-Natal classes together. He could still hear the rest of the class, nine couples in all including he and Scully, 'hee-hee-hooing' in unison while Scully tried to ignore his snorting, muffled laughter and concentrate on the exercise. That first class together had also been the last. Fortunately there had only been two remaining after Scully had decided they would not attend any longer, and she hadn't seemed overly disturbed about missing them. He had apologized profusely all the way home; until Scully had surprised him by suddenly bursting out laughing before telling him how ridiculous she had felt there. Her breathing got a little louder, and it pulled him away from his thoughts. "Uh, Scully. This is your second contraction, right? Shouldn't we be going to the hospital now?" he asked quietly. The sounds she made were rather hypnotic, and Mulder found himself breathing softly along with her, "Hee hee hoo. Hee hee hoo." "Fourth," Scully huffed out, managing to sound faintly amused even with the rather undignified response, and then she exhaled noisily. Straightening up, she continued with, "That was my fourth contraction. They're about 10 minutes apart, and lasting about 45 seconds to one minute. And it's a bit too soon to go to the hospital, Mulder." Mulder felt like smacking himself in the forehead. Scully had told him that when her labor started, they would need to keep track of the frequency and duration of each contraction. Thank goodness Scully was on the ball, he didn't seem to be of much help as of yet. Other than maybe being around for comedic purposes, he thought with an internal self-depreciating groan, recalling his naked sock dance of not too long ago. Though he supposed if he could make her smile, or take away her back pain, it was a job well done. The second part of her reply registered. "Well when do we go to the hospital then?" he asked. Since hearing the 'L' word, his mind had one focus, and one focus only. Get Scully to the hospital. At least he had that part of his 'job' straight. As long as he didn't crash the car or anything on the way, that is. "When the contractions are 5 minutes apart," she told him. Ah. That told him to next to nothing. "So, any idea when that will be?" he queried next, trying to pin down some sort of definitive answer. "After me, you'll be the first to know," was her smart-ass reply, although she did punctuate it with a nice little pat on his derriere and a smile as she turned to leave the bedroom. Still not much help. Shoulders slumping, he hastened after her, calling, "So what do we do now?" Hoping he didn't sound as whiny as he thought he did. He had to love her reply. Really, he did have to love it. She was the mother of his child. "We wait." *** Mulder's Car Enroute to Hospital Georgetown, D.C. May 12, 2001 9:20 am Scully could feel Mulder's eyes on her as she breathed through her latest contraction, but she had no time to spare him a glance, or offer reassurance. She was too busy concentrating on the license plate of the car in front of them, which was her current focal point, and trying to hold back the grunt that was fighting to escape her lungs. He wisely held his tongue. It had taken him quite a while, but he had finally recognized and understood her need for silence and peace as she had walked through each contraction, slowly and methodically traversing her entire apartment. With him right at her heels at first, of course. Until there had been one too many instances where they had bumped into each other and he had gotten the hint that he was more of a hindrance than help. And now that they were in his car, heading to the hospital on her doctor's instructions, she was unable to move about, and needed to be undisturbed, as much as was possible anyway, more than ever. The contraction released her from its grasp, and Scully exhaled heavily in relief, sagging slightly. The hand that had been gripping the shoulder strap of her seatbelt relaxed, and she felt the blood rush into her fingers, making them ache. Her other hand remained steady on her belly, rubbing in tiny circles. A muttered curse from Mulder had her looking outside the front windshield, seeing their surroundings for the first time in a long minute. Traffic. Bumper-to-bumper, with no escape. A horrifying vision formed in her mind – she in the back seat of the car, legs sprawled wide open, panting and heaving with the effort to expel the baby from her body, while Mulder looked on with panicked eyes. She scrunched her own eyes shut. Nononononono. That was not going to happen. This baby was going to be born in the hospital, with her in a proper birthing room on a proper bed, with Dr. Newall attending and nurses aplenty, and soft music playing in the background, and a calm, rational Mulder at her side. Involuntarily she also squeezed her legs tightly shut, as if to ensure the baby would not attempt to leave right there and then. Wincing at the discomfort that caused, she forced herself to relax and open her eyes again. And to take slow, deep, even breaths. Calming