Title: Alarming Behavior Author: Lovesfox E-mail: kim_djd@yahoo.ca Rating: R Category: Story, Angst, MSR Spoilers: Not really. Takes place somewhat after En Ami Summary: Something terrible happens, can Mulder and Scully deal with it? Disclaimer: Not mine, what can I say? WARNING: This story contains subject matter that some readers may find offensive or difficult to read. There is a rape scene. Alarming Behavior by Lovesfox Mulder's Apartment Alexandria, VA Mulder leaned wearily against the back wall of the elevator, staring upwards with unblinking eyes as the lights lit for each floor number. His suit jacket was slung over one shoulder, his tie askew. Finally, the doors opened on his floor, and he stepped out slowly, shoulders slumped. He had been looking down as he exited, and did not see the other person waiting to enter the elevator. Their shoulders met with a thud, and Mulder exhaled heavily at the impact, hearing the other person's surprised grunt. He staggered slightly, and felt a hand briefly clamp his arm, pinching slightly, before sliding away. Mulder was tired, and did not react very quickly. By the time he turned to apologize, the doors were already closing. He had a vague impression of a scraggly-haired man, looking out at him with dark eyes. Did he know the man? Something nudged briefly at his mind, and then was gone. Mulder stared at the closed doors for a moment before shaking his head briefly. The sounds of his footsteps were loud on the tiles as he made his way down the hallway to his apartment. He stopped in front of his door, his free hand digging in his pants pocket for his keys. He turned his house key in the lock, pushing the door open with one foot. He nudged it shut behind him and re-locked it. He tossed his jacket in the general direction of his couch, not caring as it missed and slid to the floor. He tugged at the knot of his tie, loosening it, before yanking it over his head. It joined the jacket on the floor. Mulder toed his shoes off one by one and then ran a hand across his mouth, over his face and through his hair as he stood there in the middle of the room. He stretched his arms out and behind, elbows bending with the motion. There was a slight ache in his arm and shoulder from his collision and he rubbed at it briefly. He sorted through the handful of mail that had been accumulating in his mailbox, most of it bills. He tossed them on the side table. That was a chore for later. He wandered into the kitchen and opened the fridge, staring without interest at the meager contents within for long moments. He really wasn't that hungry, anyway. He pushed the door shut, hearing it slam as he walked out of the kitchen. He moved over to check his answering machine. The red light was flashing. He pushed 'Play' and listened to the three messages. Nothing of vital importance, although Frohike wanted him to show him some interesting photos he and Langly had downloaded off the net. He pushed 'Erase', and hesitated, hand resting on the phone on the desk. With a wry twist of his lips, he decided to call the guys tomorrow. He really didn't feel like going out anywhere. He turned and stood there, eyes blank. He had been going to...what had he planned to do? He couldn't remember. Mulder started to shake his head, telling himself to just lie down and get some sleep, when he was surprised by a sudden, blinding pain behind his eyes. He bent at the waist, hands coming up to clasp his head, moaning. He felt himself stagger, nearly falling, and stumbled over to the couch, still bent over. He fell into it, hands not releasing his head. He lay down, feeling the cool leather against his cheek. The pain continued, throbbing in his head. He squeezed his eyes shut, another moan escaping his tightly clamped lips. He shot one hand out, groping along the coffee table. His fingers brushed his portable phone, and he moved forward slightly, the motion increasing the pain in his head, and grabbed the phone. Scully. She could help him. He brought the phone to his face, opening one eye to squint at the buttons. He pushed in her number and pressed the phone to his ear. The phone rang twice, the sound shrill in his ears, before Scully's voice came through the receiver, saying her name. "Scully," he grunted, face screwed up from the pain. "Scully, I need some help." He listened as she began speaking rapidly, asking him what was wrong. "Please, Scully," he gasped. He barely heard her affirmative reply as the phone slipped from his hand to fall to the floor. Scully's Apartment Georgetown, MD Scully let herself into her apartment, struggling a little with her briefcase and the two bags of groceries she had picked