

Archive is up and running!  

2018-09-23 13:35:34 New thing coming out! most people are thinking this is a game/animation, but this is a dragonball fan comic, titled dragonball IF. Be prepared, every chapter will be hosted here and archived on a new website coming soon. Chaos- 2018-09-23

Our story follows Horiko a descendant of a mad titan, who, while travelling through space, finds a colony of peaceful saiyans who want to come to earth with Horiko, He agrees and leads the group to earth only to find a familiar yet not-so-familiar villain waiting for them.

(forgive the quality, it was made in ms paint. but the series will be much different.)


we have no games yet... Sorry!   chaos9/7/18

  http://www.geocities.ws/kickbackgamesanimation/ home page