breaths. Okay, that was better. She glanced over at Mulder and frowned. He was still mumbling curses under his breath, his hands clenching and unclenching on the steering wheel. So much for calm and rational. But there was always her mother. Her mother. Oh, God. Did they call her mother? The memory of her mother's voice, excited and thrilled and happy through the telephone line, settled her heartbeat, which had accelerated in alarm. Yes, they had called her mother. And Skinner. And Doggett. And the Gunmen. And they had her bag, in the trunk. God, she had to stop doing this to herself. She needed to stay calm and focused. Getting worked up about something beyond their control would not help matters. Besides, her contractions were still only about seven minutes apart. More deep, slow breaths, similar to the breathing technique she had been utilizing during her contractions. They actually worked. "Mulder," she said then, reaching out to touch his upper arm, feeling the muscles tightly bunched beneath her fingers. "Relax. We have plenty of time." His head whipped to the side, his eyes boring into hers. They were wild and dark. "But Dr. Newall wants you there for observation." "Dr. Newall's just being precautionary, Mulder. Everything's fine. This labor could go on for hours and hours." God, I hope not, she added silently. "I could call an ambulance on my cell," he offered then, still studying her. She smiled at him, and watched as he visibly relaxed, his hands falling from the wheel to land in his lap. "We're fine, Mulder. All three of us." "We're fine," he echoed, and exhaled heavily. "Okay, we're fine. That's good." He scanned the road ahead of the car, straightening up and craning his neck for a moment, before slumping back into his seat. "And apparently not going anywhere for some time," he added, with a touch of sarcasm. "Well then, you'll just have to keep me entertained, won't you?" she teased, reaching out again to touch his arm, stroking her hand up and down the warm, bare flesh. "Here, Scully? Now?" he said in a falsetto, bringing his free hand up to his chest in mock surprise. "You hussy, you!" She merely shook her head at him. "Not like that, Mulder, thank-you very much. Talk to me." He grinned at her, and then sobered up. "What do you want to talk about, Scully?" "I don’t know, Mulder," she said. "Anything." She pursed her lips and then slowly added, "An interesting case story. A good memory from your childhood. What sex you think the baby is." He had made a face when she mentioned a case story, and another one when she had said a childhood memory. But his eyes and mouth had gone soft when she had said the word 'baby'. His voice was low, and slightly hesitant when he replied. "I've had dreams of us with both a baby boy and a baby girl, and they both feel right." He turned his hand when hers made its next pass along his wrist, until they were clasped together. "A little girl with your eyes and light brown hair with hints of red. Your nose. My curiosity and our determination." She saw the little girl as he described her; only her eyes were his beautiful hazel. And hard on their daughter's heels was a dark-haired, hazel-eyed boy chasing after her with that determination Mulder had mentioned. She cleared her throat, which had become clogged with unshed tears, and husked, "I see a dark-haired boy, a little Mulder, chasing after that little girl." "Ugh," he said, grimacing and putting on an exaggerated shudder. "Don't spoil it with an image of a little mini-Mulder, please." Although the words were seemingly said jokingly, she heard the truth behind them. "Mulder," she said, shocked. "How can you say that?" "I -," he started to say, then stopped. He sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know. I guess because I wasn't...I wasn't the greatest of kids, Scully." Her mind suddenly flashed back to a day not so long ago at the Bakersfield Chronic Care Home. To a moment by the window in Fox's room as the two of them flipped through the pages of a book. The Best Book of Spaceships. She had that book, and the others she had bought him, tucked away in her closet. Maybe one day she and Mulder would read it to their son. Or daughter. Or maybe even one of each. Somehow, with all the excitement of his recovery, and her return to work, and then her near scare with the baby, she and Mulder had never talked about what had happened after he had first awoken from his coma. Was now the appropriate time to bring it up? She cleared her throat again. "You've forgotten, Mulder, that I've met you as a little boy." *** 9:25 am Shit, Mulder thought, barely managing to contain the expletive. Traffic. Lots and lots of traffic. He couldn't even get Scully to the hospital without incident. Just like he had pessimistically predicted. Even if a major traffic jam was beyond his control. Although, he had to admit, traffic was infinitely preferable to a car accident. Unless one considered the fact that he was in no way prepared to deliver their child in the back seat of the car. Or any seat for