Acheson, Dean, 47
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIDS), 126
Aibright, Joseph, 111
American Medical Association, 125
Anderson, Jack, 128
Ankole, 54
Anyi, 60
Ashanti, 54
Austin, Hudson, 153
Aztecs, 54-55, 59, 97, 104-l05, 109,148-149

Bl bomber, 138
Baganda, 54
Baker, Howard, 60
Baker, James, 114
Baker, Russell, 97
Begin, Menachim, 99-100
Beirut massacre, 105-106, 149-151
Bishop, Maurice, 152-153
Blood thirst, 55-56, 149
Bogart, Humphrey, 41-42
Bourne, Geoffrey, 153
Bowman, Robert M., 133
Boyarsky, Bill, 45
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 28, 33
Buchanan, Patrick, 128, 130, 143
Buckley, William F., Jr., 31, 162
Bulgaria, 141
Bush, George, 158

Cabbage Patch dolls, 161
Carson, Johnny, 115, 161
Carter, Jimmy

death wishes toward, 23-24
group-fantasies about, 2,18-20, 22, 33
nomination of, 18
personal style of politics, 48-49, 71,111

Castro, Fidel, 109
Central America, 105-109, 132, 134, 137, 140, 147, 158-163
"Central America" speech of Reagan, 130-132
Chamberlain, Neville, 147
Children, sacrifice of, 79-82, 137, 161
ClA, 138, 145
Clark, Barney, 118
"Cobra Dane" radar system, 144
"Cobra Judy" radar system, 144
Costa Mendes, Nicanor, 92
Crime wave, 11
Cuba, 27, 132, 135,139-140, 142, 155
Cuban missile crisis, 142

Dahomey, 54
Dellums, Ronald, 153
Depo-Provera, 125
Dine, Thomas, 151
Dr. Sfrangelove, 89, 121

East Germany, 141
Eisenhower, Dwight David, 47
El Salvador, 139-141, 143
"Evil Empire" speech of Reagan, 130-131
Eye of Horus, 79
Eyes, paranoid, 77-79, 148

Falkiand Islands War, 92-98, 100
Federal debt, 2, 5
Federal Reserve Bank, 56, 60, 65, 116-117
Feldstein, Martin, 119
"Ferret" intelligence program, 143-144
Fire as sexual imagery, 138
Freud, Sigmund, 40, 79
Frosch, John, 102-103, 121, 123, 161
Frye, David, 58

Galtieri, Leopoldo, 92
Garrison, James, IS
Gilder, George, 63
Goldwater, Barry, 137
Gorden, Sol, 69
Gramm, Phil, 58
Great Reagan Poison Alert, 120-127
Grenada, 108, 132,152-157
Gross National Product, 2, 5, 18, 62, 114, 148


Group-fantasy phases
Carter presidency

Strong, 18
Cracking, 19-20
Collapse, 21-28
Upheaval, 29-35

Reagan presidency

Strong, 5648
Cracking, 69-83
Collapse, 84-135
Upheaval, 136-163

Guilt, group-fantasies of, 21, 53-57, 84, 143
Gulf of Tonkin resolution, 137
Gwertzman, Bernard, 20
"Gypsy Moths" and "Boll-Weevils", 66

Haig, Alexander, 7, 71, 92, 99
Halloween candy poisoning, 123
Healey, Denis, 98
Herpes, 120-121
Hinckley, John W., Jr., 13
Hitler, Adolf, 79
Ho Chi Minh, 95
Honduras, 107, 141
Honeymoon period, 34, 15, 19, 47
Hostages, Iranian, 28-33

Inflation, 2, 5, 18, 20, 24, 59
Institute fqr Psychohistory, 12
Iran, 27-33
Israel, 99-100
Johnson, Haynes, 84
Johnson, Lyndon B., 95
Jonestown, 121

KAL 007, 143-147
Kamchatka Peninsula, 144
Kean, Benjamin, 29
Kennedy, John F., 13
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 29-31
Kirkpatrick, Jeane, 92, 142
Kissinger, Henry, 28, 49
Koch, Ed, 8, 147
Koppel, Ted, 115, 157
Korean War, 47
Kraft, Joseph, 74, 128
Kwakiutl Indians, 53-54

Lance, Bert, 19
"Las Vegas," CIA-contra base, 138
Lebanon, 99-100
Lerner, Max, 25, 100
Lewis, Anthony, 10
Lewis, Flora, 5
Lewis, James, 122
"Libyan Hit Squad," 76-77
Lincoln, Abraham, 115
Lofton, John, 127
Long Island University, 33
Lucas, Robert E., Jr., 53