up on the way home. Finally inside, she pushed the door shut with her hip, dropping her briefcase on the floor to lock it behind her. She pushed her briefcase to the side with one foot and then carried the groceries into the kitchen. As she passed the little table by the door, she dropped her keys on it, checking the answering machine with a quick glance. No messages. She efficiently unpacked the groceries, neatly storing everything in its proper place. The wine bottle she left on the counter for later. She was going to change into more comfortable clothes, make some dinner and then relax with a nice glass of wine. Or two. The day had been long. Actually, she mused, the entire week had been long. No new cases, no leads to follow. Just office work. Interspersed with a couple of autopsies as a favor to the VCU. She left the kitchen to retrieve her briefcase from the floor, slipping one hand in the side flap to remove the mail she had grabbed on the way up. She flipped through it quickly, noting a thick card- sized envelope addressed to her in her sister-in-law's writing. Probably more pictures of Matthew. The rest were bills and she carried them over to her desk, laying them on the mouse pad, to be dealt with later. She put her briefcase down next to the chair. As she went down the hall to her bedroom, she worked one fingernail along the seal of the envelope, feeling it pull away. She saw a flash of bright color. It was a card. Tara loved to send them just to say 'hi', almost as much as she loved to chat on the phone. Scully pulled it out, careful not to let the pictures fall to the ground. She sat on her bed and opened it. She placed the pictures to one side while she read her Tara's message, smiling at the first words, 'just a short note'. Tara did not know the meaning of a short note. Her flowery handwriting filled both sides of the blank note card. She scanned it briefly, intending to read it in full later and put it down, picking up the pictures. A couple of Bill, Tara and Matthew, all three grinning at the camera, one of Bill and Matthew, mugging with identical faces, and one of Matthew alone, his shy smile reminding her so much of Bill as a child. She sighed as she returned the pictures to the card, rising from the bed and walking over to place the card on her dresser. Scully removed her holster and placed her gun on the dresser beside the card. She was just starting to shrug out of her jacket when her phone rang. She moved over to the night table to scoop up her portable, pressing the answer button and saying, "Scully," into the receiver. She listened as Mulder said he needed help. Her heart quickened and she asked him what was wrong. She went cold as first she heard his voice whisper 'Please, Scully' and then a thud as his phone fell or was dropped to the floor. She hung up, tossing the phone on the bed. She grabbed her gun out of the holster and was running down the hallway, grabbing her keys from the table in one smooth motion. She was out the door, locking it behind her and heading down the hallway in moments. There was only one thought in her mind. Mulder needed her help. Mulder's Apartment Alexandria, VA Mulder did not know how long he lay there after calling Scully. The sharp pain behind his eyes had finally stopped, and he could move without feeling like his head was going to explode. But his mind refused to work. He could not form a thought beyond her name. Scully. There was a knock then, sharp and quick. He struggled to rise from the couch, his body strangely lethargic, managing to sit up, barely. He obviously took too long, because he could hear the door opening and then closing again, followed by heels clicking across his floor. Then Scully was crouching in front of him, her cool hands cupping his cheeks. He heard her whisper his name, and looked into her eyes, seeing the concern on her face. Her eyes. He could drown in her eyes. Their blueness drew him in, engulfed him, mesmerized him. He stared wordlessly into them, not hearing her call his name, and then again, more sharply. There were only her eyes. He vaguely felt her hands leave his cheeks to begin smoothing through his hair, feeling along his scalp gently. He blinked slowly, heavily, and realized her lips were moving. Her lips. Red, ripe, full. Her tongue darted out to moisten them, and he mimicked her gesture, his own lips suddenly dry. Sound reached him again. Scully's voice, saying his name. "Mulder, are you all right? Mulder, can you talk to me?" He nodded slowly. He loved to hear her say his name. The low tones, the way she rolled the L slightly. He had never noticed that before. Why hadn't he noticed that before? Had