that matter. He thanked whichever deity was looking over his shoulder at the moment and keeping Scully's contractions fairly far apart. He hoped they had no intention of speeding up any time soon. Though with his luck, she'd start crowning, or whatever the hell they called it, right there and then. The thought sent a shudder throughout his body. This time his curse leaked out, though it was muttered quietly under his breath. Mulder had been feeling extremely superfluous back at Scully's apartment. Nervous, worried, and excited, he knew he had been continually in Scully's way. But he had been unable to help himself. A momentous occasion was happening, and he wanted to be a very big part of it. Finally on their way to the hospital as per instruction from Dr. Newall, he had instead started to feel important, needed - necessary. He had a purpose. Carrying her overnight bag and ensuring she made it safely out to the car, and then being her chauffeur, true. But purpose nonetheless. And here they were. Stuck. And here he was – purposeless. Helpless. Hopeless. His hands squeezed the steering wheel as he imagined revving the engine of their fully loaded, brand spanking new 4X4 – totally equipped with monster truck tires – and driving it up and over the other cars, clearing their way to the hospital. Unfortunately, the 4X4 was just that, part of his imagination, a pipe dream. The traffic was not a dream. It was a horrible, horrible reality. And it was not budging. Their car had not even moved an inch in the last couple of minutes. Oh, this was so not good. The 'what ifs' were starting to set up camp in his mind, and they seemed like they were mighty comfortable there. What if the baby came now, as in the very next minutes? What if something was wrong with the baby? What if something happened to Scully? It was not until Scully's fingers touched his arm did he realize he had been muttering an almost continual string of curses beneath his breath. His arm flexed involuntarily at the contact, and when she told him to relax, that they had plenty of time, his head turned so fast it actually made him slightly dizzy. Despite her calm tone, the desperation was obvious in his voice. "But Dr. Newall wants you there for observation." She continued her attempt at soothing him, and he had to marvel at that – the pregnant woman stuck in traffic while in labor was calming him, instead of vice versa. Scully was an incredible woman. At the same time, the words 'hours and hours' had him wondering which aspect was more frightening – a long labor, or delivering the baby in the car. Mulder tried some levity – offering to call an ambulance on his cell phone. Only half-jokingly too, he was ready to do it if she said the word. She did not however, merely smiled instead, and said, "We're fine, Mulder. All three of us." Her smile calmed him at last, and he released his stranglehold on the steering wheel, letting his hands drop to his lap. He repeated her, "We're fine. Okay, we're fine. That's good." Still, he couldn't help trying to get a look ahead, hoping to see the cars in front of them actually moving again. No such luck. His sarcastic side shone through then. "And apparently not going anywhere for some time," he remarked. He shifted the car into park, moving his foot from the brakes. Scully ran her hand up and down his arm, and the contact felt good. Her next comment, about him keeping her entertained, increased the feeling, and he couldn’t resist teasing her, calling her a hussy. She did not get angry, but she did not laugh either. She asked him to talk to her, with emphasis on the word 'talk'. He matched her sober tone when he asked, "What do you want to talk about, Scully?" He couldn't help the frown that twisted his lips when she mentioned a case story, or the next one at the mention of a childhood memory. But when she asked what sex he thought the baby was, it left him with a warm, tender feeling. He'd tried to picture what their child might look like so many times, had poured over Mulder and Scully family albums for hours, had even dreamed of little girls that looked exactly like Scully, and even of boys that resembled her. But he'd had no feelings of intuition. No sort of 'spooky' sixth sense. And it didn't matter; because of course he would love it no matter its sex. He spoke slowly, finding his words as he tried to explain his train of thought. "I've had dreams of us with both a baby boy and a baby girl, and they both feel right." Her hand had continued to stroke his arm, and when she moved along his wrist, he turned his hand until their fingers were entwined. He rambled on, his voice still low, "A little girl with your eyes and light brown hair with hints of red. Your nose." He wouldn't wish his nose on any child. "My curiosity and our determination." A trait he had recognized and come to admire in himself, and one he had admired in both of them. Scully sounded a little water-logged when she said, "I see a dark-haired boy, a little Mulder, chasing after that little girl." For some reason, a replica