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Beijing, 10 April 1967

[Other issues not relate to Cambodia]

Zhou Enlai: There is another front, namely
Cambodia. Cambodia is as attached to France as Laos and South Vietnam are to the US. France is determined not to abandon Cambodia. Sometimes Sihanouk curses us out of his anger, which is understandable. We have to win his sympathy, but at the same time, we have to understand his nature. The connections are like this: because France will not abandon Cambodia, the latter will not abandon us either. If Cambodia does so, it will be at odds with the coalition government in South Vietnam in which the pro-French faction will be invited to take part. And if Cambodia worsens its relations with China, the French influence in the Far East will be further reduced, thus weakening the French leverage in relations with the US. The possibility for the US to open another front in Cambodia is not great. So exerting pressure on Cambodia can make it agreeable to our policies. Recently, the Australian prime minister [Harold Holt] visited Cambodia. He asked Sihanouk whether Cambodia helped the NLF. Sihanouk did not totally deny [this], saying that he helped a little in matters of transportation. I have known Sihanouk for more than 10 years and see that he is wiser than Sukarno.1 Perhaps Sukarno was afraid of the people's movement, but Sihanouk is not that afraid.
The possibility of winning Sihanouk's sympathy is quite good. At the same time, however, we have to consider the possibility of a blockade. Therefore, we think that transportation of materiel during this rainy season will not be only for this year, but should cover next year's needs. We should always exploit the chances when they are available.
Vo Nguyen Giap: At present, the US wants to use the pro-US faction in
Cambodia to conduct sabotage and coup d'etats. Do you have any opinion on that matter?
Zhou Enlai: We should not rule out the possibility of a coup d'etat. Sihanouk is similar to Sukarno to the extent that he is mastering all contradictions in order to hold power. Yet, he is unlike Ne Win2 who controls the armed forces. Ne Win is, at the same time, increasingly critical of many factions in Burma, and therefore becomes more and more unpopular. I have talked with him several times on the strategy to govern, advising him to limit his number of opponents. What I know of him through U Thant3 is that he is receptive to the Americans, but also to the British and French, to a lesser extent. He maintains relations with China and the Soviet Union as well.
Pham Van Dong: What about the state of civil war in Burma?
Zhou Enlai: The revolutionary movement over there is not developing fast and there have been some changes in the policy of the Party. Conditions and situations there have been good, but I do not know why revolution did not develop.
Pham Van Dong: What do you think about Lon Nol? 4
Zhou Enlai: He is not trustworthy.
Pham Van Dong: He used beautiful words to talk about China with us.
Zhou Enlai: He did the same with us. He also said that he had Chinese blood. Phoumi Nousavan5 is also said to have Chinese blood. But their blood is feudal, capitalistic.
Chen Yi: Lon Nol is pro-American. Sihanouk also knows about this.
Zhou Enlai: Lon Nol once visited China and he made some impression. If we spend money on him, he can be exploited for some time. Sihanouk's mother is also doing politics, the way some Chinese empresses did. The mother and the son are at odds with each other. But they are also exploiting each other. Sihanouk's disadvantage is that he, unlike Ne Win, does not control the armed forces.

[Other issues not relate to Cambodia]

1. Sukarno (1901-70), president of the Republic of Indonesia 1945-67. Lost power to General Suharto during a military coup in October 1965.
2. Ne Win (1911- ), Burmese general, head of state in Burma (now Myanmar) 1962-81.
3. U Thant (1909-74), Secretary General of the UN 1962-71.
4. Lon Nol (1913-1985), Cambodian Army General, Prime Minister from 1966 to April 1967. Returned to the government in April 1968, first as defence minister and then as acting premier. Appointed prime minister in August 1969. Seized power in a coup on 18 March 1970, while Sihanouk was abroad. Lon Nol was President of the Khmer Republic 1972-75.
5. Laotian general, right-wing strong-man in the government, 1960-1965.


Source: Cold War International History Project
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars



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