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rose© 2002

Weiß Kreuz Miscellaneous

Weiß Kreuz pronounced "Vice Kroyts" is an anime series about four handsome, vigilante assassins who are florists by day. It has a manga series as well as dramatic CDs.  A second series is rumored to be released.  Their primary enemies are Schwartz.  The first season of the series deals with Takatori and his cronies, a corrupt politician whose ambition was to rule Japan, while the second season deals with the cult Estet.  If you'd like to have more information visit Jey Kama's most exhaustive site: Aya no Weiß kreuz Corner it's currently at: 



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Devil's Rose© 2002 silrayn silverwolf
Weiß Kreuz and its images are a property of its creators.
They were used here only for fandom purposes, 
no copyright infringement intended.


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