she always said it that way, with the hint of sex hidden beneath? Her hands were on his upper arms then, urging him up, and he shivered at the contact. Strong, capable hands. Hands he imagined running over his bare chest, up his back. He swallowed thickly, and allowed her to pull him off the couch, lead him into his bedroom, faintly hearing her voice telling him she wanted him to lie down. Mulder staggered slightly as they neared the bed, and the motion caused him to lean into Scully, his nose pushing into her hair. He inhaled deeply, and her smell, the smell of Scully, sent a surge of lust straight to his groin. Scully turned to face him fully, her hands coming up to grasp his upper arms again. Of their own volition, his hands rose to her hips. He clasped them firmly, bringing her body flush against his. Scully gasped, and the sound sent shivers through him. He thrust his hips in reaction, pushing his sudden erection into her stomach. "Mulder?" Scully whispered, her voice husky and confused. "Mmmmm," he mumbled, mouth nuzzling at her neck, breathing in her scent, intoxicating and wild. His hips thrust again, and one hand slid from her hip to grab her ass, pushing her firmly into his body. He kissed his way up her neck, along her jaw, before finally settling on those lips. Lips that were meant for kisses. Deep, wet, long kisses. His kisses. His tongue swept inside, forcing her mouth open wider. He ignored her whimper, not knowing if it was from desire or fear, not really caring, his other hand leaving her hip to trail up her body and tangle in the hair at her nape, holding her head still. He felt her hands slide up his arms to push at his shoulders. She could get little leverage with their bodies pressed so closely together, so there was no strength behind the effort. He ignored her attempt, slanting his head for better access to her mouth. She moved her head, trying to pull away, and his hand grabbed the back of her neck roughly, squeezing until she desisted. Without breaking the kiss he swept the hand from her ass up her back to begin tugging at her jacket. It was difficult, and he had to pull away from her for precious moments and switch to his other hand, until he finally succeeded in removing it. He threw it to the floor, having never once lost contact with her lips. He walked towards his bed, pushing her with his body. He felt it bump against her legs and then they were falling upon it, his body landing atop of hers, her lips finally breaking free from his kiss. "Mulder? What the hell are you doing?" Scully asked, and there was anger in her voice, as well as a touch of fear. Her hands had come up to his chest as they fell to the bed, and she began pushing at him, bracing her back against the firm mattress. He did not reply, did not even meet her gaze. His eyes were focused on her chest, which was heaving from her exertions. His pelvis ground into hers as he lifted his upper body up to grab her hands with both of his. He pulled them away from his chest and lifted them to rest on the bed over her head. The motion thrust her breasts forward and pulled her blouse away from her pants. His eyes were drawn to the pale flesh revealed. He manacled her wrists with one of his hands, and the other came to rest on her throat. He slid that hand down her front until it came to a rest on the bare flesh of her stomach. The muscles there skittered and jumped at his touch. He slid it back up, dragging the blouse with it, baring more of her skin. He caught a glimpse of pale pink lace and his fingers were suddenly tugging at her buttons. The first three opened with ease, but he had trouble with the one between her breasts. With a growl, he pulled at it. The button popped, and he heard it roll across the floor. He parted the blouse, and his breath escaped in a hiss as he stared at the swell of her breasts, encased in pale pink satin cups, the bra edged with that same lace. He could hear his name being whispered over and over again, but the voice was faint, far away. Were there tears in that voice? He pushed the thought away, too entranced with the beauty before him. His face descended, burying itself in her cleavage. He inhaled deeply, smelling the musk of her body. His erection began pulsing, pressing painfully against the confines of his pants. He began a slow, steady thrusting against her to relieve the ache. Her wrists were twisting in his grasp, and she had begun to buck to try and throw his weight off of her. He tightened his grip on her wrists, feeling the fine bones grinding together, and shifted his lower body slightly, so that it pinned her more completely, beginning his thrusting motions again, harder