Part 3 ****** Scully watched as he turned from the window, and suddenly she did not know what to say. She felt a blush stain her cheeks as that little voice said, tell him you liked it at first. But it was true. She *had* liked it at first, very much. His hands, his lips, his body, stirring feelings within hers. "Mulder," she said again. She moved towards him, stopping a few feet away. "Mulder, when I got there, you were..." She stopped, mind whirling suddenly, remembering how he had been when she had arrived, piecing it together with his words from moments ago. She swallowed, unconsciously moving a little closer, one hand on her hip, the index finger of the other tapping her lip. "Mulder, you were barely responsive, your face was flushed, and your pupils were slightly dilated. I thought maybe you had fallen, hit your head, but I could feel no bumps or abrasions." She stopped again, her eyes narrowing with anger, as she recalled him saying his arm had hurt after bumping into the man at the elevator. The anger was not directed at Mulder, but at this unknown person who..."Mulder, I believe you might have been drugged!" She took that last step to stand beside him, her hands coming up to tug at his jacket, pulling it down over his arms. Her nervousness and fear at his nearness seemed to have vanished in her concern for him. "Let me see your arm." They got his jacket off and let it drop to the floor. Mulder turned as he pulled the sleeve of his tee shirt up so that she could look at it. High on his upper arm, in the muscle, was a puffy red area, with a tiny white dot in the centre. An injection site. Scully hissed through her teeth. "Jesus, Mulder, someone...that man you bumped into, he injected you with something. We need to get your blood tested, as soon as possible. Let me go get dressed, and we'll go the Bureau, use their lab." Scully turned and walked quickly away, unaware of Mulder's surprised eyes following her as she left the room. *** Mulder watched Scully hurry from the room. He had been waiting to hear whatever was causing her to blush, and had not expected this turn of events. He looked at his arm again, at the evidence that he had been injected with some unknown drug. A drug that had made him rape Scully. Who could have done something like this? He immediately thought of CGB Spender, but after the recent trip the man had taken with Scully, where it seemed he had been trying to make amends, it did not make sense. The answer was there, he would just have to find it. He bent and picked up his jacket, slipping his arms inside the sleeves. From down the hall he could faintly hear Scully moving from her bedroom into the bathroom, the sound of her blow dryer. He sighed, rubbing his eyes, a dull ache behind them, and moved back over to the couch. He sank into it with a weary groan, leaning all the way back against the cushions. His mind would not stop thinking. About the previous night, about the man in the elevator...but most importantly, and the thought that lightened his heart considerably, was the fact that Scully had touched him. Not for very long, but voluntarily. Without repercussions. Her concern about him had over ridden her fear. He marveled at that, that her feelings for him let her push aside what he had done to her, to allow her to put that aside. He knew that it was just for that moment, that she would probably be skittish and uncomfortable around him for a while, but it was a start. Mulder realized he had fallen into a doze on her couch, when he startled awake at the sound of Scully's footsteps as she came back into the room. He sat up with a small grunt, to see her regarding him, an odd expression on her face. He knew immediately her walls were firmly back in place, and this time they were higher than they had ever been. Despair clutched at him with its cold fingers, but he pushed it away. He could not allow despair, or guilt, to drag him, or Scully, under. If he did, their bond, their friendship, whatever they had had before last night would be gone forever. Irretrievably lost. As would he himself. Mulder stood slowly, none of those thoughts on his face. He kept his expression blank and open, as he made his way to the door, careful to leave Scully plenty of space. He turned and waited by the door, watching Scully. He had noticed she had placed herself so that the chair was between them, and that her body was tense. He scanned her face and body as she stood there, mentally cataloging everything. She was dressed all in black, in casual pants and a blazer, with a mock turtleneck. To hide the bruises on her throat, he understood suddenly. That sent a dart of pain through him. Bruises he had caused. He wondered what other marks or injuries she was hiding