Title: All In Love Is Fair

Author: Braz T

Rating: R

Keywords: angst, romance

Disclaimer: ok! Well the only thing in this story I don't own is the s club and a lot of songs will be taken from other artists because I like them. Everything else is my own material from my own head!

Spoilers: For story writing purposes I have added another member to the band S Club 7. In this fanfic I will refer to the band as S Club. One of S Club will come out as a bad guy in this story and looking around on the net, it is probably a one of the more popular members. I have added the enrolment of the 8th Member before I begin the actual fanfic. The timeline will be changed to suit the story at certain times. I am thinking about raising the rating on this fic because the original plan and this plan that I have now would both be better if they were a bit more graphic and had use of swear words. Leave what you think on reviews.

::Later in the house::

Seven of the S Club Members, minus Paul sit around the TV eating their evening meal of Spaghetti Carbornara. Paul hasn't left his room since the argument earlier that day and Rachel is still shook up. Bradley and Jon have both been informed of what happened and they are all taking to Rachel about it.

Jon: I don't believe he would do that! It's not like Paul!

Bradley: I don't believe it either but he did, ask me he doesn't deserve Rachel.

Johnny: That's Rachel's decision to make and not ours.

Rachel: Can you stop talking like I'm not here?

Johnny, Bradley and Jon: Sorry Rach!

Rachel: It's all right but could we stop talking about what Paul did today.

Hannah: Course we can!

Tina: So how long have you been pregnant?

Rachel: I think it's been about two weeks.

Jo: Well you should see a doctor or something.

Rachel: Appointments tomorrow!

Hannah: So how did it happen?

They all turned to Hannah suspiciously.

Bradley: I thought Johnny was showing you what happens!

Rachel: I know he has, I heard them this morning.

Hannah: No! I don't mean it like that. I mean where? When? What position?

Tina: Isn't that a bit personal?

Hannah: Not between friends surely! If ya want I'll tell you where and what positions Johnny and me have done?

Jo: What if Rachel doesn't want to say?

Jon: Yeah, and we are eating!

Hannah: Don't give me that, I've seen you eating off of Stacey so I'm pretty sure you can stomach it.

The rest of the gang laugh at Jon slightly as he goes red.

Jon: Like you lot have never done it.

They all fall silent!

Hannah: Anyway, back to Rachel!

Tina: Leave the poor girl alone!

Rachel: It's all right. Well you remember when we had to drive to the Smash Hits Photo shoot.

The rest nod their heads.

Rachel: Well you know we stopped at that petrol station?

Jo: You did it there?

Rachel: Yes, behind the petrol station against the wall.

Little giggles of laughter echo through the house.

Hannah: But there were cows behind the petrol station, sheep's as well. You had a crowd!

Rachel: You could say that?

Jo: I'm trying to imagine it, with the cows mooing and everything.

Tina: Not the most romantic way to conceive.

Hannah: Was it good?

Jon: What's with all the questions?

Hannah: Just want to know!

Rachel: Yes Han, it was good.

Hannah: Passionate?

Rachel: Yes!

Jo: So that was why you had marks on your back?

Rachel: Yes it was.

Hannah: So was it something like this?

Hannah jumped up to her feet and ran up to the wall, pushing her back too it. She starts rubbing up against the wall and moaning at the same time.

Rachel: Hannah, you look like a freak! Hannah: So it was freaky sex then Rach?

Rachel: Well you look a freak because you're up against the wall moaning with no one doing anything to you.

Hannah: All right then! Johnny, get up here.

Johnny: Whoah, I'm close to these lot but I don't want to do it with you while they are watching!

Hannah: I don't want to really do it, save that for later.

Johnny: Fine then!

Johnny gets up and joins Hannah, lifting her up against the wall as the simulate sex.

Jo: I think Hannah's getting into it a bit too much.

Tina: She's allowed, she's got the sexiest man in Britain pinning her against the wall.

Rachel: But she's had the sexiest man in Britain doing a lot more than that before, you'd think she'd get used to it.

Hannah: Not when he improves in that department everyday.

The two stop making fun of Rachel and sit back down again.

Johnny: I think your exaggerating Han.

Suddenly everyone hears the footsteps walking down the stairs. Silence falls over the room as Paul walks in and gets his plate and sits down near the rest of the gang.

Paul: Errrr, this is good whoever cooked it!

Johnny: Sure I didn't poison yours or something?

Paul: You cooked it?

Johnny: I'm surprised you like it, considering nothing that I do is good enough for ya.

Paul: Look, I'm sorry about everything. I really am! I didn't mean to hurt Jo or say the things I said. It's just the news shocked me.

Bradley: That doesn't excuse what you did! I'm out of here.

Jon: Wait up Brad!

Bradley and Jon leave and go up to Bradley's room leaving the rest downstairs.

Paul: Tina, Han! Could you leave the rest of us, I need to talk to them.

Tina nodded and left immediately while Hannah looked at Johnny who just nodded his head. Hannah left following Tina.

Paul: I think you are the guys I need to apologise to most. I just lost it again. I said some really stupid things and pushing you Jo was not acceptable and I know that. I don't know how I can make it up to you guys?

The three others looked at each other, not sure of what to say or do. Rachel was the first to react.

Rachel: You know Paul! I'm not sure that is good enough, I've put up with enough from you because I thought it would stop. As far as I'm concerned you're just someone I work with now and nothing more than that. When we aren't working I don't want to see your face, understand?

Paul: Rach, you don't mean that!

Rachel: Yes, I do.

Rachel storms out, a few tears falling down her cheeks. They all watch her go!

Paul: Jo.....

Before Paul can say anything to Jo she gets up out of her chair and follows Rachel, leaving Paul alone with Johnny.

Paul: Are you going to walk out as well?

Johnny: Nope! I want to hear what you have to say?

Paul: Okay. Well I'm sorry for all the things I've said and accused you off. It's just you've managed to become close friends with Rachel again after everything that happened and I suppose I mistook that for something else. I'm also thankful for you stopping me from doing whatever I was about to do to Rachel and my child. I just don't know what to do now to fix's things.

Johnny: First I think you need to leave everyone for today. No one wants to hear what you have to say today but they might listen tomorrow. Just explain to them and tell them the truth. Everyone deserves a second chance?

Paul: Why did you listen to me, you've already given me a second chance.

Johnny: Believe it or not, I think your and Rachel are right for each other if you could just calm down. Rachel's my friend and when you're the kind, funny and romantic Paul with her she is as happy as I've ever seen her.

Paul: Thanks Johnny!

Johnny: It's nothing Paul, and anyway I'm not the person you need to patch things up with most. Lets just hope things will turn out for the best when this blows over.

Chapter 4>>>

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