this time. His free hand came up and plucked at the front clasp of her bra. It opened, and he slid the cups aside to reveal her bare breasts. His breath escaped him in a hiss of pleasure. His hand hovered in the air a moment before covering one of the mounds, hefting its weight, squeezing it firmly. He released it to let his hand move lightly, brushing his palm over her nipple. It hardened with the motion, and he bared his teeth in a savage grin as he heard a moan. His fingers pinched it, rolled it between his thumb and one finger. The moan came again, and he felt his penis spasm in reaction. His mind suddenly had one thought, and one thought only. To plunge himself into her, over and over again. His hand moved from her breast to the waistband of her pants. He yanked at the button, feeling it pop and come away in his hands. He flung it over his shoulder and then pulled her zipper down. She was squirming again, her body twisting, trying to dislodge him, and he used her motions to work her pants down her legs. He pulled her shoes off roughly, hearing each one clunk as it hit the floor, and then yanked her pants off, throwing them down as well. He ran his hand up her leg to the apex of her thighs, encountering the barrier of her matching silk panties. His breath was panting in and out harshly, and his fingers plucked ineffectually at the panties. With a growl of frustration, he grasped the edge and ripped them off, the thin material almost shredded by the strength of the motion. There was only the rushing in his ears, and the feel of her body beneath his. His hand pulled his shirt out of his pants and ripped it open, buttons scattering like seeds in the wind. He moved to his own waistband, struggling with his belt buckle. Wasted seconds as he fought with it, and finally it was open. His fingers fumbled at the button, the zipper. He shoved his pants and jockeys down together, his erection springing free. It was huge, engorged with blood, and throbbed with each beat of his heart. His feet kicked once more, the clothes dropping to the floor. He used his knee to shove her legs apart and forced his hips between them, bringing his lower body flush against hers, his penis brushing against the nest of curls. He reached between them and grabbed his penis in his hand, guiding it to her entrance, thrusting his hips forward. He met resistance, she was not wet and ready for him. His hand went to her leg, sliding under her thigh. He lifted her leg, bending it at the knee and pushing it towards her chest. It opened her wide, and he shoved inside. She cried out in pain, and her body lurched against his in reaction, unwittingly pulling him deeper. He moaned as her heat enveloped him. He began to thrust harder, rapid movements that caused his belly to slap against hers, feeling her body rock beneath his. He released her wrists in order to use that arm to support his weight, his other arm still clamped around her thigh, holding her leg up. This new position enabled him to push harder, deeper. Beyond anything but the feel of her body writhing beneath his, he barely felt her hands hitting at his chest, shoving at him. He buried his face in the flesh of her breasts, sucking and nipping, unaware of the grunting noises that escaped his mouth with each thrust of his body. His teeth tugged at a nipple and he sucked furiously, his tongue worrying it frantically. Her unique scent, mingling with the smell of sex filled his nostrils, and an animal urge overcame him. He bit the flesh before him, high on the slope of her left breast, feeling his teeth break the surface. She cried out, her voice high and thin, and her hips bucked mightily in her pain. Her motion disturbed his rhythm, and he growled his anger. His hand left her thigh and came up to wrap around her throat, squeezing until he heard choking sounds. He released her throat, ignoring her gasps for air, hand trailing along her neck to her breast where he plucked at her nipple with his fingertips for a moment. He then dropped the weight of his upper body onto her, his hands sliding under her back to crush her tightly to him, hips resuming their fast pumping. Her fists began to beat at his back, his ribs. She grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked, and his head reared back, shaking her hand loose before his mouth descended on hers, grinding against her teeth. He felt a flash of heat high on his shoulder blade as her fingernails scored his flesh, but he ignored it. The incredible pressure was building in his groin and he continued to pump, faster and faster, hips slamming against hers. Suddenly with one last, hard thrust, he emptied himself into her, his entire