MeGrory, Mary, 14, 100, 137
Man Eater, 53-54, 57, 62
Manic-depressive patterns, 52, 60
Maynes, William, 73
Mease, Edwin, III, 72
Mellon, Andrew, 60
Messianic fantasies, 18
Missiles, MX, Pershing 2 and cruise, 104, 111-112, 137-138, 157
Mitchell, Aaron, 38
Moral Majority, 68
Moyers, Bill, 80
Moynihan, Daniel, 161

Nader, Ralph, 124
National Sheriffs Association, 39
NATO, 112
Nesmith, Jeff, 153
New Right, 126-127, 143
Nicaragua, 107-108, 134, 140-143, 161, 163
Nixon, Richard M., 84
Nuclear Freeze rally, 89
Nuclear war, 34, 105, 109-113, 143

Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA), 124
O'Neill, Thomas P., 65, 83, 86, 143, 150

Paranoid process, 102-103
Phillips, Howard, 147
Poison and Pollution, group-fantasies of, 34, 54-55, 57, 65, 91, 103, 113-135,137-138, 148
Poison gas, 138
Pipes, Richard, 70
Predictions, psychohistorical, 13, 25, 33
Pressman, Gabe, 84
Professional Air Traffic Controllers
Organization (PATCO),69-70
Pryor, David, 104
Psychoclass, 59, 113, 143
Psychoeconomics, 52



Public opinion polls, 2, 22, 25, 27, 49, 69, 84,98, 104, 113, 127, 146, 158
Punishment, 60

Qaddafi, Muammar al-, 70-71, 76-77
Quainton, Anthony, 142

Rapid Deployment Force, 138
Rathjens, George, 133
Reagan, John Edward, 39
Reagan, Maureen, 40
Reagan, Nancy Davis, 42
Reagan, Ronald

as poet, 42
attempted assassination of, 12-14
childhood of, 39
death wishes toward, 10-12, 14, 75-76
drawing ability, 38
group-fantasies about, 2, 6-8, 64, 82, 84, 127, 139, 147
guns and, 41
Presidential Inaugural Celebration, 63
jelly beans and, 9, 122
King's' Row, role in movie, 36-38, 4142, 46, 67, 119

personal characteristics of,

ability to embody anger, 6, 9-10, 35
ability to inflict pain, 9, 4445, 61, 114
ability to reflect despair, 49
anti-communism of, 42
apocalyptic beliefs of, 152
castration anxiety, 36-41, 66-67
charm, 64, 116
guilt, 42, 81-82
phallic defenses, 9
phobias, 39-40
projection, as defense, 45-46, 137

promises to American people, 50,127
sacrificial acts, 64-66, 75
sexuality, 41

"Reaganol," 122
Reaganomics, 56-61, 63, 114-116
deaths attributable to, 57-58, 61, 66, 74
supply-side theory, 60-61
Rebirth, group-fantasies of, 27, 35, 55-56,
Regan, Donald, 85, 90
Reston, James, 20,137
Ripper, Col. Jack D., 121
Rockefeller, David, 28
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 119
Royster, Vermont, 20
Rush, Dean, 96

Sacrifice, 26-29, 34, 55, 79-80, 91, 104-105, 118, 138, 146,149,151, 156-158, 163
Safire, William, 84, 127, 130
Samuelson, Paul, 53
Scarf, Maggie, 9
Schmidt, Casper, 107
Schultz, George, 163
School lunch program, 44, 58
Scoon, Paul, 156
Sexuality, group-fantasies about, 43, 68-69,
94-97, 138, 159-160
Shah of Iran, 28-29
Sharon, Ariel, 99
Sidey, Hugh, 73
Smith, Hedrick, 25
Speakes, Laurence, 156
"Star Wars" speech of Reagan, 130, 132-
134, 161
Stockman, David, 7, 60-62
Surplus destruction, 52-54, 56

Thatcher, Margaret, 91, 93-94
Thurow, Lester, 85
Time of Mistakes, 59
Time of Sacrifice, 56, 59-61, 65, 81
Time of Work, 59
Tobin, James, 61
Toofsie, 127
Truman Doctrine, 47
Twentieth-Century Fox, 44
Tylenol, 122-123

Unemployment, 20, 56, 114
University of California, Berkeley, 43, 46, 96
USSR, 135,141, 143-147

Van Buren, Martin, 22
Vietnam War, 8, 47, 143
Voleker, Paul, 56, 61, 65
Volkman, Ernest, 144

Wanniski, Jude, 63
War in hidden messages, 128-130
Watt, James, 79,125
Wayne, John, 16, 30, 72-73
Webster, William, 76
Weinberger, Caspar, 72, 103
Wicker, Tom, 142
Wilder, Christopher, 159
Will, George, 7, 93
Wolf Man, 79



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