beneath her clothes. He would find out, he needed to know. So that he could make amends for each and every one. He also noticed that her lips were slightly swollen, and red. She had not put any lipstick on. They must be sore. Her face was pale as well, but other- wise composed, with just a touch of make-up. He saw her take a deep breath and then release it. She walked over to the little table to the left of the door and picked up her keys. She stopped a foot away from him, raising an eyebrow slightly. He followed her unspoken request and opened the door, stepping out into the hallway. He moved far enough away that she would not have to be near to him as she locked the door, which she did a moment later. They headed silently down the hallway, Mulder very aware of Scully behind him and to his left. Although there was only a foot or so separating them in reality, the mental distance between them was immeasurable. He sighed inwardly, obviously the interlude of normalcy was over. He vowed to himself that he would not let it stay that way. J. Edgar Hoover Building Washington, D.C. Scully shot another glance at Mulder as they rode the elevator towards the laboratory section of the Hoover building. They were the only occupants in the car, and had only encountered the guard on duty down in the lobby thus far. Scully was glad, she felt like she had a big sign on her forehead, 'I was raped', similar to the infamous scarlet letter 'A'. It was easier not to have to face the curious stares she was sure would be there. Mulder was very quiet, and had spoken little since they had left her apartment. She appreciated the fact that he was not pressing her to talk about what had happened last night. After she had gone to get dressed she had thought about what she had been about to reveal to him, and was thankful she had not. She could not burden him that way, nor reveal herself. Not now. She had become uncomfortable at the thought of telling him such an intimate detail about herself. And of course, her mind had gone off on a tangent, re-playing scenes from the previous night, and she had gotten all worked up again, feeling her pulse begin to race, her breathing accelerate. It had been an effort to return to the living room, to him. But she had, and found him sitting on her couch, slumped into the cushions, his eyes closed. He had looked so vulnerable, so lost. Her love for him had nearly overwhelmed her, and it was only through sheer force of will that she had kept herself from running to him and drawing him into her arms, to ease his pain and suffering. For she knew he was suffering, nearly as much, if not more, than she herself was. Lost in her thoughts as she was, Scully gave a start when the elevator jolted to a stop. Mulder turned to her, his hand automatically coming out to steady her. "I'm fine, Mulder," she said softly. He grimaced, but said nothing, merely stepped out of the elevator and started down the hall. Scully followed more slowly, taking a deep breath to steady her suddenly racing heart. She had felt a flash of fear as his hand came towards her, but was fairly sure nothing had shown on her face. There were only two technicians in the lab when they walked through the door. One looked up and smiled at Scully. She nodded back to the woman as she headed to the back corner. It was not unusual for either of them to be there, in fact, Scully had often worked there late in the evening or on the weekend, but she did not want anyone witnessing her drawing blood from Mulder. She could just imagine the rumor mill working overtime with that one. Scully gestured Mulder onto a stool and he sat obediently after taking his leather jacket off and laying it on the counter in front of him. She removed her blazer and hung it carefully on the back of a chair before getting the necessary items required to get a sample of Mulder's blood. She laid the kit next to his jacket and absent- mindedly pushed the sleeves of her turtleneck up out of the way. She had been aware of Mulder's eyes watching her every move and was a little startled when she heard him inhale sharply. She shot him a sideways glance, to see him staring at her wrists. To be exact, staring at the lurid bruises that encircled them like bracelets. She fought the impulse to tug her sleeves back down and cover the bruises. It would only make the situation worse. She met his eyes for a moment, the beautiful hazel orbs wide and pain-filled. His mouth opened, and she shook her head, saying his name quietly. He nodded, taking a deep, shaky breath before reaching one hand out slowly. He ran his index finger gently over the wrist closest to him, barely touching it, and she imagined he was memorizing each and every bruise. She managed not to