Welcome to our Website!

Khedive Court #46, D.O.I. Illustrious Commandress: Dt Doris Robinson

Greetings and Welcome:
On behalf of the Divan and Daughters of this court, We cordially welcome you to our website! We hope that the site will be informational and informative.If you should have any questions, or comments feel free to either e-mail us or sign our Guestbook.
Thanks for visting our website!!!


The opinions and pages of this site do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, or policies of the Imperial Court Daughters of Isis, the Imperial Commandress, Imperial Divan officers, or Constituent Court members.�

� 2007 Khedive Court #46, All Rights Reserved. This site has been created and is Managed by Noble Renaldo Kelly, #16 & Dt. Griena Knight, #46. Any questions, comments, photos or suggestions please contact the Webmaster
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