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John F. Seiberling, 8-term Akron congressman, dies - Cleveland Metro News – The Latest Breaking News, Photos capability study short term and Stories from The Plain Dealer   • Complete Forecast | Homepage | Site Index | RSS Feeds | About appeal review legal term Us | Contact Us | origin of term sea-bee Advertise SEARCH: HOME NEWS LOCAL SPORTS BUSINESS FORUMS LIVING & TRAVEL ENTERTAINMENT CLASSIFIEDS SITE INDEX About The Author Latest Posts Budd Wentz and the 'great big whump': A World at War Cuyahoga County GOP party boss calls for Dimora, Russo to resign Jimmy Dimora and Frank Russo, Cuyahoga County's enduring political partnership John F. Seiberling, 8-term Akron congressman, dies RTA to host hearings on rate hike and route changes Categories Animals (RSS) Breaking News (RSS) Browns (RSS) Business Impact (RSS) Casinos (RSS) Columns (RSS) Crime (RSS) Cuyahoga County government (RSS) Dew Tour (RSS) Editor's Picks (RSS) Education full term stillbirths (RSS) Election (RSS) Election results (RSS) Environment (RSS) FBI raids Cuyahoga County (RSS) Fire (RSS) Floods (RSS) Fugitive of the week (RSS) FYI (RSS) Health (RSS) Jessie Davis (RSS) Medical (RSS) News Impact (RSS) Obituary blog (RSS) Ohio news roundup (RSS) Open (RSS) Photos (RSS) Podcasts (RSS) Presidential candidates (RSS) Real Estate News Impact (RSS) Recreation (RSS) School short term cd investments shooting (RSS) Top Photos (RSS) Traffic (RSS) Traffic fatality (RSS) Video (RSS) Water Compact (RSS) Weather medication errors in long term care (RSS) Favorite Links Got a news tip or breaking nashville short term rentl news photo? Business News Blog Openers Blog Sign up for breaking news updates from The Plain Dealer Entertainment & Pop Culture Blog Plain long term effects of adderall Dealer Early Edition Lifestyles Blog Archived Posts ----- August 2008 July 2008 June 2008 May 2008 April long term care jobs in ohio 2008 March 2008 February 2008 January 2008 December 2007 November 2007 October 2007 September 2007 August 2007 July free term paper team dynamics 2007 June 2007 May 2007 April 2007 March 2007 February 2007 January 2007 John F. Seiberling, 8-term Akron congressman, dies Posted by term papers phineas priests Mark Naymik August 02, 2008 18:12PM Categories: Breaking News, Obituary blog, Open National Park ServiceJohn F. Seiberling John F. Seiberling, a scion of the Goodyear Tire family and an eight-term term made in japan Akron Congressman who helped write laws protecting and expanding national parks, died Saturday. Seiberling was 89. He died long term care insurance of respiratory failure at his Copley home on Saturday after a long llareta medical term illness, his wife, Elizabeth, told the Associated fuul term pregnancy Press. In his 16 years in Congress, Seiberling helped draft more than 60 parks-related bills, including one that established Ohio's first national park, the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, which sits between Akron and Cleveland. In 2001, President Clinton awarded Seiberling the Presidential Citizens Medal. Clinton called him an "environmental hero" for crafting the Alaska Lands Act of 1980, which doubled the size of the U.S. national parks and wildlife refuges nationwide. It also tripled the area of federally designated wilderness. Seiberling helped create the Historic Preservation Fund, which gives millions of dollars in preservation grants each year to states and communities. "Few people have had a more profound impact on the effort to enrich the future by saving the best of the past than John Seiberling," seven year term loan Richard Moe, president of the National canto poetry term Trust for Historic Preservation, said in 2002. That year, Seiberling received the Historic Trust's top honor, the Louise du Pont children and short term memory problems Crowninshield Award. Seiberling was born Sept. 8, 1918, in Stan Hywet Hall, the family's famous 65-room mansion in Akron. He attended Staunton Military Academy and graduated from Harvard University in 1941. He enlisted in the Army and helped plan motor transport for World War II's D-Day invasion. He won a Legion of Merit and the Bronze Star. Using long term digital photo storage the GI bill, he earned a law degree from Columbia University. Then he went to spinal fusion long term results work at Goodyear. He married Elizabeth Behr in 1949. Frustrated by the government's policy toward Vietnam, among other things, Seiberling ran for Congress in 1969, becoming a freshman congressman at age 51. Despite the family's Republican lineage, Seiberling was among the most liberal Democrats in Congress. He protested the Vietnam War in the 1970s and participated in hearings about claims of war crimes in Vietnam. He let Vietnam veterans protesting the war sleep losing weight long term in his office. He remained a dovish advocate of

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disarmament and helped author the War Powers Act, requiring the president long term effects of civil war to notify Congress when the United States resorts to the use of military force without cellar term for airplane a declaration of war. Despite his

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blue blood background, he remained medical term for cutting sperm tubes close to the Middle America constituents he represented. He rode a bike from his Washington Townhouse to his office. And he was as likely to quote Carole King or W.C. Fields as Oliver Wendell Holmes. In 1986, the year he announced his retirement, he told the Plain Dealer that he believed Congress' duty is to "maintain a livable world, free of nuclear disaster, a world that we have not polluted to the point where we can't breathe and where john hancock long term care we preserve some natural beauty