flinch at the contact, as butterfly-light as it was, staring at his outstretched arm until he returned it to his lap. She circled her right hand around his left wrist, and lifted it to the counter, laying it open and facing up onto the cool surface. His skin was warm, and she could feel his pulse thrumming steadily against her fingers. It sent a tingle up along her arm, and she released his wrist quickly, feeling a slight blush stain her cheeks. She risked another glance at Mulder, to see if he had noticed her reaction, but he was staring down at his lap. Scully picked up the tourniquet and tied it tightly around his upper arm, and then tapped her fingers on the flesh beneath the bend of his elbow. She inserted the needle deftly into the resulted bulging vein and attached the red-topped glass vial. In moments the vial was full and she removed it and laid it on the counter, and then undid the tourniquet before removing the needle. She picked up a cotton ball and applied pressure firmly on the site for several seconds. A band- aid was next, and then she turned to the equipment to begin the tox screen. Out of the corner of her eye, Scully watched Mulder slide off the stool and put his jacket on. She murmured, "It'll take a little while. I'm going to test you for HIV and Hepatitis B and C while I'm at it, but you should get re-tested again in six weeks." Mulder nodded and replied just as quietly. "Thank-you, Scully." He paused and then said, "I'll go get us some coffee, okay?" Scully, whose hands were already busy, did not look at him but nodded in reply, with a quiet, "Please." Mulder walked away, and Scully looked up from her task to watch his tall form, his shoulders slumping, as he made his way through the lab and out the door. With a heavy sigh, she resumed her task. *** Mulder walked back into the lab sometime later, carrying two cups of coffee, just slightly above lukewarm, but not by much. After leaving Scully to her work, he had wandered down to their office, checking for any messages or e-mails. There had been none, and he had headed up to the vending machine area to get their coffees. He had run into an agent from the VCU seconds after buying the coffee, and had answered the agent's nosy enquiries with vague responses before finally breaking free. He saw Scully look up as he walked toward her, and could not interpret the seriousness of her expression. He came around the counter and placed her coffee on top of it, not wanting to force her to accept it from his hand. Her lips moved in the faintest of smiles, but it did not reach her eyes. Eyes that were tired, wary and...angry? Somehow, Mulder knew he was not going to like what she had to say. She began without preamble, her voice still quiet, but Mulder could hear that anger in her dulcet tones. "Mulder, I was so shocked by what I found that I ran the test again, just to be sure." She stopped, pursing her lips tightly before relaxing them and continuing. "Mulder, what I found...Mulder, you were injected with Sildenafil Citrate and Flunitrazepam." She looked away for a minute, flushing slightly. Mulder frowned. He thought he recognized one of the drugs she had named, Flunitrazepam. He was pretty sure it was Rohypnol, or as it was known on the street, 'roofies'. The date rape drug. The other one he did not know, but it obviously could not be good. He raised an eyebrow in question for Scully to continue. "Flunitrazepam, as you may know, is also known as Rohypnol. What you may not know, is that it is a benzodiazepine, a sedative with ten times the potency of diazepam. Valium, Mulder. Its purpose, probably its sole purpose, is to reduce resistance, although it is also often used by drug addicts to allay their withdrawal symptoms." Scully paused again, looking almost embarrassed. "Sildenafil Citrate, Mulder is Viagra. I am sure you are aware of its purpose." Mulder blinked, and then looked away. Viagra and Rohypnol? A chill went through him. The combination of those two drugs had to have been deliberate, their intent to cause him to attack Scully. The perpetrator, whoever it was, must know him so well, must have known that he would contact Scully at any sign of trouble. And known that having sex with her, to rape her, would be the only result, his only course of action once he saw her. The thought horrified him. Were they nothing more than pawns? And why? His mind whirled. What did this person have to gain? What could he hope for? A chill ran through him suddenly. Had it all been a desperate attempt to separate them? To force Scully into leaving him? They had to know Mulder would do everything in his power to stop that from happening. Mulder stumbled back and fell into the chair Scully had hung her jacket on. He didn't