Ki-Joo's LaTeX Documents

MiKTeX FGA (Frequently Given Answers) [pdf]
This MikTEX FGA describes how to install MikTEX 2.2 and its related programs such as ghostscript, ghostview, WinEdt, and NTEmacs. It also explains how to create EPS files, and how to create PDF files and slides, and some valuable tips.
LaTeX Fonts [pdf]>
This document shows some of the fonts found in CTAN:/tex-archive/fonts directory. Some of the usefult fonts are:
How to Create PDF from LaTeX [pdf]
This document describes how to create high quality PDF from LATEX sources and provides some valuable tips. The creation tools are ps2pdf, Adobe distiller, dvipdfm, or pdflatex. It also explains the famous hyperref package for bookmakrs, WWW links, internal links, and more.
A BibTeX Guide Through Examples [pdf]
This document describes how to (i) modify citation styles in your body text, (ii) make your
own bibliography style (.bst) file using the custom-bib program (from CTAN), and (iii) modify the bibliography style file for your taste or book company's taste.
Prosper Guide [pdf]
Prosper is one of the PDF presentation tools. It provides both PS out for transparencies and PDF for screen presentation. Its flow is latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf, not dvipdfm nor pdflatexx. Prosper supprots hyper links, transitions, and overlays (key of PDF presentation). One of the most important features of Prosper is that it fully supports PSTricks. [TeX Source] [Style File]
Beamer Guide
Beamer is another excellent PDF presentation tool with lots of dynamic and fancy effects. It supports dvips and pdftex.
Guide to Write a Thesis in LaTeX [html]
If your college or university does not provide LaTeX style file for your dissertation, then you may consult on this guide. I used a double sided book class with natbib, chapterbib, rotating, fancyhr, setspace, txfonts, and some more.
Truetype Fonts for DVIPDFMx and PDFLaTeX [html] This html explains how to use native Truetype fonts with dvipdfmx and pdflatex using "MiKTeX TTF Font Installer"

These documents are prepared mainly for my internal reference. They may contain some verbatim copies of other documents and tips, but most of them are rewritten. Hope this will help you make your high quality PS/PDF documents from LaTeX.

Last modified on 11/29/2005
Ki-Joo Kim

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