hTitle: All In Love Is Fair

Author: Braz T

Rating: R

Keywords: angst, romance

Disclaimer: ok! Well the only thing in this story I don't own is the s club and a lot of songs will be taken from other artists because I like them. Everything else is my own material from my own head!

Spoilers: For story writing purposes I have added another member to the band S Club 7. In this fanfic I will refer to the band as S Club. One of S Club will come out as a bad guy in this story and looking around on the net, it is probably a one of the more popular members. I have added the enrolment of the 8th Member before I begin the actual fanfic. The timeline will be changed to suit the story at certain times. I am thinking about raising the rating on this fic because the original plan and this plan that I have now would both be better if they were a bit more graphic and had use of swear words. Leave what you think on reviews all though I don't seem to be getting as many now as I used to.

::Press Conference::

Silence was only broken by whispers between the other reporters, as they all were clearly excited, already thinking up headlines for the front pages tomorrow.

Daily Star: I see you are all speechless, could it be that perhaps I have uncovered more than I thought.

Most of the S Club still looks surprised and shocked that either they have been found out, however one man keeps his cool, as if he had prepared for this.

Johnny: It's very interesting that you have found out so much about us. Can I ask you a question?

Daily Star: Trying to avoid my question are we?

Johnny: Actually no I am not because there is no need to avoid the question. Is there anything wrong with me dating Tina before I dated Hannah? Is there anything wrong with Hannah dating me after dating Paul? Of course there isn't anything wrong with that?

Daily Star: Well no their isn't but why would you hide it from us?

Johnny: Maybe because we weren't ready for the hassle of being in the public eye as a couple when we were with out first partners and didn't want the constant shadow of our former relationships in our new ones. You would have kept asking me if Hannah was as good as Tina at this and that. Stuff like that so we decided to keep it from you guys. Personally I don't think it makes for that good a headline though really!

A few of the other reporters nodded or sighed in agreement and started packing up their stuff.

Daily Star: You know, I have a feeling there is more to this than your telling me, I'll get to the bottom of this, don't you worry about that.

As all the press leave, the gang also leave, heading for their cars to head back home.

::S Club House::

The house is empty as everyone is coming back from the press conference. The door can be heard being unlocked as it opens and Paul and Rachel walk in. They arrived before everyone else as they headed straight back while the others talked to the representative at the conference. Paul is seemingly very angry!

Paul: I don't believe they found out about all this! How the hell could they find out!

Rachel: I don't know, but it's all right. We got away with it!

Paul turned to Rachel, an angry look plastered over his face.

Paul: That reporter will be back, just wait and see. This isn't over just because Johnny sweet-talked us out of it.

Paul's face suddenly changed from anger to realization!

Paul: That's it! I know how the press got the information on us!

Rachel: How then?

Paul: It's that bloody bastard Johnny! He's trying to get it so the press find everything out.

Rachel's immediate reaction was shock; Rachel didn't believe that Johnny would go against his word.

Rachel: I don't think it is him Paul. He is the one that got us out of the mess in the first place. He wouldn't do that!

Paul: He's got you wrapped around your little finger like the bitch you are!

Rachel was hit by another wave of shock! Did he just call her a bitch!

Paul: And wipe that shocked look of your face, you know full well he has you around his finger. You're falling for him like a fool! He says dye your hair blonde and what do you do? You dye your hair blonde!

Rachel: Paul, calm down. You're wrong and if you call me anything like that again we are other.

Paul: You'd like that wouldn't you, so you could start falling on your knees for Mr. Perfect.

Suddenly the rest of S Club walked through the open door, hearing the shouting!

Tina: What's wrong?

Paul: I'll tell you what's fucking wrong. Johnny was the one who told the press about our relationships before these ones!

Jo: Don't be stupid Paul! He got us out of that anyway!

Paul: Yeah, so he could be the good guy. Good old Johnny to the rescue!

Johnny: Look Paul, calm down all right. No one has found out anything too much and I promise that I haven't told anyone anything okay. So just chill!

It looked like Paul was just about to calm down before grabbing Johnny by his shirt and pushing him up against a wall violently.