think his legs could support him. Peripherally he was aware of Scully seating herself on the stool he had vacated not so very long ago. He could feel her gaze on him, and he looked up at her, seeing what must be on his own face reflected on hers. "Scully..." he began, but stopped, at a loss for words. "Mulder, we both know what the combination of those two drugs would be likely to result in, which it obviously did. The drugs probably started to take affect not long after you were injected, and when I arrived, you were well under their hold." Scully's voice was quiet, neutral. There was no feeling leaking through, but Mulder could see the emotions dark in her eyes. "Short of knocking you unconscious, or causing you great bodily harm, I don't think I, or anyone else, could have stopped you." She looked away, her lips twisting slightly. "Which we both know I was unable to do." Mulder shifted uncomfortably in the chair, looking away as well. He still could not remember all the details from last night, but bits and pieces had been continually flitting through his head for the last hour. One stuck out now, more than the others, after hearing Scully's words. Her hands on his chest, trying to push him off of her. But her motions had not dislodged him. Rather they had only drawn his attention to her breasts, thrusting forward. He blinked rapidly, shaking his head, and the memory was gone. He brought his mind back to the present, recalling her words of moments ago. It had not surprised him to hear Scully vocalizing his thoughts. They usually traveled along the same wavelength, so attuned to each other as they were. They were often able to communicate with- out speech. And when they did talk, they sometimes even finished each other's sentences. Scully spoke again, and he brought his gaze back forward, to see her watching him, the compassion back in her eyes. "Mulder, we'll find out soon if your blood is clear, but I cannot stress how important it is to get re-tested in six weeks." "I will, Scully," he replied, grimacing as he thought of the possib- ility of more grief that could result from the assault on them both. For being injected with drugs was not just an attack on him, but Scully as well. He swallowed, his mouth dry. "Is there anything more we need to do here?" Scully shook her head, and began to tidy up the area she had used. Once done, she moved to the chair where he sat and gestured at her blazer. Mulder got up and lifted it off the back, handing it to her. She took it silently, their hands just brushing, and slid her arms into the sleeves. He watched as she fixed the collar, lifting her hair from beneath it, before picking up the reports she had printed on his blood work. They left the lab, Mulder leading, conscious of Scully close behind him. Scully's Apartment Georgetown, D.C. Mulder watched as Scully lifted her house keys up and unlocked her door, pushing it open. She walked inside, and he followed, hearing the clunk as she dropped the keys on the little table to the left of the door. He closed and locked the door behind him. He saw her look at her answering machine, and that the red light was not flashing. Mulder stood impassively, just behind her, and saw her run her hands nervously down the front of her trousers. He knew she was uncom- fortable with him being there and that she wanted him to leave. She had not wanted him to come up at all after he had driven them to her apartment building, turning slightly in the passenger seat to thank him for the ride when he pulled up to the curb. He had merely nodded and shut the engine off, getting out of the car at the same time she had. The flash in her eyes had been the only outward sign of her irritation. That and the unnatural stiffness of her body as they walked towards the front entrance. Scully turned to face him, her features blank. But Mulder could see the weariness in her eyes. "Mulder..." she began. "Listen, Scully, I know what you're going to say, but I'm not leaving. We need to talk about what happened last night, and what we discovered today," Mulder interrupted, moving very close to her, but still not touching her in any way. Her eyebrow arched, and she glared at him for a moment, before turning away with a sigh. Her shoulders slumped. "I know," she agreed quietly. Her hand came up to rub at the back of her neck. "I'm just going to change. I'll be back in a few minutes." Mulder nodded and headed toward the couch, taking his jacket off as he did. He could hear the sounds behind him as Scully turned and went down the hallway to her bedroom. He laid the jacket over the back of the couch and then sat down on one end. He rested his head on the cushioned back and took several slow, deep breaths, trying to