Title: Breathtaking Author: Lovesfox E-Mail: Lovesfox@home.com Rating: PG Spoilers: None (assumes Requiem did not take place) Keywords: Christmas piece, MSR Summary: Mulder and Scully attend the FBI Christmas Ball Disclaimer: Not mine, they belong to 1013 Productions and Chris Carter, I am only borrowing them. Notes: I do not know if the FBI has an annual Christmas Ball, or if they do, where they would hold it. There really is a Washington Court Hotel, but I have taken some liberty with the description. Breathtaking By Lovesfox The Ballroom Washington Court Hotel Washington, D.C. December 20 6:20 pm Mulder walked slowly into the ballroom, past elegantly attired door- men, and pulled at his bow tie yet again, sliding one finger under his heavily starched dress shirt to relieve the pressure against his windpipe. He was never entirely comfortable wearing a tux, but knew it was a necessary evil for tonight's function. The FBI Annual Christmas Ball. He still couldn't believe he was actually here. He had attended one once, long ago, and had hated the stuffy atmosphere, full of kiss-ass agents and condescending brass. Both he and Scully had scoffed when they had found their embossed invitations in their respective in- boxes two weeks ago. He had fanned himself with it, and called to Scully in an upper-crust accent, "Shall we grace them with our pres- ence, Ms. Scully?" She had smiled at him, her eyebrow crooked in that incredibly sexy way, and drawled out, "Not on your life, Mul- der." That decided, the matter had been promptly forgotten. Until Skinner had asked them at their weekly meeting a few days later if they would be attending. They had both replied in the negative, and watched the frown that had flitted across Skinner's face. He had cleared his throat and then announced that he thought it would be a good idea for them to attend, saying that the X-Files Department was not always perceived in a good light, and that it might be politic for them to make an appearance. Mulder had snorted at Skinner's words, ready to refuse, when Scully had placed her hand on his knee. He was startled at the contact, feeling a shiver go up his spine in reaction, and even more so when Scully had agreed, albeit reluctantly. Glancing at his watch, he saw that he was 20 minutes late. No wonder Scully hadn't been waiting at the waterfall in the atrium lobby. He had been running late, from the moment he had left the office, having gotten side-tracked by some pictures of purported UFO's sent by the Gunmen, to the traffic on New Jersey Avenue as he made his way to the hotel. He imagined her standing there in the atrium waiting for him, getting steadily more annoyed with each passing moment. He knew she wouldn't leave, not with this Ball practically being a command appearance, but wondered where she would have gone. He figured she could only have gone into the ballroom itself, not wanting to be late. Mulder began scanning the fairly crowded ballroom, seeing many finely dressed women and elegantly tuxedoed men, but not the familiar form of his partner. He advanced further inside, nodding at the agents he knew, and when a waiter approached with a tray of champagne, liberat- ed one with a smile of thanks. So involved was he in looking for Scully, he barely noticed the Christmas decorations that bedecked the ballroom. His eyes ran over numerous heads, looking for the brilliant red of Scully's hair, and managed to spot Skinner, about 15 feet away, talk- ing with a small group of people. He continued looking, and almost missed her, standing slightly across from the AD, to the man's left. Her hair was partially pinned up, with little tendrils curling softly about her face and nape, and Mulder could see the sparkle of jewels dangling from her ears. She hadn't spotted him yet, and was talking animatedly with another female agent, one Mulder did not recognize. He could not see all of her, the body of another man blocked most of his view, but he could make out the champagne glass in her hands, and he watched as she raised it to her lips and took a small sip. Mulder started towards the group. The man who had hidden Scully from his view moved at the same moment, to join another smaller collection of people, and Mulder's steps faltered as his partner was fully re- vealed to him. She wore a simple yet stunning, closely fitting, sleeveless black dress that covered her from neck to toe. It hugged and caressed every curve before flaring slightly at the hem. She looked incredible. She turned away, to put her glass on a passing waiter's tray, and that movement had Mulder stopping in his tracks, his mouth gaping open and the breath whooshing from his lungs, as he took in the rest of her dress. It was beautiful. It was backless. It was...breathtaking. *** Scully smiled faintly at the agent across from her, Willard Canton, as he delivered the punch line for a joke she had not paid attention to, and tried not to look bored. Inside she silently fumed at Mulder for effectively standing her up. She had just known he would run late, and had told him to meet her in the front lobby at six pm, when he had asked her that morning if she wanted him to pick her up. She sighed, there was no point in being angry with him, for all she knew, he could be stuck in traffic. Counting on the traffic to be heavy, she had left a good 15 minutes earlier than her original plan to leave at 