E-router from:
The Foundation for Arab Israeli  Reconciliation:
The Message is.......
"Palestinian parents will never condone their children throwing stones at human beings, especially at ' armed ' Israelis.  Nor will Israeli parents, cognizant of the Holocaust, ever condone their children denigrating a peoples, especially ' unarmed ' Palestinians. "  Roger M. Christian, Ithaca Journal, March, 2003, Ithaca, New  York.             
Further Process:

In making the transfer from focus statements, after the what ares, then the critical path of action follows:
Compilate images and creative associations made into simplified focus statements:
Note:   Used the creative associations cyclel to enhance your perception even further from one organized element to another. = Keys icon on the right >>>>>>>
Find Corresponding data that supports focus statements and enter data URL http://....address here:
Article name:
Article URL http://..Address:
Description on content:
Further note: The key icons are linked to the interactive process creative cycle: Hit them with your mouse.
Do a market analysis. Will the result product or service be viable?
Start a confernce development plan at a suggested host American community, along with it's security measures in placed.
Then GoTo the conferencing organization process:
Write in the results.
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