relax. He and Scully needed to talk, desperately. Not only about what they had discovered had been done to them, as well as their thoughts as to who and why, but about the events of the previous evening, and how they were going to get past it. And they *were* going to get past it. They had to. Mulder knew his life would have no meaning if Scully were not a part of it. His stomach rumbled then, and he was surprised he had an appetite at all, until he realized he had not eaten since lunch the day before. He wondered if Scully had eaten since then either. He glanced at his watch; it was past noon. He wondered if he should order a pizza. He should probably check with Scully first. He stood and stretched before making his way down the hall to her bedroom. As he neared, he could see the door had not closed all the way, it was open a crack. He could also hear her crying. Mulder hesitated just before the door, hand poised to knock. His first instinct was to flee. Scully did not cry easily, and the fact that she was now scared of him. He did not know if he could face learning what he had done to her, but he knew he had to. He also wondered if he should intrude. Besides not crying easily, Scully did not like to lose control in front of others, even him. His hand relaxed from its fist and hovered uncertainly in the air over the door. His head lowered, forehead just brushing the wood. "Scully," he whispered. Taking a deep breath, Mulder lowered his hand to the wood and pushed. The door opened easily, with the slightest of creaks, and he stepped inside. Scully's back was to the door, but she whirled around at the sound of his footstep on the hardwood floor. The robe she was wearing gaped at the front, and her hands, which must have been tying the sash closed, flew up to grab the lapels and tug them together. But not before Mulder saw the red mark marring the flesh of her upper breast. The blood drained from his face and a small moan escaped his lips. "Scully?" he choked out, and moved forward, his steps wooden and awkward. He came to a stop just in front of her, and although she stiffened, she did not move away. Did she sense he needed to see, needed to know what he had done to her? He held her gaze with his for long moments, before she looked away to the left, and watched her lips release a sobbing breath, felt the exhalation warm against his upper arm. Her hands left the lapels of the robe, fisting down at her sides, tacit approval for him to look. Mulder's hands shook as he brought them up to her robe. He parted the material gently, careful not to touch her skin. Standing this close to her, he could smell her Scully smell, and he closed his eyes briefly as the fragrance teased his senses. When he opened them again, he could see her pulse fluttering erratically at her throat, and knew that she was probably fighting the impulse to flee. He forced his gaze to her chest, to the swell of flesh above her white cotton bra, trying not to admire the smooth, creaminess of her skin. He steeled himself to study the wound as objectively as he could. He knew he failed miserably, when his breath hissed out and Scully flinched. He could not help it. He blinked again, but the image remained. When he had caught a glimpse of the mark as Scully turned around, he had thought it was a hickey, or a burn maybe, from his stubble. It was not. It was a bite mark, a perfect imprint of teeth. His teeth. He could see that he had broken the surface, and that the flesh sur- rounding the wound was red and a little inflamed. One hand clenched in the material of her robe, the other let go, and shakily lifted to the mark. His index finger just grazed it, running over it with a touch that was feather-light. Scully jumped at the touch and he pulled his hand away quickly. He could see her chest rising and falling rapidly; hear her breaths loud in his ears. "I am so sorry, Scully," he whispered. His voice sounded odd, thick. His breath hitched then and he felt the tears welling in his eyes. He dropped to his knees in front of her, burying his face in her stomach, arms coming up to hug her tightly. Her body was stiff, and as his arms went around her, she made a small sound...of alarm? He loosened his grip slightly, but did not release her. He could not. The first sobs wracked his body, and he cried into her stomach. Suddenly Scully pulled her hands up and away from her body where they had been trapped by his embrace. He could feel her body trembling, and then her hands were on his head, stroking through his hair. Her touch was like a benediction. *** Scully walked down the hall to her bedroom, hand coming up to cover her mouth as she yawned, her other hand still rubbing her neck. The adrenaline had surged after they had