5:30, and had gotten to the hotel just before six. Skinner joined their little group then and she sent silent thanks heavenward. She greeted the AD warmly and chatted amicably for a few minutes before someone else claimed his attention. She sipped at her champagne, fighting the urge to glance at her watch again. Mulder would get there when he got there. She had heard a few whispered remarks, about Mrs. Spooky being alone, but had ignored them as usual. Reacting only made the comments and snide looks worse. She had also heard a few wolf whistles and compli- mentary remarks, and was glad she had let her mother talk her into buying this dress. She had thought it was too expensive for something she probably wouldn't have a chance to wear again, but after trying it on at her mom's insistence, had to agree she looked pretty damn good. Even the fact that it was backless did not detract her. It was the price tag that had her hesitating, until her mother had whispered that Fox would like it too. Blushing, and protesting that it didn't matter what Mulder thought, although it did matter, very much, she had bought it, along with sheer, thigh-high black stockings, and de- cided her strappy black heels would go nicely. Now if only Mulder would show up, she could find out if he really did like it. Carrie Beckham from the VCU had come over while she was lost in thoughts, and complimented her on her dress. Her attention brought remarks from a few others there, and Scully felt her cheeks go warm. She was not used to being the center of attention like this, and wasn't quite sure if she liked it. She thanked Carrie, and they began talking about how difficult it had been shopping for something to wear. It felt good, chatting with other women again, and she mused over how long it had been. Her champagne glass was empty, and when she saw a waiter passing them out of the corner of her eye, she turned to place it on his tray. He offered another, but she declined. She did not want to drink too much on a nearly empty stomach. Her back tingled all of a sudden, and she slowly turned back to Carrie and the other women. She shifted her eyes, angling her head casually to the side, as if merely checking out the room, and spied Mulder. He was standing stock-still about 20 feet away, staring at her. Scully blushed again, for his gaze was heavy. Hot. His eyes traveled her length from her teased hair to the tips of her shoes peeking be- neath her gown, and he seemed to like what he saw. She watched him take a very deep breath, and then he was walking towards her. Her pulse started to beat faster, and she swore she could almost feel the blood thickening in her veins, slow and syrupy. Her lips parted slightly as her breath came quicker, and everyone in the room disap- peared. It was only she and Mulder. She managed to move her eyes then, sweeping them over his body. He was elegantly attired in a tuxedo that fit his form perfectly. He looked dashing, and debonair, and good enough to eat. And then he was at her side. *** Mulder realized Scully had seen him and managed to get his breathing back under control before he started towards her. He saw her eyes rake him from head to toe, and then she licked her lips. His heart thumped again. He knew she did not realize the affect that action had on him every time she did it. Or did she? He barely remembered the walk to her side. The smile she aimed at him was radiant, and he thanked the stars she wasn't angry that he had been late. "Hey, Scully," he said softly. Better apologize now, before she did remember. "Sorry I was late, the traffic was really bad." He reason- ed she didn't need to know everything, and the traffic HAD been pret- ty heavy. "Hi, Mulder," she replied, voice equally soft. "Yes, it was. I left a little early, just in case." There wasn't a hint of censure in her voice, just a matter of fact statement, and he released the breath he hadn't been aware of hold- ing. He completely forgot they were in a room full of people, and that their boss was just steps away. "Scully, you look...you look in- credible. That dress..." his voice trailed off. Words could not de- scribe. Scully smiled again, and he watched in amazement as a light blush tinged her cheeks. "Thank-you, Mulder." She reached out and stroked his arm, fingers just brushing his hand. "You look quite handsome yourself. Tuxedos become you." Her hand on his arm had sent shivers down his spine. He felt his chest swell with pride. Scully thought he was handsome. He was glad he had gone with the tuxedo after all, instead of the Armani suit and Christmas tree-dotted tie he had been considering. They stared at each other for long moments, and then the sound of a throat clearing intruded. Skinner had moved to stand beside them, and said, "Agent Mulder, glad you could make it. I was a little worried you wouldn't show." Mulder's ears were red from being caught gawking at Scully. Maybe he really did gaze at her. "Uh...thank-you, Sir. Wouldn't miss it for the world." Of course he would have, but seeing Scully in that dress made up for any and every thing he would go through tonight. He had heard the sneers and whispered remarks about Spooky, and the missing Mrs. Spooky as he walked through the lobby to the ballroom. He was sure there would be more comments soon. He planned to dance with his partner. If only the music would start. *** Scully watched as Mulder