of himself did not appeal to him. He'd much rather see a carbon copy of Scully - for he loved her every feature - or maybe a child with the best of both their features. Again he was semi- serious when he said, "Ugh. Don’t spoil it with an image of a little mini-Mulder, please." He could hear the shock in Scully's response, asking him how he could say that. It was something he wasn't sure he could explain. There were deep-rooted fears inside him, regarding some of his less than admirable traits, and those of his father. Fears that he was not yet ready to face. "I -" he began, and wasn't sure of what to say. He exhaled heavily, lifting his shoulders in a gesture that bespoke of his confusion and difficulty, and said, "I don't know. I guess because I wasn't...I wasn't the greatest of kids, Scully." He hadn't been looking at her, but now he turned his head slightly, still ducked down, to peer at her from beneath his brows. She had been facing him, twisted a little in her seat, but her eyes now seemed to look inward. She seemed melancholy, lost in her thoughts, and he wasn't sure if they were good ones or bad ones. After a moment or two, Scully cleared her throat and said, "You've forgotten, Mulder, that I've met you as a little boy." It was totally unexpected. Way out from left field, and nearly beyond his comprehension. Baffling. His head snapped up, and he gaped at her. "What?" he blurted out. Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. She was talking about when he had awakened from his coma. He remembered her words with a sudden chill. 'Mentally, you were a child'. Before he could say anything else, Scully spoke again. "When you came out of your coma, a couple weeks after you were found, I was there with you at the hospital. The first thing you asked me was if I was your mother." Her voice was hoarse, and low, and her fingers were restless in his grasp. He squeezed them, both offering and drawing comfort from the contact. It was also a wordless plea for her to continue. In the back of his mind, he was trying to imagine how she must have felt to hear those words coming from him, but yet not really him, and could not. In a way he was glad when she didn't go into much detail about her reactions and feelings then. He sensed that she couldn't. Maybe someday they would both be able to discuss it further. "After my initial shock, and several days had passed and it became apparent your ...condition might be permanent, I had to make some difficult decisions regarding your health care. Physically you were very weak, with muscle deterioration from your abduction, and the hospital wasn't really equipped to deal with all your needs. So I found a chronic care home for you. I visited as much as I could, and had the Gunmen and Walter and my mother come as well. You were getting better physically, but your mental condition did not change." Hearing her relate the story was quite painful. He imagined living it must have been hell. His neck was tight, as was his jaw, from holding himself so stiffly. He couldn't help it. He knew too that his face was probably a blank mask, the one he hid behind when he was forced to deal with difficult things. Scully made an odd sound then, kind of choked and angry, and he looked at her again, having apparently looked away at some point, although he could not recall doing so. She was blinking rapidly, her eyes wet, and her face was sad. "When I said that, about having met you as a child, I hadn't...I didn't mean to bring us both down like this. I was trying to tell you about what you were like as the boy I met. Fox." She brought her free hand up to scrub at her eyes, sniffling. "Even while my heart was breaking because I had lost you, I had this incredible little boy in your man's body. You were funny and endearing and sweet, and all I could do was think about whether our baby would be a boy, and if he would be like you." Her eyes closed then, scrunched tight, and her head dropped. The hand that had wiped her eyes moved to cover part of her face, and she tugged at the one in his hold, obviously intending to bring it to her face as well. A futile tug, for he would not release it, would not let her hide behind her hands. "Scully," he said. Then could think of nothing more. He swallowed the lump in his throat and finally said, "It's okay, Scully. Come here." It was his turn to tug at her hand. With his superior strength, plus some careful maneuvering of his own body, he managed to pull her into his arms, in an awkward hug. Mulder rocked her, hearing her sniffle again, and feeling her body fight her tears. He felt a little emotional himself. A sudden loud blasting of a car horn had them both jolting. They separated slowly, Scully shifting more fully onto her own seat. Mulder looked out the front windshield and saw that the traffic jam had cleared. Another honk came from behind him, so he hurriedly straightened in his seat, shifted the car into drive, and tapped the gas pedal. Beside him, Scully began to breathe through another contraction. *** End Part 9