found the injection site on Mulder's arm and gone to the Hoover building, but now she was so tired. And her body hurt, in places she didn't want to think about. She was nervous, too. She knew they needed to talk, but was not really ready to face it. She did not want to break down in front of Mulder, to lose control and become a weak mass of crying female. Her emotions were right at the surface, and it would not take much to break them loose. Scully stepped into her bedroom, swinging the door shut behind her. She crossed over to her bed and stood beside it, shrugging out of her blazer and laying it on the end. She stood there for a moment and then toed off her shoes and undid the button and zipper of her pants, pushing them down over her hips. Her mock turtleneck was next, and as she stood there in her bra and panties, she shivered with a slight chill. She grabbed her robe and when she lifted her arm to put it into the sleeve, she saw the bite mark on her chest. Tears sprang to her eyes, burning hot. Her breath hitched and then she was crying, her body shaking with the effort to hold her sobs in. She hurriedly pulled the robe the rest of the way on, wrapping it around her body, hands tying the sash. She was going to lie down and smother her tears in her pillow, fully conscious Mulder was just down the hall, and that there was nothing wrong with his hearing. A sound reached her ears, a footstep on the floorboards. She whirled, hands still on the sash of the robe, to see Mulder standing there. She realized her robe had gaped open, feeling the cool air on her chest, and watching Mulder's eyes drop there. Her hands whipped up to pull it closed again. Her sobs had stopped with her surprise, and she could feel the tears drying on her cheeks, although her breath was still coming in pants. Mulder paled, and then he moaned. She heard him whisper her name, and then he was moving towards her, his movements choppy. He stopped in front of her, and she stiffened. His eyes held hers for many moments, before she looked away, one last sob escaping. She knew he had seen the mark on her breast, and what he wanted to do. Her hands left the lapels of her robe and she moved them to hang straight at her sides. She held herself still as his hands came up shakily to grasp the edges of her robe and pull it open. He stared for the longest time, making her nervous, when he exhaled with a hiss suddenly. She flinched in surprise, but managed to hold herself still. His eyes remained focused on the mark, and she felt one of his hands fist in her robe, the other coming up. The touch of his finger on it was so light, so gentle, and goose bumps rose on her skin. She jumped slightly, her breath coming faster. She remembered his hands on her body the night before, and marveled at the difference, from rough misuse to tender reverence. Mulder whispered, "I am so sorry, Scully," and then he was on his knees, hugging her tightly, his face in her stomach. She felt his body shake with sobs and wanted only to comfort him. She lifted her arms free from his embrace and brought them to his head. She stroked his hair, enjoying the feel of the silky softness sifting through her fingers. Mulder nuzzled into her stomach, and the action sent a nearly overwhelming wave of love through her. Her knees buckled and Mulder's grip on her loosened, allowing her to fall to her knees before him, their bodies almost touching. Mulder's hands came up to frame her face and her own hands hovered before fluttering to land on his wrists. They stared into each other's eyes, endlessly. Scully saw love, and sorrow, and trust in his hazel depths, and let her own same emotions pour forth. A tremulous smile lifted the corners of his mouth, and she answered it with a smile of her own, feeling one lone tear roll down her cheek. Mulder's thumb moved and brushed it delicately away, before his lips slowly descended to trace the tear's path. He whispered her name, and the sound, uttered so close to her ear, sent shivers down her spine, and she squirmed slightly. Her head had been tilting to allow him better access to her neck, wanting to feel his warm lips there. Her eyes had drifted shut, her body unconsciously leaning towards his. She almost fell forward when Mulder leapt to his feet. She opened her eyes to see him backing away, a look of distress on his face. He whispered, "I'm sorry," and turned and walked out of her bedroom. Scully realized with sudden clarity that Mulder had mistaken her movement as being one of fear, not pleasure. She scrambled to her feet, barely avoiding tripping over the hem of her robe, to run after him. That little voice in her head was sarcastic. Must you al- ways chase after this man? Her answer was succinct. Yes. ***