chatted politely with the other agents in their small group that was rapidly expanding. She did not realize her gaze was almost possessive. Kersch joined then, as did a few other higher-ups, and slowly she and Mulder managed to slip away. Scully caught Skinner's pained grimace as he was trapped, and had to stifle a giggle. "What's so funny?" Mulder asked, dipping his head closer to hear her reply. His nostrils flared slightly, and Scully almost thought he had sniffed her hair. She had to control a shiver when his warm breath hit her face. It smelled minty, and she had a fleeting thought. Would she taste the mint on his lips? She pushed the thought away and answered, "The look on Skinner's face. He didn't get away." "Sucker," Mulder snickered. He nodded his chin towards an empty table. "Do you want to sit down?" Fortunately only the higher brass had seating arrangements, everyone else was free to find their own place to sit. Scully smiled her agreement, and they headed to the table Mulder had indicated. He was a perfect gentleman, holding her chair for her and pushing it in gently as she sat. Before taking his own seat, he asked, "Would you like something to drink, Scully?" "Just a mineral water, please," she replied and he smiled at her be- fore heading to the bar in the far corner. Scully couldn't help but admire the view as he strode away. She had to admit, Mulder had a mighty fine ass. The tuxedo wasn't quite as revealing as his faded jeans, but it still made for a nice picture. A very nice picture. She mused quietly to herself that she had been doing an awful lot of looking and thinking about her partner tonight. Not that she hadn't looked at him once or twice before. Admit it, she told herself with a wry grin twisting her lips. You look at him whenever you get the chance. And he looks at you, her mind also told her. She had caught him on occasion, checking out her rear, and even once, looking down her blouse, but it seemed tonight he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. She decided she liked it. It made her feel...sexy. Desirable. Was that really such a bad thing? No, it wasn't. So lost in her internal debate, she had not seen Mulder approach. His finger on her shoulder was the first thing she became aware of, and then his voice saying, "Scully? You okay? You looked a million miles away." She managed not to jump, and turned her head to smile at Mulder, seeing that he had placed her drink in front of her. The touch of his finger had been electric. "I'm..." her voice trailed off. She had al- most said fine, but remembered how much those two words made Mulder cringe. "I was just thinking," she said instead. He sank into the chair beside her, sliding it a little closer, his knee brushing hers, and said with a leer, "About me?" She knew he expected her to ignore the comment, or raise her eyebrow, but instead she answered frankly and simply, "Yes." She saw that she had stunned him, and couldn't help the smile that crossed her lips. "Why does that surprise you, Mulder?" she asked. "You're a very good- looking man. Women stare at you all the time. Why shouldn't I?" He gaped at her, and his cheeks and ears turned red in this totally endearing way. "Um...I..." he started to say, and then stopped. He swallowed noisily, and seemed to be struggling to find his composure. "They do?" He had ignored her question, and went for the easy out. Disappointed, Scully turned her face from his and picked up her water, taking a careful sip. She returned it to the table, and her fingernail traced lazy patterns in the condensation dewing the glass. She heard Mulder swallow again, and flicked a glance at him to see that he was staring at the motions of her finger on the glass. She felt awkward now, and angry with herself for making him uncom- fortable. She turned her face back to apologize. They both spoke at the same time. "I'm sorry, Mulder..." "I'm sorry, Scully..." They both laughed, and the awkward moment was over. Scully couldn't keep the smile off her face. It felt so right to be sitting here with Mulder, in a ballroom, at Christmas time, not talk- ing about mutants, or vampires, or UFO's. She saw that he too was smiling. Her heart started to beat just a little faster as she stared at him. He wasn't just handsome. He was, well, he was beautiful. His sparkling hazel eyes, that stubborn lock of hair that always fell on his forehead, even his slightly larger than normal nose. All his fea- tures went together so perfectly. Add his fit body and his brilliant mind, and you had a beautiful man. She controlled her sudden sigh. She didn't have him. But maybe she could. The first strains of music reached them as the orchestra began to play. *** Mulder could not stop looking at Scully. That smile on her face, the way it made her eyes sparkle, and the light flush on her cheeks. He had always thought his partner was a beautiful woman, a very sexy, beautiful woman, but tonight, something was different. Almost magical. When the music began to play, a slow number, Mulder wanted to grab her hand and drag her to the dance floor. He was assailed by nerves, and reached for his own glass of mineral water and took a large gulp. He turned slightly and watched as other couples slowly made their way onto the parquet floor in front of the small orchestra pit. He snuck another look at Scully, to see her watching the dancers as well, her head