Paul: Stop the fucking act Johnny! I know you what your trying, telling the press and getting ride of me and I'm not going to let you do it.

Johnny: Your paranoid, I haven't done anything!

Paul: I am not going to fall for your shit!

Rachel: Let him go Paul!

Hannah: Do something you two!

She said this looking at Bradley and Jon as the rushed over and pulled Paul away from Johnny, as Paul struggled to free himself from Bradley and Jon's grip.

Hannah: Are you all right Johnny?

Johnny: Yeah, I'm fine!

Paul: I can't believe you guys think he is such a good guy. Forget all of you!

Paul stormed up stairs to his room, leaving a rather shocked group behind.

Bradley: What the hell was all that about?

Rachel: Paul thinks Johnny is trying to make him out to be a bad guy!

Stacey: How could Johnny make Paul out to be a bad guy?

Tina: Yeah, apart from the cannabis thing Paul hasn't done anything wrong.

Rachel: Actually he has!

Rachel begun to tell all of them the story of a couple of years before! Meanwhile Johnny and Hannah talked with each other away from everyone else.

Hannah: Why in the blue hell did he think you told the press?

Johnny: Hey, he isn't in an easy situation. He's right about if it gets out he becomes the bad guy. I think we need to cut him some slack.

Hannah: I can't believe your sticking up for him after he was virtually going to beat you up for something you didn't do.

Johnny: Look, Paul did something wrong but everyone does something wrong. Personally if I did something wrong like Paul had I would always feel like they want to get revenge. If I showed any anger towards him he is just going to be surer I'm out to get him.

Hannah: You know, I think your too understanding. So who do you think told them about all of that?

Johnny: Well no one really know's outside of S Club apart from Simon, Mandi and Stacey. Stacey has been busy and around us all the time and so has Mandi so I'm stuck.

Hannah: Ah well, it's not like we are really in trouble. So really we have nothing to worry about.

Johnny: Paul doesn't feel that way.

By now Rachel had told the whole gang about what happened almost two years ago. They're general reaction was a shocked and surprised one.

Jo: Whoa, how did you keep this all quiet for so long?

Rachel: We thought it would be best for the group.

Bradley: I don't believe you could do that to Hannah, Rach!

Rachel: I didn't mean to hurt anyone!

Bradley: It was a bit late to feel like that after sleeping with Paul.

Rachel: I know, and I'm really sorry.

Bradley: Well personally I don't know why Johnny or Hannah covered for you.

Tina: I did wonder how Johnny got with Hannah so quickly and Paul with Rach.

Jon: Well to be honest I knew about all of this.

S Club: What!?

Stacey: So did I!

Johnny: How?

Jon: Well we didn't know the exact details but we knew you weren't happy with Tina and I could tell Paul fancied Rachel so we put two and two together.

Johnny: Clever sod!

Jon: Why thank you!

Rachel: Look, I think I should go and talk to Paul! Johnny, I'm sorry about what happened!

Johnny: No problem Rach.

Rachel smiled before going up the stairs to go see if Paul was all right. She listened through the door and heard nothing so knocked.

Rachel: Paul, can I come in!

Paul: Sure!

Rachel stepped into their room and looked at the very vulnerable looking Paul, with his head in his hands.

Rachel: Are you okay?

Paul: I should be asking if you or Johnny is okay instead. I can't believe I said those things about you and I can't believe I acted like I did.

Rachel: Well you have to realize Paul, you got to try and contain yourself. You keep talking to me like that and I will have to leave. I want a relationship where we trust each other and never even think about hurting the other.

Paul: That's what I want, and I didn't mean to say any of that stuff. It's just like I saw everything slipping away, all my work to get here. I'm really sorry and I realize I haven't been the best boyfriend but I plan to make up for it.

Rachel: Well that's good, but how do you plan on doing that?

Paul: Well for one, giving you what you have wanted!

Paul gets up and walks over to the door, looking it and smiling at Rach.

Rachel: About time!

She cheekily smiled at him as they kissed and fell back onto their bed.

Chapter 4>>>

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