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so single premium term life insurance rates that we can have the solace and the experience of being out in God's world." He was succeeded in Congress by Tom Sawyer of Akron. After leaving Congress, Seiberling practiced law and taught at the University of Akron. He enjoyed nature photography and was an avid outdoorsman. He is survived by his wife Elizabeth and their three sons John B., David P., and Stephen M. Print This Page | Send To A Friend | Permalink (Learn More) Share: Reddit | Digg | advertise short term rentals | Google | Yahoo | What is this? COMMENTS (6)Post a comment Posted by august1942 on 08/02/08 at 8:09PM An unknown author wrote: LIFE is not derogotary term for belgium measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of short term furnished rentals nj moments that take our breath away. Another unknown author wrote: Truly great people are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget. The above sentiments are mine nyse short term trading index as well. I did not know him, but am touched by his service to our country and send my long term prognosis cardiogenic shock condolences to his family and friends. Inappropriate?  Alert us. Post a comment Posted by long term disability and form MaryStrukel on 08/02/08 at 10:19PM I had the distinct privilege of serving as Congressman Seiberling's secretary during short term effects of malaria his stints as an adjunct professor long term survival in the woods at the Law School. And what an honor it was to assist him. He was the most honorable, decent, down-to-earth, ethical london school term dates person with whom I had ever worked. I musical term presto am a Stark County resident but I can say you people in the Summit County area were certainly well-served by this wonderful man. We would be fortunate if ALL of our elected term no joy Congressmen were such good, decent men. Our community has certainly lost a giant! My thoughts long term christian missions are with Betty and his entire family. Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a comment Posted by Ohio2007 on 08/02/08 at 11:23PM RIP Congressman Seiberling Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a comment Posted by Eriekayaker on 08/03/08 at 6:29AM I'm saddened to learn of literary term juxtaposition John Seiberling's passing. This was a man who I suppose could have been a playboy had he chosen but instead served his country and made something of social work research mid term exam himself. Millions of Americans are indebted to him for his environmental work. My heart is a little heavier today, but I take solace in the inspiration he provides and pride in a life well-lived. RIP John Seiberling. Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a comment Posted by other long term liabilities Metro42 on long term forecast playa del carmen 08/03/08 at 12:26PM Although I never meet Mr. Seiberling, he did have a large impact on my life. He has helped provide so much, for so many people. Not only did he serve his constituents in long term use of naproxen Akron, but the whole country. The bills he helped pass, and long term use of rogaine the attention he gave to preservation of parks, is unmatched. For those who have not seen the valley he protected, start off at his short term rental minetta lane memorial. Its in Summit Metro Parks Riding Run Conservation Area, on Everett Road in Boston long term lones Township, short term physiological adaptations to exercise near the Covered Bridge. There are several wayside exhibits there, telling the story of how he protected the valley. Take a moment to enjoy the peace and tranquility. To his family and close friends, our heartfelt sympathy. M Philliips Ranger, Summit Metro Parks PD Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a comment Posted by renaiscegirl on 08/03/08 at 2:56PM Rep. Seiberling was an honest short term apartments and boston liberal, but president longest term in office his liberal ideas were costly for Americans. The lovely National Park came at long term insurance plan the expense of a federal government-led Eminent Domain taking of private property that had been in the hands of farmers' families for centuries. In all the interviews about how great the park is, it's too bad we don't hear from people whose families' property was basically taken from them term papers on college dining halls at rock-bottom prices. His own home was when to issue long term debt located the term refractons meas on the edge of the park and increased in value after the park's creation. His environmental views and desire to preserve lands

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in Alask from oil drilling are even now imposing huge costs on us as oil prices skyrocket. Rep. Seiberling supported a nuclear freeze, which would only have prolonged the misery and repression of the Communist bloc's long term dissability insurance stranglehold on millions. In fact, he believed the Soviets were honest brokers! It was President Reagan's willingness to conduct an arms race that the Soviets knew they could not win that led to the breaking of that stranglehold -- not the brain dexedrine long term "peace at any price" intentions of Rep. Seiberling and his liberal colleagues. Rep. Seiberling hp win term did not believe in tax cuts term life insurance but rather thought that, somehow, tax increases would "create" prosperity. He supported class warfare in best rate long term parking bwi the U.S. by speaking out against the rich as if their ability

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to create jobs and make money heavy metal term paper in the private long term lets in javea sector were a crime. His own ancestors created jobs in Akron, yet he stood with the unions whose demands -- like those of the autoworkers in Detroit in the present day -- helped ensure that rubber tires for passenger cars would become too expensive to manufacture in Akron as the big rubber definitions of term principal curtailment companies took their architectural term cd and dd manufacturing overseas. He was honest and open about his views, but they were indeed costly to millions. Inappropriate? Alert us. Post a comment Username (Don't Have a Username? Sign up here): Password: Remember Me Welcome back, ! Comments: (you may use HTML tags for style) From Our Advertisers Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement. Please read our Privacy Policy. Community Rules apply to all content general nth term formula for an you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Contact interactivity management. © All Rights Reserved. RSS Feeds | Complete Index 1
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