Islam: The Great Religion of Peace

An explanation:  In many of the images in this web site, you will notice that Mohammad's face is obscured.  That is, the details are not there.  Most likely, the Turkish artists out of veneration did not draw the details on Prophet's face.  However, the Persian artists, who are mostly Shiite, did draw Muhammad's eyes, nose, eyebrows, etc.

Through Muslim artists' eye, let us learn the myths associated with Muhammad's birth.

The following images of Muhammad was drawn by 16th century Turkish artists (ref: "Early Islam" by Desmond Stewart. 1967.  Time-Life Books.  From the series Great Ages of Man).

Myth One: The African Elephants knew who Mohammad was even before his birth!

Myth Two: The approaching cavalrymen were decimated by birds because Mecca needs to be protected!

Myth Three:  Angels contacted Amina, Muhammad's mother, telling her to name the Baby boy Muhammad

Myth Four: When Muhammad was born, the Angels provided shadow to Amina and the Baby by covering the sun

Myth Five: Baby Muhammad performing Odhu or ablution assisted by angels

Mohammed becoming the Prophet

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