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Flock line your Kiev60

Kiev 60 cameras are capable of taking photographs of amazing quality.
This is dependant on many factors of course and some people have more success than others.

One of the common problems these cameras can have is internal flare.
Flare can be seen in a few different ways , but what we are dealing with today is the washed out look some pictures have.
They totally lack good contrast and are very disappointing.
Good shooting practices can reduce this a fair bit , but some blame must be fair and squarely placed on the design and construction of this particular camera.

A flocking kit will go a LONG way to limit if not totally remove problems from flare arising from within the camera body itself.

A simple way of understanding why we must black out the walls inside the camera is by comparing it to a music recording studio.
In a recording studio the walls are often covered in foam to absorb sound bouncing around the room.
The microphone will then only pick up pure sound from the singer and not some echo or coloured sound from the room.
Just the same applies with the insides of the camera , we want the walls to be dead like with regards to bouncing stray light around and possibly getting to the negative.

With the Kiev 60 the makers made the interior sheet metal out of a semi gloss ribbed aluminium.
Not the wisest choice so it must just have been a money versus quality issue.

Now that users have access to high quality German lenses for this camera , much higher performance is demanded from this dated design.

There are some companies out there that upgrade Kiev's and part of their service is to flock line the insides of the body.
I have found that there are large variations in the quality of the various flock materials out there and some commercially available kits only provides a few pieces of material which really is not enough coverage to do the job properly.

Here is a comparison between the flock we used at Kiev60SLR (left) and some removed from Hartblei modified cameras.(middle + right)

Types of Kiev60 flock lining material

For a while Kiev60SLR produced a complete flock kit for this camera and although it was quite successful doubts over the materials long term resistance to fibre shedding has forced this project to be temporarily suspended.

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