body tensing, a long, drawn-out groan forced past his lips. His muscles quivered as his hips still pumped away, and then he finally collapsed atop her, lungs heaving. His breathing slowed, and his muscles became lax, heavy. Within moments he had passed out. *** Scully lay beneath him, breathing with difficulty as his weight compressed on her chest. She could still feel his penis twitching within her. Hot tears continued to leak from her eyes, sliding into her hair. Her bottom lip hurt and she could taste blood. She wasn't sure if she had bitten it, or if Mulder had. Mulder. Her eyes squeezed shut, the memories running rampant through her mind. Arriving at his apartment to find him sitting slumped on the couch. His vagueness and lack of response. Leading him to his bedroom, intending to help him undress and tuck him in. Him stumbling against her, and then his hands grabbing her, pulling her into his body. Feeling his erection pressed against her, her own surge of arousal in response, quickly masked. His lips nuzzling her neck, his hand on her ass. Then his mouth on hers, his tongue deep inside. Trying to push him away, knowing it was too much, too soon, even if she did want him. Badly. He was moving too fast, they should talk. His hand rough on her neck, holding her still. Him pulling her jacket off and pushing her onto the bed. Fear and anger warring within her as she tried to stop him. Him tearing at her their clothes, the surprising shock as he entered her roughly. Her ineffectual struggles to get him off her, to reach him somehow, calling his name to no avail. His hand at her throat, squeezing, choking her. She stifled a sob, re-living the fear she had felt at thinking Mulder, Fox Mulder, her partner, her best friend, could ever hurt her that way. She tried to move, feeling aches and pains all over her body. His snoring reached her ears, and gathering every last bit of strength she had left, she put her palms flat on his chest and shoved. Mulder rolled off of her onto his back, his penis slipping out, leaving a burning sensation between her thighs. She pulled her legs free and rose painfully from the bed. The tears continued to run down her face, dripping onto the floor. She winced as she stood there, weaving slightly. She staggered into his bathroom to clean herself, turning the taps on, avoiding the mirror over the sink, not wanting to see her reflection. As she ran the water over a cloth that had been sitting on the countertop, she involuntarily looked up. Her eyes were huge and wild in her face, tears leaving mascara tracks along her cheeks, lips red and swollen, and her hair was a disheveled mess. She looked away, running the cloth over her eyes before folding the cloth and hurriedly wiping between her legs, wincing again at the soreness there. She rinsed the cloth out thoroughly and then tossed it in the small hamper in the corner. Her open blouse flapped around her as she moved, and she looked down at herself. Her bra hung open as well, and she was naked from the waist down. Her eyes were caught then by the bite mark on the fleshy upper part of her left breast. It was almost a complete circle, clear imprints of Mulder's teeth. A wave of mixed emotions, of shame and fear and pain, washed over her, and her hand came down to steady herself against the sink cabinet as she felt faint for a brief moment. She took a deep breath to steady herself, and quickly re-did the clasp on her bra, before buttoning up her blouse. It gaped open at her cleavage, due to the button Mulder had ripped off in his haste, but she knew her jacket would hide the sight from the prying eyes of anyone she might encounter on the way home. Scully almost tiptoed back into Mulder's bedroom. She needed to get out of here before he woke up. She stooped and grabbed her pants, hands trembling a little, shooting quick looks in Mulder's direction to make sure he had not awoke. In the semi-darkness she could not see her panties, and heard again in her mind the sound they had made as Mulder had torn them off her. She shoved her legs into her pants hastily, she could ignore the fact that she had no underwear on for the trip home. Her shoes were almost hidden beneath his pants beside the bed, and she pulled them free, grabbing her jacket as well, before making her way carefully through the mess that remained, out into the other room. She glanced back once more, to see Mulder sprawled on his back, legs spread, mouth open, snoring. She put her shoes and jacket on, buttoning it to conceal her gaping blouse, and picked up her gun off the coffee table where she had placed it when she had knelt before Mulder on his couch. Her keys were