tilted to the side, and a somewhat dreamy expression on her face. She sighed then, a tiny sigh, and he wondered does she want to dance? With me? With a deep, fortifying breath, he stood, and slowly offered her his hand. "Would you care to dance, Mrs. Spooky?" That little place in- side of him that was afraid of rejection made him turn the offer teasing. Scully blinked in surprise, and then placing her hand in his, re- plied, "I'd love to." A pause. "Mr. Spooky." Her expression was un- readable. He pulled her gently to her feet and still holding her hand, led her to the dance floor. There was a moment of awkwardness, as they tried to fit themselves together. They ended up in the traditional dance pose, with nearly a foot of space between them, and Scully's hand on his shoulder, their other hands clasped together and out from their bodies. Mulder's other hand hung in the air, he was unsure of where to put it. Could he touch her bare back? Where else could he put his hand? He couldn't rest it on her behind, she'd probably put him out of commis- sion for weeks. Finally, he rested it as lightly as he could on her hip, his finger- tips just brushing her bare skin. He felt Scully shiver in reaction, and a light puff of breath as she exhaled heavily. "Is this all right?" he asked softly, angling his head down to try and catch her eye. "Hmmm..." was her reply. Her face was still down, but he heard her mumble next, "It tickles." Mulder felt a huge grin break over his face. "Scully? Are you tick- lish?" A devilish impulse had his fingers dancing over her hip, feeling her squirm a little. Her action thrust her chest forward, to brush against his, and Mulder was the one to suck in his breath this time. Scully was giggling. He was pretty sure he could count the number of times he had heard his partner giggle on one hand, if at all. He liked the sound. But he knew this was not the place, they had already received a few odd looks from other couples. He desisted with one last squeeze, but somehow they had ended up much closer than before. It felt nice. Better than nice, actually. Mulder curled his hand tighter around hers and drew his arm in, until their hands were at his shoulder. His other hand slid from her hip to land on her lower back, just above the swell of her rear. Her skin was warm and soft, and his fingers pressed more firmly, reveling in the feel. Scully did not protest. In fact, she even snuggled a little closer, her cheek now on his chest. Even in her heels, the top of her head only came to his nose, and he ducked his head to inhale the fragrance of her hair. He bent his head a little further to whisper in her ear. "This is nice." His lips just brushed her earlobe as he spoke, and he thought he felt a tremor run through Scully's body. So he let them brush it again. Her reaction this time was even better. Her cheek nuzzled his chest, and her hand slid from his shoulder to the nape of his neck, to play with the hairs just curling over his collar. She felt so damn good. He didn't ever want to let go. They swayed to- gether, barely moving, for the remainder of the number. The next set was a bit livelier, and the couples around them began the waltz with earnest, moving about the dance floor. They were forced to do the same, or be the center of attention as the only couple on the floor not moving. Scully pulled back slightly, and they resumed their earlier pose, but this time their bodies remained in contact. Her head lifted, and their eyes met, a smile on each of their lips. He swung her around with enthusiasm. He had never known waltzing could feel so...fun, so carefree. He knew it was all because of the woman in his arms. The waltz ended, and they found themselves in a somewhat secluded area, near patio doors that opened up to a cozy courtyard. Scully gasped, tugging on his hand to bring them closer to the paned glass, and said, "Look, Mulder, it's snowing! Isn't it beautiful?" Mulder barely saw the gentle fall of snowflakes. He was much more en- tranced with the beauty of the woman beside him. "Beautiful," he agreed huskily. *** Something in Mulder's voice made Scully turn her head to look at her partner. He was not looking at the snow scene outside, but staring at her. She felt another blush bloom on her cheeks, and ducked her head shyly. Heat was flaring in those hazel orbs, almost too much to bear. Taking a deep breath, she raised her head again, and something caught her eye just above Mulder's head. She tilted her head back further, and spied a sprig of mistletoe directly over them. Her eyes widened, and she was vaguely aware of Mulder shifting to see what had her attention. They both lowered their heads at the same time, eyes meeting. "Mistletoe, Scully," he said huskily. "Mistletoe, Mulder," she agreed. Her voice was husky too. "You know what that means, don't you?" he continued, whispering now. His head was dipping, moving slowly towards hers. "Mm-hmm..." the faintest of sounds. Her eyes fluttered shut. The first brush of his lips on hers was tentative, light. Unobtru- sive. Careful. Scully let her hands slide up his shoulders to clutch at his neck, feeling his hands encircle her waist, pulling her against his body. Their sighs mingled together. The kiss deepened. Intensified. Tongues met. Danced and dueled. And outside, the snow fell on a low-lit courtyard. THE END Happy and safe holidays to everyone, Lovesfox.