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¨Simple math¨ Lens Focal Length Conversion

Are you new to medium format and having troubles comparing the focal length sizes of lenses between 35mm format to the medium format millimetre sizes ??
Need to know what your new 250mm Kiev60 lens would be equal to if it was a 35mm lense.??

Don't worry , the conversion is so easy to do you wont even believe it.

The graphic here shows the simple sum you need to do.

Just a simple calculation

The standard Kiev lense is 80mm , so just divide that with 1.6 and it shows that it is equal in view to that of a 50mm lense which is standard fitment on most 35mm format cameras.
A standard lens gives approximately a ¨1 to 1¨ view or perhaps I should say ¨life size¨ view through the viewfinder.

Even though not exactly correct , most manufactures settle on 80mm for MF and 50mm for 35mm cameras as a ¨standard¨ size lens.

OK , now how about the other way around ...
What is the medium format sized lense that I would need to equal my old 50mm lense as used on a 35mm camera.??

Or the other way around

50mm X 1.6 = 80mm - WOW , now your getting it :-D

Try these simple calculations on other popular lens sizes , and before you know it you will have it mastered.

Some Popular Kiev60 MF lens sizes


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