there as well and she scooped them up. She left, shutting the door quietly behind her, walking carefully down the hallway to the elevator. Scully's Apartment Georgetown, D.C. Scully let herself into her apartment, shutting the door and locking it behind her, sliding the deadbolt home as well. During the drive home her body had stiffened, and walking from the car to her apartment had brought all her aches and pains to new life. She desperately needed a long, hot soak in her tub. She glanced at her answering machine as she passed the small table and dropped her keys upon it, feeling a sense of deja vu, remembering coming home and doing the same thing not too long ago. The red light was flashing, signaling a message or messages waiting, but she ignored it, continuing on towards her bedroom. She put her gun back into her holster sitting on her dresser and then simultaneously kicked off her shoes while removing her jacket. She allowed the jacket to fall to the floor, eyes closing briefly as she saw Mulder tear it off her and throw it to the ground. She unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall as well, knowing she would probably never be able to wear it again, even if she replaced the missing button. Her bra and pants quickly followed, joining the pile. She grabbed her thick terrycloth robe from the foot of her bed, wrapping it tightly around her body, shivering slightly from the cold. Probably from delayed shock too, she told herself. Tying the sash, she shuffled into the bathroom, bending to turn the taps on, letting the water run for a few minutes before plugging the drain. She cranked the hot water tap as far as it could go. Her legs were shaky, and she felt weak. She hated to feel weak, and cursed softly as fresh tears sprung to her eyes. Why had Mulder...She stopped the thought, she would not think about him, about what had happened. Not right now. She sank down onto the toilet seat, staring mindlessly at the water filling the tub, at the steam that rose from the heat of it. She was unaware she was rocking herself back and forth, her arms crossed defensively across her middle. Finally the tub was nearly full and she stood with a wince, shedding her robe. She lifted her leg slowly and stepped into the tub, feeling the burn of the hot water. She didn't care. Her other leg followed and she sank down onto her bottom, legs drawn up to her chest, one arm clasped around her knees. Her other hand reached out and turned the taps off. Her skin had reddened from the hot water almost immediately, and she felt the ache between her legs begin to throb. Goose bumps covered her bare arms and shoulders and she shivered before scooting her rear end down slightly so that she could lie back, her head coming to a rest on the rim of the tub. A sigh passed her lips as the heat of the water began to work its magic, easing the myriad aches and pains of her body. The water stung the bite mark on her breast, and her hand came up, one finger tracing it lightly. The skin was broken, but had not bled, and although it would be bruised for a while, she knew it would not scar. Her nipples were sore, from his twisting and pulling. She stared at the wrist of the hand by her breast and then brought the other one up to examine it too. There were faint finger-sized marks on both of them, marks she knew would be bruises in the morning. Her hand went to her throat next, remembering the feel of his hand choking her, sure there would also be evidence of it the next day. Her left thigh ached from being held up close to her body, and even though she could not see the back of it, she was sure it too would be marked. Scully realized suddenly that by taking this bath, she had effectively destroyed some of the evidence of her rape. She swallowed the lump in her throat, finally admitting to herself that that was what had happened to her. She had been raped. By Mulder. Not that she would consider reporting the incident to anyone. Ever. Mulder's Apartment Alexandria, VA Mulder woke in the darkness of night. He realized that he was naked and he was cold. His hands fumbled at the bedding for long moments, feeling his head throb slightly with his motions. Finally he managed to pull them out from under his body so that he could snuggle into the warmth. He turned on his side, and moved his head a little on the pillow, trying to find a position that would not aggravate his head further. He pulled the blankets up around his neck, tucking his head down, his nose almost buried. For some reason, the bedding smelled like Scully. He smiled to himself, rubbing his cheek against the pillow. Scully. He drifted back to sleep thinking of Scully. ***